clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<shapr> mithro: has anyone used afl on yosys?
<mithro> shapr: I doubt it?
<shapr> cool, good to know
<q3k> shapr: on my backlog :D
<q3k> shapr: but you'll probably be faster
<shapr> I'll create an issue and see who gets there first
<q3k> good idea.
<shapr> ok, issue created
<q3k> shapr: thanks, performed a braindump on the thread
<shapr> yay!
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<shapr> ZipCPU: you doing a blog post on the AXI problems?
<ZipCPU> shapr: Good question. I'm puzzling over that question myself right now.
<ZipCPU> Not only is their slave broken, but it's horrendously poor performing even when it works.
<ZipCPU> I've thought about releasing the details to blog subscribers only.
<ZipCPU> I've thought about asking Xilinx if they'd like to know about this first
<ZipCPU> I came across the bug when I was running tests on my AXI-lite formal verification IP.
<ZipCPU> I was planning on blogging about that in the upcoming months, Oct-Nov maybe.
<ZipCPU> But given the poor performing (and broken) slave, it might be fun to write about how to get a better working slave.
<ZipCPU> So ... that's at least two posts, but neither in the near-term immediate future.
<shapr> I found it interesting that the CTO of BlueSpec replied to your tweet and asked about problem specifics
<shapr> aw, I asked clifford how I could support yosys, but I don't work at an actual HDL company
<ZipCPU> Sounds like you were asking the wrong person ;)
<ZipCPU> That said, I can entirely understand the response. A thousand twenty dollar bills will not come close to funding the Yosys development team.
<shapr> yeah, best way *I* can support yosys is probably doing afl fuzzing or something else software positive
<ZipCPU> Ok, let me ask, just what is "afl"? I've seen the acronymn a couple times, and have yet to figure it out.
<shapr> it's a fuzzer
<shapr> it's a *really good* fuzzer
* ZipCPU reads the AFL web-page
<shapr> if you instrument your source with afl-clang, afl can scramble inputs in an attempt to exercise every branch of every conditional, things like that
<shapr> it has nifty tricks where it can 'suspend' the executing binary just before a branch, and then restore that with bits flipped in the input to discover what inputs hit which branches
<ZipCPU> What constitutes success/failure? I'm not seeing that on their 30sec elevator speech.
<shapr> best feedback is segfault or other fatal crash
<shapr> then you know you've found something
<shapr> if you have any programs you've written in C or C++ that take input, I suspect afl could find bugs in less than 24 hours.
<ZipCPU> Can it find bugs in non-x86 code?
<ZipCPU> As in, does it work on the source or the object code?
<shapr> pretty sure it only needs clang, don't think it's x86 specific
<shapr> I could be wrong about that
<qu1j0t3> shapr: seen KLEE?
<maikmerten> <-- yay, finally completely assembled - and doing code execution from the SRAM chip
<maikmerten> wow, that's... intense
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<shapr> qu1j0t3: have not, what is it?
<qu1j0t3> shapr: One of the first to take that kind of approach, i think.
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<q3k> @ZipCPU | Can it find bugs in non-x86 code?
<q3k> yes, i've used it to find bugs in aarch64 and arm
<q3k> although some patches are sometimes required
<q3k> (for afl/llvm magic)
<q3k> ZipCPU: there's two ways to run software under AFL: compile it from source with appropriate instrumentation (via the afl-gcc/afl-clang scripts)
<q3k> ZipCPU: or you can run software under qemu user, which also works but is around 10x slower than native instrumentation
<q3k> ZipCPU: for closed source software you're better off with honggfuzz - that does some very clever instrumentation using various magical intel features
<q3k> ZipCPU: like intel pt.
<q3k> ZipCPU: but then, that's intel only :)
<ZipCPU> I was actually wondering about ZipCPU support ;P
<q3k> well, afl requires linux
<q3k> do you have a linux port to zipcpu?
<ZipCPU> Doh!
<ZipCPU> I've got all of the hardware pieces together, but ... haven't dug into what it would take to build it. (There's still some MMU connections to be made ...)
<q3k> anyway, from my experience - it doesn't really matter which platform you run software under to fuzz it
<q3k> security bugs will appear about the same way on all platforms
<q3k> (when we're talking _normal_ platforms like x86_65, armv7, armv8)
<q3k> i fuzzed a few ARM binaries during CTFs by fully decompiling them to C via IDA, cleaning up the resulting pseudocode, and recompiling under intel :)
<gruetzko-> oh, 65bit :D
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<q3k> gruetzkopf: har har :P
<sorear> Does libfuzzer obsolete afl? Why or why not?
<q3k> not sure.
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<shapr> is there an interactive web tool for yosys? something where I could write verilog and see how the code might behave with hardware plugged in?
<daveshah> shapr: yes, there are a few attempts at Yosys in the browser
<daveshah> Not sure if any quite meet that description though
<daveshah> Clifford made some demos at
<shapr> whoa, cool stuff
<shapr> ha, demo03 is a zachtronics game
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