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<ZirconiumX> So, `help memory_bram` talks about `enable X` which is the number of "enable bits". Are these clock enables? Byte enables? Read/Write enables?
<daveshah> Latter two
<daveshah> read/write enables
<daveshah> `enable X` means X read/write enables for a port each enabling a "byte" of width W/X (W being the width of the port)
<daveshah> as an example, a 32-bit port with 8-bit byte enables would have `enable 4 ...`
<ZirconiumX> Right, okay
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<ZirconiumX> If I do something like `input [31:0] A, B;`, how wide is B? 32 or 1?
<ZirconiumX> Given this is Verilog, I figured I'd best ask before deciding
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<rvense> or maybe they get sixteen bits each
<ZirconiumX> God I hope not.
<rvense> the nets "A", "," and "B" are each 10 2/3 bit
<rvense> ... i think the real answer is 32. i've used it like that, at least, in verilog that does what i expect.
<ZipCPU> No, no, no ...
<ZipCPU> input [31:0] A, B; would declare two 32-bit inputs, A and B
<ZipCPU> If you use: `default_nettype none (highly recommended) then this should read: input wire [31:0] A, B;
<ZirconiumX> I'm writing Yosys techmap passes, and mapping primitives is not a very fun process
<ZipCPU> Enjoy ;)
* ZirconiumX cries
<ZirconiumX> Because of the lack of documentation on what I'm trying to do, I'm resorting to essentially compiler-driven development
<ZirconiumX> Except that with error messages such as "WYSIWYG RAM primitive has too many bits", I've kinda hit a brick wall here.
<ZipCPU> Sigh.
<ZipCPU> One of those things I've never tried to do is to write my own techmap passes
<ZirconiumX> I mean, techmap *is* a useful thing.
<ZipCPU> Others here on the channel have. Hopefully they'll be able to pipe up with a word (or two) of encouragement
<ZipCPU> What sort of items are you trying to map?
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<tpb> Title: errors.txt · GitHub (at
<ZirconiumX> Block RAM and LUT RAM
<ZirconiumX> Ironically, Quartus itself doesn't instantiate primitive RAM blocks directly but instead instantiates a megafunction to lower to the correct primitive
<ZipCPU> Cyclone-V?
<ZirconiumX> ZipCPU: ^
<ZirconiumX> Yep
<ZipCPU> Yeah, I've done some work with Quartus tools myself
<ZipCPU> Just not with my Cyclone_V and Yosys (yet)
<ZipCPU> Does Yosys support defparam? I didn't think so ...
<ZirconiumX> You're looking at basically the lone person for Yosys-on-Cyclone-V
<ZirconiumX> write_verilog -defparam
<ZipCPU> Ah, okay
<ZirconiumX> I think Quartus supports new-style parameter definitions #(...) but since synth_intel uses this, I'm following them
<ZipCPU> So ... is yosys doing the techmap only to have Quartus choke? Or is Yosys itself choking on the techmap?
<ZirconiumX> Quartus is the one choking on this
<ZirconiumX> I'm writing a techmap pass to produce this code
<ZipCPU> Is this the "right" code for what you are trying to create?
<ZirconiumX> Except I'm having issues with the Quartus primitives
<ZirconiumX> I have no idea what the "right" code is, because Quartus primitives have no public documentation
<ZipCPU> Why not instantiate the same underlying design in Quartus and see what it does with it?
<ZirconiumX> synth_intel uses an altsyncram megafunction for this, but I have a distaste for the Altera IP library
* ZipCPU shares ZirconiumX's distaste
<ZirconiumX> I helped 'quark with adding Quartus support to nMigen
<ZirconiumX> The IP library is horrendously inconsistent
<ZipCPU> Yosys hasn't done the CV before, tho, right?
<ZipCPU> (CV = Cyclone-V)
<ZirconiumX> It does, kinda, but the previous "maintainer" - dh73 - used a Cyclone IVe, and the two families are fairly different
<ZirconiumX> So I have a custom script flow for Cyclone V, which includes things like LUTRAM and BRAM mapping
<ZirconiumX> synth_intel has no LUTRAM mapping, and I had to disable BRAM mapping for CV because it tries to instantiate a CIV BRAM cell on a CV
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