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<whitequark> cr1901_modern: added relocations and prefix encoding: https://imgur.com/a/rLCYPmh
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<mkdir> heddo, fresh blood here
<mkdir> like a lil noob
<mkdir> is all verilog portable across different dev boards
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> you have to spend a lot of effort to make it portable
<mkdir> mm I see
<mkdir> do you have an ice40?
<whitequark> sure
<mkdir> I was wondering if you could answer some simple questions about the verilog source example code: https://pastebin.com/daEiEfHc
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<whitequark> verilog has both blocking and nonblocking assignments, and you have to use them very very carefully if you want your logic to actually work
<whitequark> the general rules are:
<mkdir> is >= a thing?
<fseidel> it
<fseidel> 's greater than or equals
<whitequark> 1) <= is used only in a clocked block, always @(posedge clk), or always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) (it could be negedge too, usually)
<mkdir> well yes, but in verilog. not sure why less than or equals is used as a nonblocking assignment (maybe there is some intuition I am missing)
<whitequark> 2) = is used only in a combinatorial block, always @(*)
<emily> it's an arrow.
<fseidel> annoyingly, <= is also "less than or equals" so the meaning varies with context
<mkdir> thanks whitequark
<whitequark> 3) any combinatorial block that assigns a certain variable *must* assign that variable in each branch, or you'll get latches, and you really dont' want latches
<whitequark> i.e. something like `always @(*) if(foo) a = 1;` is not valid
<emily> fseidel: oh god lol
<emily> why is verilog
<mkdir> ahh I see fseidel
<whitequark> emily: wait until you see SystemVerilog. it has typedef *and* enum.
<whitequark> it's like someone looked at C++ and thought "wow, what a well-designed language"
<fseidel> FWIW, I think always_comb and always_ff were good additions to the language
<whitequark> yes. SV has fixed the absolute worst sins of Verilog.
<fseidel> (and I guess always_latch, but I hardly use that)
<whitequark> and then it added like 10x as much on top
<mkdir> whitequark: what are latches, and is = used for blocking assignments
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<whitequark> mkdir: latches are storage elements like flip-flops (google "D-latch"), and yes
<emily> petition to replace the <= assignment operator with ⇐
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<mkdir> emily: agreed, never thought it that way lol ofcouse <== is used often in mathematics and pseudocode
<fseidel> the main thing to get out of latch VS FF is that the latch is level sensitive (value updates when enable line is active, holds when inactive)
<mkdir> or rather that arrow symbol
<whitequark> mkdir: oh also. you can write a lot of things inside `always @(...)`, but only three ever make sense. @(*), @(posedge clk), and @(posedge rst). (their negedge variants are sometimes useful, too.)
<mkdir> <= just looks like less than or quals
<whitequark> everything else will not synthesize or will synthesize to something you will regret running
<fseidel> FFs are edge sensitive, so they update on the clock edge and hold when not on edge
<fseidel> FPGAs do not handle latches well
<mkdir> whitequark: what does posedge mean
<whitequark> mkdir: that whatever is inside of the block runs on the rising edge of the specified signal
<emily> mkdir: did you know that \ was originally included in ASCII to allow the formation of the \/ and /\ for logical and/or?
<whitequark> emily: thanks I hate it
<emily> and yet C just straight up ignored :this '(
<emily> I don't hate it! it's good syntax
<mkdir> mm I see what is posedge rst?
<fseidel> that's a really neat fact, I'm gonna keep that one for later
<fseidel> rst is the name of a signal, likely a reset
<mkdir> emily: I did not, very interesting
<fseidel> so the block triggers when rst transitions from low to high
<emily> <= isn't too weird for me, because I'm used to Haskell's do notation using <- for assignment
<mkdir> mm I see
<emily> Verilog and Haskell being the intimately-related languages they are
<mkdir> emilly: well now that I think of it like an arrow, it feels more right
<whitequark> but <- is ambiguous with less than minus something :p
<whitequark> I guess at least you can greedily parse the operator
<mkdir> emily*
<whitequark> so it's not context-sensitive
<emily> (actually VHDL and Haskell are a lot more related, in that they both take syntax cues from Ada)
<emily> (or maybe Algol? I forget where -- comment syntax appeared, e.g.)
<whitequark> VHDL is straight up a subset of some old Ada revision, isn't it?
<mkdir> what are the reg types? the look like variable initializations but the types seem to have indexes like arrays
<emily> lol ok algol 68 used ¢ comments ¢
<mkdir> is it defining the parts of the register?
<emily> for your "two cents"
<mkdir> emily: I think it was ada
<fseidel> mkdir: you mean the "posedge rst" line?
<fseidel> oh
<whitequark> mkdir: wire and reg in verilog allow you to define multi-bit wires and registers
<emily> I wonder how Haskell inherited that comment syntax... via Miranda I think, but where did Miranda get Ada inspiration from...? ...but this is super off-topic, sorry >_>
<fseidel> the reg type is the type which can be assigned in a procedural block
<mkdir> fseidel: 11 - 14
<whitequark> the syntax for that is `wire [N:0] foo;` or `reg [N:0] foo;` where N is the width
<whitequark> so a `wire [31:0] foo;` is a bit like `uint32_t;` in C
<fseidel> yeah
<whitequark> `uint32_t foo;` I mean
<fseidel> * wire N-1:0
<whitequark> ^ right
<mkdir> what is reg akin to? uint8?
<fseidel> nothing specific
<fseidel> reg just means you can assign in an always block
<whitequark> both wire and reg define a similar kind of entity
<mkdir> I see what's the difference
<whitequark> in fact, in SystemVerilog instead of wire and reg you only have one keyword, logic
<fseidel> wire can be assigned via the "assign" statement
<fseidel> (this is why we teach SV at CMU, so we can avoid wire/reg confusion)
<mkdir> SystemVerilog really sounds much better lol
<whitequark> it's more that Verilog is an atrociously bad language
<mkdir> so when do you use wire and when do you use reg?
<whitequark> almost completely unsuitable for defining synchronous logic
<mkdir> as a rule of thumb (convention)?
<whitequark> it's not convention
<mkdir> Why didn't people just stick with VHDL, is it too long?
<whitequark> there are arbitrary requirements in the standard
<whitequark> `wire` can be used if you assign that signal using the `assign` statement, and `reg` is used if you assign that signal in an `always` block
<whitequark> note that `reg` does *not* necessarily result in a register (synchronous storage element) in your design!
<whitequark> if you assign a `reg` in an `always @(*)` statement you get purely combinatorial logic
<mkdir> ah but: here https://pastebin.com/daEiEfHc reg is used before always
<mkdir> block
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> you declare it outside of an `always` block
<emily> mkdir: I hear Europeans use VHDL a lot!
<whitequark> and then assign it inside
<fseidel> and if you assign reg in an always @(*) and forget to assign on a path, you get latches, and those are very bad as whitequark mentioned above
<emily> at least the first hardware stuff I was exposed to was VHDL via a british researcher, so it probably depends what bubble you're in
<whitequark> VHDL is still bad, just not as bad as Verilog
<mkdir> emily: and U.S government labs like DoE
<emily> I think SystemVerilog dominates in industry though
<whitequark> and FOSS support for VHDL is nonexistent
<fseidel> Japan likes VHDL too, so my friend tells me
<mkdir> so is SystemVerilog the best?
<whitequark> no. they're all awful.
<emily> BlueSpec or nmigen might be the best :p
<mkdir> lol
<emily> or CLaSH, or...
<fseidel> I wouldn't say best, but it's certainly the most usable from my experience with the 3
* whitequark got fed up with bad HDLs and implemented her own
<fseidel> oh? which HDL?
<mkdir> whitequark and fseidel, thanks I think understand the wire and reg better now
<whitequark> there's a bunch of new HDLs like CLaSH or HardCaml or nMigen that avoid all those pitfalls
<emily> (n)migen
<whitequark> fseidel: I made nMigen
<fseidel> oh, I've been looking at normal migen, I'll have to look at nmigen
<whitequark> it's a ground up redesign of Migen that avoids pretty much all known issues with it
<mkdir> whitequark: you made a language?
<whitequark> sure. i'm a professional language designer
<whitequark> (in the sense that i get paid for doing that)
<fseidel> I need to break out of my V/SV comfort zone at some point :-P
<mkdir> ooh, that's 🔥
<whitequark> it gets boring after fourth or fifth one
<emily> mkdir: you can make a language too
<mkdir> What's the process like to create a language?
<emily> it's a fun activity for the whole family
<mkdir> write a compiler?
<whitequark> that entirely depends on the kind of language you want to make
<emily> come up with guiding principles, derive the necessary abstract components, give them a concrete syntax and semantics, implement them as an eDSL or a standalone compiler or ...
<whitequark> ^
<mkdir> mmm I'd be interested
<emily> nmigen is embedded in python, bluespec is a standalone language that's haskell contorted into the shape of systemverilog or something
<mkdir> to try it as a project
<whitequark> most new HDLs are embedded in some non-hardware language
<mkdir> what is eDSL?
<mkdir> whitequark: are there any performance issues? Like for example how a code runs slower when implemented in a higher level software language
<whitequark> mkdir: "it depends"
<whitequark> the short answer is no
<whitequark> generating logic from Python is not any different than generating logic from Verilog
<mkdir> Oooh even better
<whitequark> the long answer is that many of the new HDLs, including nMigen, choose to provide safer defaults at the cost of slightly larger designs
<whitequark> there are no true FPGA debuggers, so making your design more reliable at a small increase in size is almost always worthwhile
<mkdir> true I could see that
<fseidel> (it's worth noting that on-chip logic analyzers do exist, but aren't nearly as powerful as something like GDB/LLDB/IDA)
<whitequark> (there were some FPGAs that came with real non-intrusive debuggers, like Tabula, but none of them still exist)
<whitequark> yes. you can insert some additional logic to work as a logic analyzer
<whitequark> unfortunately, that logic may well perturb your design into working
<whitequark> it also often makes the design too slow to be usable, or too large to fit into your FPGA...
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<mkdir> do people use verilator to simulate and test before loading onto the dpga
<whitequark> yes.
<fseidel> I had a DRAM controller get its timing completely fucked by SignalTap years ago
<whitequark> you *always* use a simulator first.
<whitequark> (especially if you're just learning)
<whitequark> in fact, don't use verilator.
<whitequark> use iverilog.
<mkdir> oh good to know
<mkdir> kk
<mkdir> is it on mac
<whitequark> both verilator and synthesis tools like yosys take shortcuts with Verilog semantics that match how FPGAs work
<whitequark> these shortcuts will often hide the brokenness in your design caused by Verilog flaws
<mkdir> heck yea, I can get iverilog on mac and it has a GNU license
<whitequark> something like iverilog implements Verilog semantics faithfully and will show those issues in various ways
<mkdir> coo
<whitequark> unfortunately, neither iverilog, nor verilator, nor synthesis tools will help you write code that makes sense when synthesized for an FPGA
<whitequark> you have to know upfront the rules for doing that
<mkdir> sure, makes sense
<mkdir> that's why I'm tryna learn
<fseidel> many of them are clocking related, be VERY careful with what you do with clocks
<whitequark> to be very clear: if your code doesn't follow the rules for synthesizable designs, it's pretty much like undefined behavior: the synthesis tool can and will silently turn it into something completely broken
<whitequark> and if you report it as a bug, it will be rejected
<mkdir> are there good resources? I found some books, but atm I am just trying to learn by implentation
<mkdir> since I've already read some theory and I am familiar with coding
<whitequark> I usually read the synthesizable Verilog spec... not exactly an introductory resource
<fseidel> I TAed a course using "Logic Design and Verification Using SystemVerilog"
<fseidel> and found it to be a pretty good itnro book
<fseidel> but that's SV, not Verilog Classic
<mkdir> cool thanks , I will check out both
<whitequark> Verilog Classic, more like Verilog Obsolete *hides*
<mkdir> fseidel: you at CMU?
<whitequark> (the usual name is Verilog-2005)
<fseidel> I was for 5 years, recently left
<mkdir> lmao whitequark
* fseidel couldn't remember the year, d'oh
<whitequark> (after Verilog-2005 it got folded into SystemVerilog, so strictly speaking Verilog is no more; there will never be another release of it)
<mkdir> oh nice, I'm at Dartmouth atm
<mkdir> yeah I heard that whitequark
<fseidel> perhaps this goes without saying, but if you have an FPGA course over there, it might be worth taking
<mkdir> We might, alot of EE these days seems to be focused on Analog
<mkdir> but there has to be atleast one
<fseidel> wow, complete opposite at CMU, I guess it's different everywhere
<mkdir> yeah CMU is heavy digital / CS / AI, it seems but I've only heard from friends
<mkdir> so I could be wrong
<fseidel> nah, that sounds about right
<fseidel> although CS and AI are their own departments separate from ECE (with ML as a department within the school of CS)
<mkdir> would be better for me tbh, my fpga stuff is directly related to AI
<mkdir> is AI part of the CS school or it's own school
<fseidel> the ML department is within the CS school, if that's what you're getting at
<mkdir> well yeah I guess it sounded like AI and CS were separate but separate departments (not schools)?
<fseidel> there's a CS department within the CS school... it's weird and confusing, and the labeling sucks
<mkdir> Dartmouth only has a single engineering school
<mkdir> I see
<mkdir> yeah CMU is bigger so they may want to split it more
<mkdir> IDK
<fseidel> but all the FPGA stuff is in the ECE department over in the college of engineering, which is where I spent the last 5 years of my life :-P
<mkdir> Ayy, nice. very cool.
<mkdir> I'm actually in the Neuro department (AI) which is a pretty large department compared to other universities
<mkdir> but we collab with the engineering school all the time
<mkdir> thanks for all the help guys
<mkdir> much appreciated
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Excellent, that means I can knock off the simulator mk2 sometime soon :P?
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<whitequark> cr1901_modern: I was thinking about defining the semantics of instructions in the decode tables as well
<whitequark> and reusing those semantics for the simulator *and* formal model
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Whatever works best. As-is, beyond redoing the opcode decoding, the only other thing I had in mind for the simulator was to make the I/O hooks async or something
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: opcode decoding definitely shouldn't be in the simulator
<whitequark> well, you'll see once I push the disassembler
<cr1901_modern> Oh okay I see. I'm implicitly combining the task of "opcode decoding" with the task of "actually implementing the semantics that are deducted from decoding".
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<mithro> Anyone know the a way to find an ARM MCU with 2-4 * I2C controllers?
<emeb_mac> there are many like that. what other features do you want?