Could anyone knowleable weigh in on how to implement module instantiation in a VHDL frontend? https://gitter.im/ghdl1/Lobby
Title: ghdl1/Lobby - Gitter (at gitter.im)
I think the current approach is to just synthesize the whole hierarchy in ghdl, but I don't think this allows using hardware primitives or mixing vhdl and verilog.
If I load a verilog file that references another, it just puts that in as a cell. Is there any extra work required on the ghdl side to do that, or as soon as a module is in ilang all is good and hierarchy will be handled by yosys?
How is this handled around implementations? In vhdl an entity can have multiple implementations that you can select.
I don't know about implementations
But the problem is parameterisable modules
At the moment read_verilog stores the Verilog AST as well as creating RTLIL
If the hierarchy command encounters an instance of a module with non-default parameters (and a set of parameters not seen before), then it will rerun elaboration with those parameters
If you only want to handle VHDL instantiating Verilog modules or blackbox cells (eg FPGA cell instantiation)
Then elaborating the whole hierarchy in ghdl and leaving unknown modules as blackbox cell instantiations would work
This wouldn't handle the case of a Verilog module instantiating a VHDL module though
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daveshah, ah thanks. Is that how verific does it as well?
ZirconiumX, I can now generate my PWM pcb from VHDL, except it adds a ton of buffer chips. So that's good progress, but it'd be nice if we could tell ABC to not do that.
It's weird that it adds more of them than the same code in verilog
Looking at "show" they are all on the reset lines in this case, but not on the clock. Hmmm indeed
The hacky solution is of course to do what you suggested and just short them when generating the kicad netlist. Or maybe we could make a techmap that is just a wire.