ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<whitequark> KitsuWhooa: that doesn't actually work
<whitequark> at all
<KitsuWhooa> the vice thing? Possibly
<whitequark> no, the rosin thing
<KitsuWhooa> oh, really?
<whitequark> yeah
<whitequark> try it if you want
<KitsuWhooa> I probably will at some point, yeah
<whitequark> there's no reason rosin should do anything to epoxy, in principle, and so it doesn't *shrug*
<whitequark> no idea why people claim it should
* KitsuWhooa shrugs
_whitelogger has joined ##yamahasynths
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<cr1901_modern> KitsuWhooa: So Project Tasos is your website?
<KitsuWhooa> Where did you see "Project Tasos"? :p
<cr1901_modern> I saw it here:, then I did the next logical thing and went to
<KitsuWhooa> Oooooh
<KitsuWhooa> It's a joke
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<KitsuWhooa> but yes, that's my website
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<KitsuWhooa> it's a kind of inside-joke based on
<KitsuWhooa> "website", if you can even call it that
bofh_ is now known as mofh
* cr1901_modern remembers when SSRG was a thing
<KitsuWhooa> basically the desktop I'm typing this message on :p
<KitsuWhooa> heh
<KitsuWhooa> if I'm not mistaken, voice hosted the IRC server for SSRG at some point
<cr1901_modern> I have no idea who voice is. I was 12 when SSRG (the Andy Wolan-run one) died lol
<KitsuWhooa> he's the one behind randomsonicnet, which is why I mentioned him :p
<cr1901_modern> By the time Sonic Retro rolled around, I lost interest. Seems less true now, but that was a cesspool of elitists
<KitsuWhooa> I wasn't around for most of it
<KitsuWhooa> mostly because I was a dumb kid back then :p
<KitsuWhooa> well, the late years
<KitsuWhooa> According to the sonic retro wiki, SSRG was created on: Fall 1996. I didn't realise it was that old
<andlabs> voice vanished around the time I started bieng around
<andlabs> so eh
<andlabs> in other news I transcribed the 3-page BASIC program for testing that Sequential MIDI interface
<andlabs> I just need a pedal and a drum machine timing thingy if I want to test the non-MIDI aspects
<andlabs> and now I'm just frustrated that there is no clear standard terminology for these things
<andlabs> is the footswitch thing a quarter-inch jack?
<andlabs> is there a name for it/
<andlabs> is there a name for the protocol?
<andlabs> what about the name of the protocol used for the drum machine timer?
<andlabs> I'm going to bed good night
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<cr1901_modern> >6.46GB free
<cr1901_modern> I suppose I should remove shit so I can attempt to install Ardour...
* ZirconiumX grumbles about Ardour
<cr1901_modern> Well, it's "inferior FOSS product that I stand a chance at helping get better", or "superior non-FOSS product that I don't want to pay for and have little chance of actually improving"
<cr1901_modern> Ardour, like sigrok/pulseview is also sadly difficult to build on Windoze- actually I think it may be even more difficult.
<Sarayan> what's ardour already?
<ZirconiumX> I realise this, and I decided to go with the superior non-FOSS option
<cr1901_modern> Cross platform FOSS-daw
<ZirconiumX> Digital Audio Workstation; aka music production software
<Sarayan> oh yeah, I remember it
<Sarayan> couldn't really make heads or tails of it
<Sarayan> the blender effect I guess
<cr1901_modern> Basically I want to connect my mpk mini to it, and have a Yamaha core play music on the other end
<ZirconiumX> Yeah this is where I'd break out REAPER.
<ZirconiumX> It disappoints me greatly to say this
<Sarayan> reaper?
<ZirconiumX> But the best DAW I've ever used is Logic Pro.
<ZirconiumX> Sarayan: a different non-FOSS DAW.
<ZirconiumX> Linux friendly though.
<cr1901_modern> How do I put this nicely? I don't actually like entering music through a computer. I mainly wanted something that let me screwaround with a keyboard interface while having Yamaha sounds come out the other end.
<cr1901_modern> A DX7 w/ reprogrammable Yamaha core, if you will
<ZirconiumX> And that's fair enough.
<cr1901_modern> Trackers suck for entry, I don't expect to use a DAW beyond for screwing around, I have an old version of Finale I _really_ need to dump, Rosegarden is *nix only, MuseScore isn't great
<cr1901_modern> Honestly, MML entry is the only thing I've had any amount of success with for writing music, but that doesn't play nice w/ DAWs AFAICT
<ZirconiumX> At that point though you might as well just use qjackctl or whatever to hook up midi devices
<ZirconiumX> Assuming you have a midi keyboard anyway.
<cr1901_modern> Pretty sure jack implies Linux only?
<cr1901_modern> And correct, only a MIDI keyboard
<cr1901_modern> I wonder if a passthrough to a Yamaha core VST is possible
<ZirconiumX> Jack also runs on the BSDs I think, but that's probably not what you're asking :P
<ZirconiumX> Audio routing in general sucks.
<cr1901_modern> the other problem is I'll need to have _some_ way to change VST parameters on the fly, to ya know, test patches
<Sarayan> you know you can connect a midi keyboard to mame
<whitequark> what yamaha vst are you using?
<Sarayan> wq, got yesterday's mail?
<whitequark> Sarayan: yep
<Sarayan> good
<Sarayan> so you have the tracking number and everything
<Sarayan> hapefully this time :-)
<whitequark> yep
<Sarayan> I've put 4 cis I had around
<whitequark> four... what?
<Sarayan> ICs sorry
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: None, atm. But there are a few good ones I was looking at in June, incl one based on nukeykt's core.
<cr1901_modern> Sarayan collects cis ppl... not sure that's a valuable commodity
<Xyz_39808> MML :o
<cr1901_modern> Yes Xyz_39808, I hate it and love it for the same reason- terse.
<Sarayan> the votrax, some yamaha I forget which, a cat702 (security chip) I'm curious what's inside (I otherwise reversed it ages ago) and an original 8008
<whitequark> ohh neat
<whitequark> I assume 8008 has long been imaged?
<Sarayan> I actually don't think so
<Sarayan> hence why I added it
<Sarayan> ahhh, it has
<Sarayan> oh well
<Sarayan> enjoy it anyway :-)
<whitequark> want me to do something specific with it?
<Sarayan> nope
<whitequark> alright
<whitequark> ah I see
<whitequark> I could delayer it, maybe
<cr1901_modern> Exhibit B: This is _half_ of the link I was looking for, but my intent was to use a VST built from this
<cr1901_modern> At least this time now it's archived in the logs lmao
* cr1901_modern will look for the other link later- it had a bunch of rec's for MAME Yamaha cores converted to VSTs
<ZirconiumX> I'm presuming you also know of Dexed, cr1901_modern?
<cr1901_modern> I know the name, but I would need a refresher
<ZirconiumX> DX7 VST; FOSS
<cr1901_modern> ahhh yes, that rings a bell
<cr1901_modern> Almost certainly that VST was linked in the actual website I'm looking for
<cr1901_modern> (it's easy enough to find, I just don't feel like going through an sqlite db to find the link lmao)
<Sarayan> ZX: I rememebre plgdavid saying that dexed was wishful thinking at best :-)
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Btw, remember how you were discussing a patch editor a few days ago? Well, the images on this repo give what I _think_ is a sleek GUI for making patches:
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<cr1901_modern> I do hope plgdavid releases his docs in reasonable time so another project is unnecessary.
<ZirconiumX> <-- the difference is noticeable in that Dexed is brighter than the original hardware, but I don't think that's actually a bad thing
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<ZirconiumX> Possibly unpopular opinion: flawed emulation can have its advantages in giving said emulator its own distinct quality
<ZirconiumX> Not to say that emulation *should* be flawed, but that it's not necessarily a bad thing
<cr1901_modern> I don't have a drama-free response to that
<Sarayan> You heretic, etc
<ZirconiumX> That's why it's listed as an unpopular opinion :P
<cr1901_modern> Well even my drama-filled response doesn't really take a side, other than "I would _personally_ prefer to remove as much decay of state due to the elements of time as possible"
<cr1901_modern> I had the opportunity to get a DX7 from a friend for a reasonable price in 2013. They even offerred a discount knowing it was "something I wanted but I couldn't really afford". Neither of our fault, but we fell out of contact, and I've no way to contact them now. I _really_ should've bought it.
<cr1901_modern> WHY didn't I do it?! Was 2612 the only chip that mattered to me back then? :/
<ZirconiumX> Hang on, I'll go buy a DeLorean
<ZirconiumX> :P
<cr1901_modern> By the time you get one of those, I will be able to afford one on Ebay
<cr1901_modern> afford a DX7*
<ZirconiumX> Great, but if I have a DeLorean you'll have both a DX7 *and* extra time
* cr1901_modern segfaults
<cr1901_modern> Anyways, good rant, thanks for all participants for allowing me to do so and give me feedback :). I genuinely feel a bit better this morning!
* cr1901_modern better attempt some actual work today
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: CD theory of operation is on topic, btw lmao. I put it in the topic after it became my pet interest for about a month last year. l_oliviera is the person to ask about CD controllers... whenever he's around.
<whitequark> ehhh
<whitequark> i mean it'd be kinda fun to do glasgow run memory-cd
<whitequark> but it'd require a player that lets me tap the bitstream, so something really old
<whitequark> same problem as the modern floppies
<cr1901_modern> True, and I was more interested in how the laser assembly work (and how it relates to the interface provided by old cd controllers) rather than reading CDs at the time.
<cr1901_modern> CD controller documentation preservation is also pretty bad.
<cr1901_modern> Well, old* controller docs
<cr1901_modern> It's multiple chips divided by purpose- fair enough. But often you'll be lucky if you find 2 of the 3 or so datasheets required to put them all together
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> the one TC showcased had docs for all three chips
<whitequark> and it's freaking old, older than me
<whitequark> in fact i could make an applet for it very easily
<whitequark> except i have nfc where to get a player this old
<cr1901_modern> How old? 80's?
<whitequark> '89 iirc
<cr1901_modern> My commentary is on Sega CD, where ppl are actually interested in simulating the latency of getting CD data into RAM to get certain games to work propely (and 1-4x CD-ROM bandwidth is... shitty lmao).
<cr1901_modern> I'll have to take a look at the vid
<cr1901_modern> This is the video I like to watch, btw
<whitequark> ... you can store MIDI in CD subcode?
<cr1901_modern> That's news to me if you can. Idk much about actual CD layout. Need to fix that.
l_oliveira has joined ##yamahasynths
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Did your video discuss how the "52x" and above CD ROM read speed is an utter lie once you start reading the outer parts of the groove :)? The RPM becomes too great to maintain that level of speed, so a modern CD ROM falls back
<whitequark> nope
<cr1901_modern> well, that's one of your cursed fun facts for the day then :)
<l_oliveira> information on directly controlling CD drive chipsets are like wizardry or black magic
<l_oliveira> lol
<l_oliveira> people who have it usually don't talk about it due to lack of interest or NDAs
<cr1901_modern> Well, the CD chipsets I'm interested in are divided by purpose- one for controlling the lasers, another for error correcting and unscrambling into Redbook, and then yet another which sends data out using something an actual MCU can use
<l_oliveira> I got some talk about CD stuff here before, I am not a specialist but I have some experience on repairing them, I kind of have a good view of the blocks that form a CD drive and we went on talking based on that experience
<cr1901_modern> But that's also probably a bit wrong too, b/c aren't ppl looking for MCU program code for the Sega CD?
<whitequark> i'd be pretty happy if someone just made a board with all the analog parts
<andlabs> can we have an open hardware CD drive controller please
<andlabs> that would be really nice
<andlabs> it's been 40 years
<andlabs> drop the nonsense
<l_oliveira> well, there are several "levels" on that. Talking to the SEGA-CD MCU is a very high level at that
<whitequark> wait really? there's actual interest in this?
<cr1901_modern> you'd be surprised
<l_oliveira> the MCU talks to the DSP and lens control on a completely different protocol than the host system is aware of
<whitequark> hm
<l_oliveira> there are some datasheets from SONY which contain information on DSP registers
<whitequark> so if someone made a board with TDA8808 and TDA8809...
<whitequark> i'd probably get nerdsniped into making some part of the digital control circuit
<whitequark> think you can still get those easily
<l_oliveira> There is some sort of industry standard command set for the CD MCU
<l_oliveira> which is why the SEGA-CD BIOS can get away controlling SONY, JVC and Funai CD drives on the SEGA-CD
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Sure, and at some point a vendor decided to add an MCU into the mix for actually getting data off a CD-ROM. Idk how it fits into the whole scheme of "laser control -> error correction -> Redbook -> something the host processor can actually use"
<cr1901_modern> or whether my phases/pipeline are even accurate
<cr1901_modern> (It's not the host's responsbility to decode Redbook)
<andlabs> I'll be completely honest
<andlabs> I wanted to do lowest-level-possible bit stream dumps of CDs
<andlabs> but I take it that CDs are not a single linear stream
<andlabs> or even a series of linear streams
<andlabs> *parallel linear streams
<cr1901_modern> it's a single groove?
<andlabs> that would mean it's a single linear stream
<whitequark> yep
<andlabs> which is what I want to rip, in a low level and uncorrected way
<andlabs> I was under the impression that CDs had multiple groove streams
<cr1901_modern> you would need a laser for that
<andlabs> if there's a microcontroller I can build myself that allowed me to read that without interpretation that would be the most ideal thing ever
<cr1901_modern> I mean, not difficult to get one... but _making_ a laser :P?
<l_oliveira> andlabs: there are the groove and two lasers used to control the tracking, perhaps that's what gave you that idea?
<whitequark> andlabs: would be easy to hack an old enough drive to do this
<whitequark> where you can cut the traces to tracking control
<andlabs> probably
<andlabs> @ l_oliveira
<l_oliveira> they take the laser beam and split it in three with a special collimation lens
<andlabs> whitequark: sure, I guess? depends on how old
<cr1901_modern> yea, and this is where my knowledge ends :P
<l_oliveira> the middle beam follows the groove and returns the data, the other two are used to make sure the middle one stays focused and centered
<andlabs> I take it you can't do this with modern drives, even with software control on linux?
<andlabs> or with a custom kernel code
<l_oliveira> and the PS1 protection actually process the difference between the two edge beams with a comparator opamp
<cr1901_modern> I very highly doubt it
<cr1901_modern> ^ andlabs
<l_oliveira> the license letters are encoded there, on the difference of the tracking beams
<andlabs> how do OS get the TOC then?
<cr1901_modern> l_oliveira: ... that's simultaneously really beautiful and fucking gross
<l_oliveira> the MCU needs the TOC more than the OS, right? lol
<andlabs> also I have to get a ZoomFloppy for doing the same with C64 disks
<l_oliveira> the host system can query the MCU for the TOC at any time after the disc has been analyzed by the drive
<andlabs> those are just GCR-encoded floppies but there are Complications
<andlabs> apparently the g64 file format was not good enough despite being a raw GCR dump
<cr1901_modern> andlabs: if you're tapping the laser, you'll want an ADC to return you the raw pits and grooves. But you need to actually _find_ the groove. And that requires you to have some feedback system to do it reliably.
<cr1901_modern> unless it's possible to manually move the laser into position w/ fingers and I doubt that
<l_oliveira> the action of reading TOC by the drive is usually automatic, the host system does not need to do anything
<andlabs> thjere's now a nib file format with a source-available thing called nibtools but there's a lot of wonk about that -- apparently the tools were drived from GPL code but the current have no license
<andlabs> and also there is a SVN repo but no link to it on the main website
<andlabs> not good
<l_oliveira> a discman usually the CD MCU also controls the display and read the user keys
<andlabs> cr1901_modern: yes, a motor mechanism would be necessary here
<andlabs> I'm not going to build an entire laser =P
<andlabs> but I don't see how this couldn't be done with off-the-shelf parts
<l_oliveira> it can of course
<andlabs> which reminds me, I bought a bunch of EEPROMs from tfw8b
<l_oliveira> you could for example use a SONY mechanism, servo driver and DSP
<andlabs> so I guess at some point I will be entering the wonderful world of hardware engineering?????????
<l_oliveira> then code your own MCU to have full low level control over the drive hardware
<cr1901_modern> >(11:09:22 AM) l_oliveira: it can of course
<cr1901_modern> It can?
<andlabs> also if I do that it would be totally cool if I could also build a tape drive or vinyl record player
<andlabs> with ZERO wow and flutter
<andlabs> for as-perfect-as-possible archival
<l_oliveira> for example the PC Engine CD unit
<andlabs> lol
<andlabs> I forogt aboutt hat
<andlabs> that one is silly
<l_oliveira> is built with the vanilla SONY chipset from Discman D-50
<cr1901_modern> See, here I'm thinking that it's possible to build discrete versions of the focus control units
<cr1901_modern> they wouldn't be GOOD
<andlabs> PCECD uses raw addresses for all data access
<cr1901_modern> but they could work
<andlabs> it's not even red book audio
<l_oliveira> but it has a custom MCU from NEC instead of SONY's
<l_oliveira> PC Engine CD is so old the discs aren't using ISO9660 format
<l_oliveira> but the physical data encoding is yellowbook actually. that's why you can copy PC Engine games normally with CDRs
<l_oliveira> just read them RAW and it will do fine
<andlabs> wait, when was the PCECD again?
<andlabs> Sega CD was late 1990 and it uses ISO9660
<l_oliveira> 1988
<l_oliveira> 1991 SEGA CD
<l_oliveira> MEGA-CD, SEGA CD was 1992
<andlabs> >same year as the PCE
<andlabs> space is warped and time is bendable
<l_oliveira> PCE is 1987 actually lol
<cr1901_modern> l_oliveira: Before I forget my q completely... if I had access to the correct parts of the laser assembly, how "outside the realm of reality" would it be to make a feedback system for the laser focus from discrete op amps (high quality)?
<l_oliveira> CD came surprisingly fast for it, only one year after release
<cr1901_modern> Based on this tweet I just made
<l_oliveira> @cr1901, early 1982 CD Players were build like that and some even had gas based lasers
<cr1901_modern> This is... VERY good to know...
<andlabs> oh you're right, late 1991 for the MCD
<andlabs> I was thinking Game Gear
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: it shouldn't be that hard
<andlabs> [11:15:19] <l_oliveira>PCE is 1987 actually lol
<andlabs> my comment still stands
<cr1901_modern> I'm just not sure how to interleave the info from the positional feedback into a full control system
<l_oliveira> 1987 = white PCE with only hucards
<cr1901_modern> positions aren't independent
<l_oliveira> 1988 = IFU-30 + CD ROM drive + System card 1.0
<andlabs> if I was alive at my current age in 1987 I would have released my own 68000 computer designed specifically to prevent antipiracy mechanisms and I would have developed a super low cost 16-bit 44100hz DAC that would strongarm CD drive manufacturers to make a low-level CD drive
<andlabs> it would have also used a flat framebuffer with Porter Duff compositions and alphablending
<l_oliveira> Even the PC FX have no protection mechanisms
<l_oliveira> first systems with protection were the PS1 and Saturn
<l_oliveira> the Saturn protection are actually much, much more impressive than the SONY one which was more of a clever trick
<andlabs> not unless you coult the NES and SNES's combined antipiracy/antiunlicensed
<andlabs> and maybe to a lesser extent TI's silly GROM
<l_oliveira> the PS1 got breached so fast it wasn't even funny
<l_oliveira> didn't GROM actually rely on the TMS9918 videochip?
<l_oliveira> sorry for deviating, I find TI stuff fascinating (heh)
<andlabs> though I can't imagine anyone would be interested in pirating the over 80000 educational programs and over 30000 slightly different finance programs for the TI 99/4A
<andlabs> seriously after looking at a library of TI 99/4A releases it's no wonder no one wanted the NIB TI 99/4A I got a fewe weeks ago for ... $20
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<andlabs> probably the last retro computing deal that will ever be that good =P
<l_oliveira> TI99 is such a bizarre computer
<andlabs> the Editor/Assembler cart is fascinating
<andlabs> a text editor
<andlabs> a ***NOTEPAD***
<l_oliveira> having to use the video chip as work ram makes me think about how slow it can be at doing things
<andlabs> nto a word processor
<andlabs> not a silly typewriter simulator
<cr1901_modern> l_oliveira: Do you have any insight into what signals a horizontal positioner should return?
<andlabs> I want to see what it's like to use but it insists you have a preformatted disk
<andlabs> and MAME wasn't cooperating
<andlabs> I am fascinated by how people ACTUALLY used retro computers
<l_oliveira> the TMS9918 is uber slow at giving you back data you save on it's ram due to the raster thing
<andlabs> for serious work
<cr1901_modern> i.e. I handwaved "can we actually see the pits"?
<andlabs> brb
<l_oliveira> oh that's actually just a bunch of voltage comparators
<l_oliveira> the main diodes are laid on a diamond pattern
<l_oliveira> when the focus is ok all four photodiodes receive the same amount of light
<l_oliveira> and the lens stay put
<cr1901_modern> >all four photodiodes receive the same amount of light
<cr1901_modern> How does that help you with vertical positioning?
<cr1901_modern> because a pit WILL take longer to reflect light back
<l_oliveira> if the focus deviates positively it gets morphed into a oval shape
<l_oliveira> if it deviates negatively it gets oval on the opposite pair of photodiodes
<l_oliveira> so, vertically or horizontally
<cr1901_modern> So the oval deviation due to a pit is considered negligible?
<l_oliveira> that is it about the focus. there is also the tracking which uses the extra two photodiodes
<l_oliveira> I think that actually blocks or not the whole light
<l_oliveira> so it affects all four photodiodes at the same time
<cr1901_modern> hmmm
<l_oliveira> that blinking pattern is the actual data
<l_oliveira> encoded with EFM, right?
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<cr1901_modern> I guess my follow-up question is how do the positioning systems ignore the blinking?
<cr1901_modern> EFM?
<l_oliveira> the DSP acts on that later on
<cr1901_modern> (low pass filter?)
<cr1901_modern> ahh hmm
<cr1901_modern> oh right
<cr1901_modern> l_oliveira: Assume analog based system for now, like those early 1982s CD drives.
<cr1901_modern> They would _also_ need to ignore the blinking, correct?
<cr1901_modern> But without a DSP
<l_oliveira> PS2 security wooble is encoded on that datastream instead of being on the tracking
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: you only act on difference between the two photodiodes
<whitequark> so common mode change (data pits) doesn't affect tracking
<cr1901_modern> ... oh, hmmm
<l_oliveira> that has a image which may help you understand the big picture
<l_oliveira> DVD and BD still work on the same principle
<cr1901_modern> Cool, thanks for all your help :)
<l_oliveira> you're welcome
<cr1901_modern> As if this isn't clear by now, but my knowledge of optics kinda bites
<l_oliveira> you certainly know aa lot more than me
<l_oliveira> I just have a lot of general knowledge due to what I do for work
<cr1901_modern> Idk how lasers work lol. I'm still stuck in that "everything is a ray" phase from high school lmao
<l_oliveira> lol
<cr1901_modern> pretty sure that doesn't apply to lasers and focusing
<cr1901_modern> >so common mode change (data pits) doesn't affect tracking
<cr1901_modern> I guess the idea is that on more modern CD controllers, "just let the DSP remove the common mode stuff" is what ppl do instead of using a diff amp
<l_oliveira> what a PC sees on a ATAPI CDROM drive is completely different from what the drive is doing internally
<l_oliveira> the protocol and virtualization makes it seem like a "fancy harddrive" from the point of view of the programmer
<l_oliveira> but at low level it's nothing like that
<l_oliveira> it works more like a tape deck
<cr1901_modern> Of course. I'm just still trying to figure out where the CDROM DSP fits into all this, since TIL it's _possible_ (if not a good idea) to successfully track a groove using the assortment of analog building blocks.
<l_oliveira> if you hit play and not collect the data it is playing the thing goes playing and the data keeps overflowing at the data buffer
<cr1901_modern> better than underflow during a burn :P
<l_oliveira> but the protocol controller hides that completely from the PC by pausing the drive when a sector is collected and not read
<cr1901_modern> TLDR: CDs are cool. Just like floppies. But they're a mess :P.
<l_oliveira> so it becomes as synchronous as magnetic media can be
<l_oliveira> magnetic media have rings not grooves, so you have to kick the servo yourself to move tracks
<l_oliveira> FUNNY ENOUGH
<cr1901_modern> Well on floppies, we use stepper motors and hope for the best
<l_oliveira> the Famicom Disk System works like a CD
<l_oliveira> it has a groove not ringed tracks
* cr1901_modern covers his ears blah blah blah
<cr1901_modern> I don't want to- aaaaargh
<cr1901_modern> I didn't want to hear that
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: wait why do you need DSP for tracking at all
<l_oliveira> it's so they can use DC motors instead of steppers lol
<l_oliveira> so, FDS is like a tape laid on a disc
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: I don't think you do. I'm still currently confused about the time era (late 80s? Early 90s?) where a dedicated DSP was added somewhere in the "laser to data" pipeline.
<cr1901_modern> >(11:15:05 AM) l_oliveira: @cr1901, early 1982 CD Players were build like that and some even had gas based lasers
<l_oliveira> very fast, you don't need to rewind it. the drawback is that you only get like 64KB of data per side
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: can you show me the source for DSP being used for tracking?
<cr1901_modern> And this comment made me think that early 80s CD drives had no DSP at all, but it became "convenient" for tracking by the late 80's.
<l_oliveira> very early players use analog comparators for both focusing and tracking
<cr1901_modern> No, I can't show you a source, because I don't think I understand myself where the DSP fits it :P
<cr1901_modern> So I'm asking q's to clarify. Apologies for not making this clear
<l_oliveira> later ones with powerful MCUs and DSPs can use them to cheap the lens control
<l_oliveira> so it will be software based on later designs
<l_oliveira> and then you have the problems of coils burning when the firmware crashes
<cr1901_modern> byuu is looking for _either_ DSP code or MCU code for the Sega CD controller chip set
<l_oliveira> (Yamaha CDR-100, early Pioneer DVDR writers, the PS2)
<cr1901_modern> I don't remember which
<whitequark> l_oliveira: ouch
<cr1901_modern> But by the early 90's, at least one conversion to the digital domain is used to get from "laser to data"
<cr1901_modern> errr, I said that wrong
<l_oliveira> I can tell you drives from circa 1990 were still using analog feedbacks to control the lens
<cr1901_modern> Good enough info for me :P
<l_oliveira> look the datasheet for SONY CXA1081 and CXA1082 chips
<cr1901_modern> Those are _very_ similar to the Sega CD chipset IIRc
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<l_oliveira> these are the chipset used on the early discman designs
<cr1901_modern> although not identical
<l_oliveira> these ARE the chips used on the SEGA-CD2
<l_oliveira> and on the PC Engine CD
<cr1901_modern> ahhh, interesting
<cr1901_modern> one of those datasheets I could find
<cr1901_modern> the other I have no idea if it's online
<l_oliveira> CXA1081 is the laser/photodiodes control
<l_oliveira> CXA1082 is the lens/motors actuator control
<l_oliveira> they're a married pair lol
<cr1901_modern> And IIRC for Sega CD there are two other chips... one for EFM decoding to Redbook
<l_oliveira> Sanyo
<cr1901_modern> and the other that demuxes Redbook from CDROM
<cr1901_modern> since it's not the Sega CD's responsibility to decode redbook
<l_oliveira> LC8901 or something like that
<cr1901_modern> Something like that?
<l_oliveira> that takes the I2S audio stream and turns into data blocks
<cr1901_modern> Does the Sanyo chip combine the EFM to Redbook and Redbook demux into a single chip?
<l_oliveira> the DSP is a SONY CXD1167 I think
<l_oliveira> DSP deals with EFM
<cr1901_modern> Ahhh
<l_oliveira> outputs I2S PCM
<l_oliveira> I2S PCM is noise when the disc track is CD-ROM, which the Sanyo chip then decodes into CD ROM data
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: I think to answer your q re: a Glasgow decoder, you probably want to Glasgow to take the EFM output and then decode that and decide what you want to do with it
<l_oliveira> EFM is used the same way on redbook discs or yellow book, the thing is like when they added NTSC on top of the M TV system to make sure old sets would still be able to watch NTSC-M video as they would before
<l_oliveira> so the red book part is still there as usual, the new stuff (sanyo chip) is used to deal with yellow book stuff when present
<cr1901_modern> TIL about M TV
<cr1901_modern> l_oliveira: Noted, thanks
<l_oliveira> google this pdf
<l_oliveira> Sega_CD_2_-_Mega_CD_2_-_Service_Manual,_Number_002,_August,_1993
<l_oliveira> open it and look at page 17 of 43
<l_oliveira> electrical schematic for the CD block
<cr1901_modern> I'm... surprised this is publicly available
<l_oliveira> the MCU is NEC uPD75P008GB
<cr1901_modern> Almost certainly a "VLIW DSP", correct :P?
<l_oliveira> I dunno if it existed back then because that DSP is a 1980s chip
<l_oliveira> that is a revision of another DSP which used external RAM chips
<cr1901_modern> (To be perfectly clear, when I've been saying "MCU" and "DSP" for the past hour, I've been making a distinction.)
<cr1901_modern> (As if modern CD ROM controllers require both an MCU and DSP)
<l_oliveira> the previous version required a pair of 6116 SRAM chips to function hence why it has so many pins tied to GND (unused pins)
<cr1901_modern> (If I'm wrong about that, now's the time to clear it up :P)
<l_oliveira> on early designs the DSP only dealt with CIRC (Reed Solomon?) and EFM decoding
<l_oliveira> the MCU deals with things like which track is being played, which second is being played, the host wants to change the track, is the lid closed, etc
<l_oliveira> like a modem
<l_oliveira> a modem has a data pump DSP which only deals with the transmission
<cr1901_modern> > the MCU deals with things like which track is being played, which second is being played, the host wants to change the track, is the lid closed, etc
<cr1901_modern> On Sega CD, I believe is the 68k's responsibility?
<l_oliveira> and a more common CPU which deal with the hayes protocol and flow control/what the host wants
<cr1901_modern> Ahh
<l_oliveira> on US robotics modems the "normal" CPU usually was a I80186 SoC
<l_oliveira> like the Sportster 28800
<l_oliveira> I still happen to own one lol
<cr1901_modern> Modems are another level of hell
<l_oliveira> I never realized that modems are similar to CD players in that aspect until I needed to give you this example
<l_oliveira> lol
<cr1901_modern> It might be fair to say that "laser to data" on CD-ROM is a solved problem whose theory of operation is badly documented in 2019?
<cr1901_modern> unless you know where to look already and what chips to put together
<cr1901_modern> (and even then, it's more involved than floppy disk theory of operation)
<l_oliveira> that's a good way of putting it
<l_oliveira> because the problem doesn't exist practically. It just works and nobody thinks about it
<l_oliveira> only people who deal with the hardware at very low levels (repair/development and now emulation) need to know the details
<cr1901_modern> it will likely become a problem as CDROMs start to decay without their info having been preserved otherwise.
<cr1901_modern> See e.g. Domesday project
<cr1901_modern> And even CDDA... plenty of stuff whose source has been lost
<cr1901_modern> (seeing a master compact disc press copies is... something)
<cr1901_modern> Okay my spoons are gone for now lol, thanks for the help and the convo from everyone involved. Very productive :D.
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<andlabs> I HOPE a ZoomFloppy and nibtools will be sufficient for C64...
<l_oliveira> I am sure what is being learned on Domesday project can be easily applied to CDs and DVDs later on
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<balrog> cr1901_modern: have you been following #domesday86 ?
<balrog> they recently added a cd decoder
<cr1901_modern> balrog: I have not. Interesting to know. Where do they tap the signal to be received? Raw signal after the tracking unit does its job?
<whitequark> niiiice
<cr1901_modern> (I imagine laserdisc has the same problems as CD)
<cr1901_modern> Oh wow, this was recent ._.
<balrog> their hardware is a custom capture board which an fx3 devboard and a de0-nano fpga board plug into
<balrog> that page describes how it's used and how it works
<balrog> all the work is FOSS
<balrog> cr1901_modern: well, laserdisc can have digital EFM data on it
<balrog> so, yeah, same format as CD
<balrog> they already have reconstruction of analog pretty far along
<balrog> including recovery of watchable video from fairly "gone' discs
<cr1901_modern> Sure, I'm just using the shorthand of "laserdisc == analog pit depth matters", and "CD == pit depth needs to be larger than threshold"
<cr1901_modern> Anyways, very curious now
<balrog> one planned/WIP feature is combining multiple rotted dumps
<balrog> ;)
<balrog> (also #domesday86 is their project IRC channel)
<balrog> also there's work under way to extend this to tape
<balrog> VHS is messy though, since you need to capture two analog streams simultaneously for hifi-stereo
<cr1901_modern> also it is a helical drum
<cr1901_modern> which sucks
<cr1901_modern> err, well the signal is stored helically*
<balrog> you'd still be using the VCR's head and relying on its tracking
<balrog> (which means if the control track is messed up, you might have to do more work)
<balrog> the "fun" part is that VHS is common enough that data recovery companies have already done all this R&D, proprietary and behind closed doors
<cr1901_modern> oh, see when I last looked into this in... 2010? the consensus was "we'd never been able to create a VHS read/write head from hobbyist means". Not sure this is still true, but I do consider the helix format to be pretty awful.
<balrog> yeah — the idea would be to leverage an existing read head from a VCR
<cr1901_modern> I've added #domesday86 to my channels, but I'll have to stagger it in and out as needed; ETOOMANY
<balrog> like we leverage existing hardware for the laser / read amp / tracking for laserdisc with the domesday duplicator
<cr1901_modern> And ditto w/ CDs I presume?
<cr1901_modern> I love the no-bullshit power supply on the linked blog
<balrog> yeah (though for now I think they're reading CDs in a tapped LD player)
<balrog> (because later LD players would play audio CDs)
<cr1901_modern> Oh right, LD and CD use the same laser
<cr1901_modern> Anyways, the magic q... how much is it to get one of these. I already know it's beyond my budget right now, but this is good to know
<balrog> do you have an LD player / would you want one // or would you want to hook this up to a CDROM drive?
<cr1901_modern> The latter is more in line with my interests. LD player at this point for me as "nice to have, not essential".
<cr1901_modern> I have no less than 5 sacrificial CD rom drivers
<cr1901_modern> drives* even
<balrog> $79+shipping for a DE0-nano board, $49+shipping for an FX3 board. I'm not sure how much the dd boards were, iirc someone recently did a run but they were blank boards
<balrog> before buying I'd suggest discussing it because the analog filters might have to be different for cdrom
<balrog> (I doubt it)
* cr1901_modern nods
<balrog> part of the reason we're at rev3 is because of the filters :)
<balrog> that said, I'm sure you can ask for captures if what you want to play with is software
<cr1901_modern> I'm not sure _what_ I want to do at this point, tbh :)
<cr1901_modern> More like "play around and get my bearings" if that makes sense. Kinda like a REPL for a programming language (sorry)
<balrog> yeah
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<l_oliveira> Is that the case of the LaserActive? (digital EFM data on a LD)?
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<cr1901_modern> I wonder if I can get to 50 ppl (plus the logger) by the end of the year