clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
<shapr> and some of my weekly evening Haskell meetup people want to buy BeagleWires and learn FPGAs now
<shapr> I need to understand what these gpmc pins do in greater detail before I can understand this example.
<shapr> hm, the gpmc is mapping in the ram... not sure what all the other code in this example does
<shapr> so, I'm used to process ownership of memory, how does that work here?
<shapr> is there a set of addresses that all processes can address? the code to poke ram values must be executed as root?
<awygle> probably the latter
<awygle> or in kernel space or whatever
<ZipCPU> shapr: You'll need to use the mmap() linux call to map a set of external addresses into your local address space.
* ZipCPU reads backlog
<ZipCPU> If you've got a working example, then never mind me
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<shapr> hm, this example does not include C source
<ZipCPU> Getting access to a shared memory space from linux was one of those things where I just couldn't decide to blog on it or not
<shapr> well, I wish I had C code that could show me how to do this
<shapr> but I can probably figure it out by reading up on how the gpmc works
<ZipCPU> I can post some c++ code for handling memory mapping in general. It was taken from a SOCFPGA design.
<ZipCPU> GPMC is actually a second hassle on top of the rest.
<ZipCPU> Not only do you need to get access to that address space, you may also need to configure the GPMC bus
* ZipCPU thinks he can remember doing this on an earlier beagle board
<shapr> oh, that's probably what all the other code does
<ZipCPU> That's just configuring the gpmc controller from within Verilog, setting both the data and address widths
<ZipCPU> There's another configuration that may need to take place as well from within C/C++ on the BBB
<shapr> beaglewire docs say the device tree overlay does something to setup SPI and GPMC
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* ZipCPU does his best Jesse Owens impression
<shapr> well, that part claims to already be done :-)
<ZipCPU> Yeah, now that I think about it, someone else did it for me during the boot phase of the processor before.
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<ZipCPU> Here's what I have: 1) open /dev/mem O_RDWR|O_SYNC, 2) run mmap(NULL, number_of_addresses, (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, mem_fd, base_address_of_gpmc_memory_region);
<ZipCPU> The result of the mmap is then a pointer that you can use to read or write that memory space.
<shapr> oh, this example includes two other files, gpmc-sync.v and dp-sync-ram.v
<ZipCPU> Be aware ... one bug in your design could crash the whole BBB--at least that's what happened to me on my Cyclone-V when I didn't ack a bus request.
<shapr> ZipCPU: I'll try that
* shapr shrugs
<shapr> it's right here hanging from an ethernet cable
<shapr> but I appreciate the warning
<shapr> different story if the system were far away
<shapr> I think I'll try to rewrite that in Python, my C/C++ skills are minimal
<shapr> now to find the base address of the gpmc
<ZipCPU> That's easy
<ZipCPU> Look in the spec sheet for the ARM chip on your board. I think TI makes it, right?
<ZipCPU> It's a fixed address that was fixed at tapeout.
<shapr> oh, huh
<shapr> ok, I think this board has a TI AM3358
* shapr reads the datasheet
<shapr> wow, this chip does everything
<shapr> oh, maybe the section "external memory interfaces" ?
<ZipCPU> Sounds like a good place to start
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<shapr> The overview document has 244 pages, but I am redirected to a more detailed document, yikes
<shapr> is this part of the standard FPGA dev workflow?
<shapr> read all the docs of all the parts?
<ZipCPU> 244 does sound a touch light. I might expect something 10x that size.
<ZipCPU> Not quite.
<shapr> the detailed document has 5100 pages
<shapr> is that more what you expected?
<ZipCPU> My standard FPGA dev workflow starts with collecting all the docs.
<ZipCPU> Yeah, 5k is closer to what I expected.
<ZipCPU> However, you might find the 244 page document has the addresses in question.
<ZipCPU> Usually there's a general document describing all processors in the class, and then a more specific document allocating specific memory locations and such.
<shapr> don't see such a thing, but the detail doc has a section on the memory map, that might be what I need
<ZipCPU> Well, take a look ... find out.
<shapr> oh hey, entire section on the GPMC
<shapr> that's what I want!
<ZipCPU> Yes/no
<shapr> hah
<ZipCPU> Look for the waveform diagrams.
<ZipCPU> Hopefully you won't need to configure the bus yourself, so ignore that part of the chapter initially.
<shapr> oh I found a whole bunch of waveform diagrams
<ZipCPU> Scanning big thick technical docs for the relevant information is an FPGA engineering skill. ;)
<shapr> good thing to learn then :-)
<ZipCPU> This is part of the reason why I place pictures into my blog articles--it becomes a whole lot easier to scan them for what you are interested in.
<shapr> true that
<shapr> ok, I can't find an address, but it does look like there's demo C code that does something related:
<ZipCPU> You didn't find the address map?
<shapr> I did not
<shapr> doesn't mean it's not there
<ZipCPU> Could be. I'd rather read it from a more authoritative source first.
<ZipCPU> ... lest that reference some other bridge's address.
<shapr> I figure this is the frustrating part of FPGA dev
<ZipCPU> Nah. This is just the grunt work.
<ZipCPU> The frustrating part is what I call FPGA Hell. That can *really* sap your energy and enthusiasm.
<shapr> ok, I think I'll go back to verilog
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<shapr> wait, I can just tweet jason kridner
<shapr> the guy who made the beaglebone
<shapr> no, I'll ask m_w
<shapr> aw, he just quit irc
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<ZipCPU> Yeah, I'm headed for bead here myself.
<ZipCPU> s/bead/bed
<shapr> I should do that
* ZipCPU considers writing a post about formally verifying an AXI lite interface
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<q3k> ZipCPU: please do :)
<q3k> oh, I have an @ here? how quaint.
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<edmoore> trying to make arachne-pnr on an ubuntu 18.04 box, it's failing to make with
<edmoore> `make: *** No rule to make target '/usr/local/share/icebox/chipdb-384.txt', needed by 'share/arachne-pnr/chipdb-384.bin'. Stop.`
<edmoore> any ideas?
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<daveshah> edmoore: you need to do a `make install` of icestorm first
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<edmoore> daveshah: PICNIC
<edmoore> thanks
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<daveshah> No such thing as a PICNIC, just bad documentation :D
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<edmoore> no it was quite clear on clifford's webpage, i am just not reading it properly
<edmoore> it's pre-coffee here (UK)
<edmoore> i have just engaged the coffee machine at work
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<edmoore> all good now, have homemade blinkies and am learning about gtkwave
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<shapr> edmoore: w00!
<edmoore> morning shapr
<shapr> good morning!
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<maikmerten> mattvenn_, okay, I've assembled the extension board with SRAM. After some de-glitching my SRAM controller (yes, it's possible to screw that up), my memtest program seems to like what it sees.
<maikmerten> I'm clocking at very pedestrian 16 MHz, so my 50 MHz scope can cope
<maikmerten> but signal integrity looks sufficient for more
<maikmerten> (the LEDs work as well, the pmod pins I've tested beforehand - so that should be fine, too)
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<sunxi_fan> hello, i've see Clifford tweet about yosys "state of the nation" and i'm really upset..
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<sunxi_fan> he's doing the most for advancing the FOSS HDL toolchain and he can't find a way for the right reward.. that should not be really only "social"..
<sunxi_fan> on the other other, still on twitter, i have been seeing recently a lot of tweet about the new kid in town for FPGA: GOWIN semiconductor..
<sunxi_fan> it's a china based company with some devel board currently for sale ..
<sunxi_fan> i saw they have a splash supporting a RISC-V core, and i thought that they COULD & SHOULD fund yosys/nextpnr to have a competitive advantage against the current FPGA vendor in western world..
<sunxi_fan> what do you think? we need to find a way to make them aware that providing yet another "half baked" IDE for developing HDL is a NO-GO here where everybody is sick of the current state of affair of close source GUI based toolchain..
<ZipCPU> sunxi_fan: If only that were the half of it ... ;)
<sunxi_fan> BTW a lot of the "management team" is coming out of Lattice, and the logo too is a cloned lattive one rotated .. so the chip bitstream could show a lot of resemblance of some Lattice parts..
<daveshah> I need to look into that
<sunxi_fan> and the Lattice are currently the only parts someway supported by nextpnr, currently the iCE40 family and hopefully soon the ECP5 one..
<daveshah> The architecture has quite a few similarities to the ecp5
<daveshah> Anlogic parts also have a lot of ecp5 similarities
<daveshah> Clearly a lot of Lattice staff have left for the chinese firms
<daveshah> Didn't realise the logo similarity before though :D
<sorear> siliconblue was taiwan no?
<sunxi_fan> currntly i've seen the goWin Arora board SHOULD be available here
<sorear> if we can convince anlogic and gowin to part with bitstream information and get those added, I think "supports 4 families from 3 vendors!" would be a neat selling point for what we're building
<sunxi_fan> daveshah: eventually if you would like to give a look at the real thing, i would be more then happy to contribute for a purchase! :-) i can send you some on Paypal!
<daveshah> sunxi_fan: thanks, that might be awesome
<daveshah> Right now I'm just waiting for a license for their software
<daveshah> So I can poke about a bit
<sunxi_fan> anyway this time, you need to find a way to monetize the effort, dave!! :-) offer them a teaser eventually, then you need to find a way (through the Trenz connection?) to make them pay for the development..
<daveshah> I know Edmund tried, sadly it didn't really work out with them
<daveshah> But maybe in the future....
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<Eli2> hi, i just read cliffords rant on twitter, is there a way to get a bit of money to the project
<Eli2> also have there maybe been thoughts about switching the licese to AGPL to force at least code sharing ?
<q3k> hm, clifford isn't on this channel right now
<q3k> i don't think yosys and/or nextpnr will be switching towards AGPL or even GPL anytime soon
<Eli2> ok, well this is the start of somthing wonderfull and i would be saddened it it were destroyed by leeches
<shapr> I'd be willing to throw money at yosys / icestorm as well
<edmoore> sam
<edmoore> same*
<edmoore> i'll stop our company paying the eagle subscription, move to kicad and put the money saved towards icestorm
<ZipCPU> How about crowd-funding? Should we start a crowd-funding campaign to support nextpnr? Would that be appropriate?
<q3k> ZipCPU: yeah, i was thinking about a patreon-style service
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<sorear> do we have a specific person who wants to be in the business of either doing work for hire on openfpga stuff or disbursing funds?
<ZipCPU> sorear: There are several specific individuals who would love to do work for hire on openfpga stuffs. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
<sorear> ZipCPU: one person is going to receive money from the patreon-or-whatever, but we have a many-person project
<q3k> that's why we're not jumping to patreon right away - we'd have to figure out how to separate that from the funds and the time spent on yosys/nextpnr development by symbioticeda, which basically employs most yosys/nextpnr contributors :)
<q3k> i guess the easiest way would be to have an open, separate fund for crowdsourced contributions, and pay contributors directly from that
<q3k> 'the yosys community fund' :)
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