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<kc8apf> futarisIRCcloud: we talked about that a few days ago
<futarisIRCcloud> kc8apf: Yep. Just saw your chat from ~3 days ago.
<futarisIRCcloud> Have you heisted the docs yet? :P
<kc8apf> nope :(
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<anuejn> .brutalism-block > p {
<anuejn> {
<anuejn> max-width: 500px;
<anuejn> position: absolute;
<anuejn> background: white;
<anuejn> right: 100px;
<anuejn> top: 100px;
<anuejn> display: inline;
<anuejn> padding: 20px;
<anuejn> font-size: 20px;
<anuejn> }
<anuejn> sorry
<anuejn> wrong irc :(:(:(
<sorear> You have my attention
* sensille has seen more entertaining mis-pastes
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<_whitenotifier-3> [whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-3> [whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark b1bbd18 - gateware.alsru: update for newer nMigen.
<_whitenotifier-3> [whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark cec7304 - gateware.alsru: style. NFC.
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<whitequark> brutalism-block
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<gruetzkopf> oh, found an FX1
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