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<hitomi2500> I've been browsing thru gowin techlib, and it seems that only 8/16/32 bit modes are supported, but not 9/18/36. Is it intentional, or is this just a work in progress? Can i probably add those without touching anything outside the techlib?
<daveshah> I vaguely remember some discussion about that, but not any details unfortunately
<daveshah> You might be able to look at how ECP5 does 9/18/36 modes
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<Lofty> cc pepijndevos
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<whitequark> what was the irc nickname of the person who wanted to redo memory inference?
<whitequark> (I should write down these mappings)
<Lofty> lambda,
<lambda> o/
<whitequark> oh hi
<whitequark> so I brought up your question on the meeting just now
<whitequark> we can indeed get rid of the $mem cell as it currently is
<Lofty> \o/
<lambda> hooray :)
<whitequark> the main problem is techmapping $mem (which is no longer done, but used to be) and simulating via writing an instance of $mem (which isn't strictly necessary and can be handled in write_verilog)
<mwk> also backends that currently handle $mem need to handle the other $mem* cells instead
<whitequark> yeah, I think that would make sense as a first step towards redoing inference?
<mwk> btor, firrtl, smt2, smv
<whitequark> since after that you wouldn't need to care about the constraints placed by having $mem
<mwk> ... alright, in case of smv the "fix" is to change the "FIXME" comment to refer to the new cell types
<whitequark> lol
<mwk> I'd say that it's more important to, y'know, actually design stuff first
<mwk> since the $memwr/$memrd cells we end up with will probably have a few more ports and parameters
<whitequark> I'm somewhat biased because I've had to work around $mem/$mem* one too many times
<mwk> also there's likely to be a $memrdwr cell that does both, I guess
<Lofty> mwk just ninja'd me
<whitequark> yep, for SPRAM
<mwk> or TDP
<Lofty> Or TDP, right?
<Lofty> Fuck
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<whitequark> az0re: I discussed hypergraph partitioning on the meeting
<whitequark> the consensus was that we should integrate daveshah's code in-tree whenever it's ready, and until that relying on an external tool is ok, since the primary user is formal verification, and it'll be a while until any synthesis or simulation flows will start partitioning anyway
<az0re> okie dokie
<az0re> sounds good to me
<az0re> thanks
<az0re> I'll put up a draft PR later today
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<ross_s> Does there exista machine-parsable output option for yosys's stat command? Trying to optimize the size of a design and manually working out how many resources are consumed by multiple nexted generated instances is a bit tedious
<ross_s> Or if people know of better ways to try and drill down on where all my slices are going, very open to advice
<whitequark> no, but we can introduce it
<whitequark> something like `stat -json` (sigh, json) or `stat -tsv` (no one knows what tsv is but it's at least easy to explain)
<ross_s> yeah, any format I can then pull into a program for tabulation would be great. Let me take a look at the source and see if this looks like something I'd be able to come up with a first pass at, or if the internals are too complex for someone without much experience with them
<mwk> sounds simple and useful
<tnt> I mean you can read the json design pretty easily.
<ross_s> even with -noflatten the output json seems to lose a lot of design info though
<daveshah> In that case it is just gone though
<ross_s> true. I also searched for a module I already removed, which explains why I didn't find it
<ross_s> I guess I'll start by trying to build something that just parses the synth_ecp5 output json then
<mwk> well, stat also does some useful(ish) tech-dependent things like aggregating LUT counts of different types, taking LC sharing into account, etc
<mwk> (though it's done in kind of dumb ways tbh)
<whitequark> wait, really?
<mwk> at least it dos for xilinx
<whitequark> ... I had no idea
<mwk> ... ugh, yes, only for xilinx (and for cmos)
<whitequark> should it be doing that?
<tnt> I thought stat just counted instances. didn't know there was anything more to it.
<az0re> I am actually just about to introduce a PR to expose `statdata_t` to the Yosys namespace, if that's relevant
<mwk> "stat -tech xilinx" to do the "pack LUTs into slices" stats, or "stat -tech cmos" to do the "so how many transistors is that" stats
<whitequark> both
<mwk> unfortunately xilinx seems to be the only supported fpga family
<mwk> and uhh let's say it's quite dumb
<mwk> could be more useful if we added rules like "so RAMB8BWER counts as half a RAMB16BWER, occupying the same resource"
<whitequark> the three human languages: french, russian and english
<whitequark> the two kinds of logic: cmos and xilinx
<whitequark> (the former is according to ISO, of course)
<whitequark> i feel like instead of `stat -tech xilinx` it would make more sense to have `stat_xilinx` as a separate pass
<whitequark> reusing the rendering logic from the normal `stat
<whitequark> if at all
<whitequark> if we actually do add all the techs it's going to get really unwieldy and gross, like the current techmap
<mwk> what about the current techmap?
<mwk> oh you just mean the pass, with all its features
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> techmap has a zillion special cases for other reasons, but it still does
<whitequark> and unlike stat, techmap is a lot harder ot fix
<whitequark> with stat we can just avoid the problem in first place
<mwk> I mean perhaps if we could make stat eat a "config file" of sorts it could be made generic
<daveshah> I feel think that's just going to end up with a lot of duplication between all the different stat_ passes, once we end up with more
<Lofty> (* stat_area *)
<Lofty> /s
<mwk> like '"$_AND_" counts as 4 "transistors"'
<daveshah> something configurable, or just a per-arch function in stat, seems best
<whitequark> i'm fine with either configurable stat or a clean separation of architectures inside the same pass
<whitequark> as long as it's not going to be techmap#2
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<az0re> mwk: Isn't that the point of the `CellCosts::cmos_gate_cost()` etc.?
<mwk> well that's just for cmos
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<az0re> I'm adding a unit gate cost, too
<az0re> But anyway, isn't that where to add cell costs? Why a separate config file?
<mwk> because you want different metrics on FPGAs
<mwk> eg. it doesn't make sense to have both BRAMs and DSPs somehow converted to a common unit, you just cannot exchange one for the other
<mwk> also because in general it's good to keep stuff in data files and not as c++ code
<whitequark> one advantage of using data files is that you can compile a subset of yosys that way
<mwk> in particular for FPGA techlibs, which there are craploads of, and shouldn't be stuffed in common code
<whitequark> well... theoretically, right now it's a massive pain
<whitequark> i'm going to redo the yosys build system one day to be more friendly to this kinda thing
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<awygle> there's a symbiflow irc channel right?
<daveshah> Yes, #symbiflow
<awygle> mk thought so, thanks
<az0re> OK fair enough :)
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