I'm starting to get confused w/ all the open silicon vendors and projects- MOSIS, a second project like MOSIS I forget, efabless, OnchipUIS, SiFive, and now this project
Someone should do a compare and contrast
great problem to have
If I'm going to sell a kidney to fund this (/s), which project is the best place to give my money?
"a second project like MOSIS I forget" <-- if anyone remembers I'd be appreciative. It's a semiconductor company in Europe that allows batching for 200nm or so
probably one that involves architectures made in the last 30 years
I mean, gotta start somewhere. But I wouldn't trust this product's silicon to be a drop-in-place for, say, your Apple II. Even Visual6502 has had trouble doing that
haha, this guy is an Amiga fan
I never got into Amiga. I collect old IBM clones which makes me a pleb in vintage computer land.
I would love an Acorn Archimedes or another ARMv2 computer tho
* qu1j0t3
gives cr1901_modern the retrocomputing collector handshake.
You didn't know :o?
i probably did on some level.
digshadow has joined ##openfpga
my retrocomputing interests have driven my electronics interest, but now i'm in analog land, who knows when i'll surface
Well, if I want to play w/ ARMv2, the Amber project exists
enriq has joined ##openfpga
cr1901_modern: i just don't remember seeing you in freenode retrocomputing channels, i lurk in #classiccmp
But idk if a C compiler for it does
retargeting lcc would not be a lot of work.
(that's what the magic-1 guy did, but ARMv2 would be easier, since it's far more conventional)
the magic-1 guy is... something else
http://opencores.org/project,amber "For example there is no reset logic, all registers are reset as part of FPGA initialization" :/ Ahh well. Still prob fun to play w/