ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> I'm gonna need to get my hands on a copy of this eventually
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<ValleyBell> Lord_Nightmare: Well... do you know someone in the UK we could ask?
<Lord_Nightmare> there's philpem, though he's likely busy with his own stuff
<Lord_Nightmare> but worth asking
<ValleyBell> Can you ask him? It might be weird if some random guy asks him for getting a random MIDI synth.
<ValleyBell> andlabs: Yeah, I've seen RCP stuff in Timidity's source. I did search for some sort of reference when writing rcp2mid so I don't have to reverse-engineer everything.
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<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: I boosted at least
<cr1901_modern> Lord_Nightmare: Any chance you could get MAME-adjacent ppl to RT for exposure
<cr1901_modern> cc: Foone, if you're awake
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<cr1901_modern> He will ship it to you or whoever you can get to dump it. Needs an address tho.
<ValleyBell> Great! Thanks a lot!
* ValleyBell pokes SceneCAT
<cr1901_modern> It'll take 3-4 days to arrive. Do you have a hellsite acct?
<cr1901_modern> Might be easier to get you in contact w/ him (although I'll be an intermediate if necessary)
<superctr> you should send it to someone with equipment for dumping the roms
<cr1901_modern> Concerned re: reimbursement
<cr1901_modern> Anyways, we can discuss this later where the module should actually go. The important part is that someone who is willing to help us bought it :).
<kode54> lol hellsite
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<KitsuWhooa> ValleyBell: I'd be willing to dump it, assuming it's nothing too complex
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<superctr> i think one of the roms are surface mount
<KitsuWhooa> any idea what package? :p
<superctr> actually, maybe not. i looked at the SC-55 board, the CM32 is different
<KitsuWhooa> yeah that looks easy enough
<superctr> so on the top left side, positions F3,F4,F5 are mask roms for samples i think. maybe the part numbers can be compared to see if they have already been dumped
<superctr> then there's the EPROM(?) at IC9 with the sticker, that is probably the undumped rom
<superctr> it's for the microcontroller
<KitsuWhooa> doesn't look like an EPROM
<KitsuWhooa> possibly flash
<superctr> hence the question mark
<KitsuWhooa> since it can be updated too
<KitsuWhooa> Although it's a 28 pin DIP
<KitsuWhooa> maybe it's a 27C256
<KitsuWhooa> well, not that one specifically
* KitsuWhooa shrugs
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<SceneCAT> ValleyBell: hmeow! dat CM-32p auction? solved by anotherf ine bypass?
<cr1901_modern> another fine bypass?
<SceneCAT> 'gotta build Bypasses [TM] ' ?
<cr1901_modern> I don't understand what you mean by bypass
<SceneCAT> VB cuoldn't buy the CM32-p so ...a by0pass happed?
<cr1901_modern> ahhh okay
<SceneCAT> *grinnn*
<cr1901_modern> yea, the person who bought it is willing to ship it to whoever can dump it
<SceneCAT> !Coffee CR1901_Modern
<cr1901_modern> I don't drink coffee. Also, there is no bot in here.
<SceneCAT> yeah, i read that just earlier and it made me smile. good going folks! \0/
<SceneCAT> !Tea then
<SceneCAT> oh, bot or not, i type that stuff everywhere on IRC
<cr1901_modern> Tea is better :)
<SceneCAT> hehehe
<ZirconiumX> Coffee sounds nice right now
<SceneCAT> Coffee.mid it iz then
<SceneCAT> oh, i just spotted a TG300 on auction, seller lives in the same city as me....hmmm...oh well, mu128 way better i guess huh?
<SceneCAT> fixed price tho. so no bidding option
<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: So, what's special (for want of a better term) about this ROM again?
<cr1901_modern> besides being undumped*
* cr1901_modern gave up on sleeping and will just take a nap later
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Stilett0-away is now known as Stilett0
<ValleyBell> (back from work)
<ValleyBell> cr1901_modern: Well, if you combine the CM-32L / MT-32 and the CM-32P, you get the CM-64.
<ValleyBell> And there is a bunch of PC-98 and X68000 games that use the additional PCM channels you get from the 32P.
<ValleyBell> especially Wolf Team games like to use them
<ValleyBell> Basically, the MT-23/CM-32L uses MIDI channels 2..10 and the CM-32P uses 11..16.
<ValleyBell> *MT-32
<Sarayan> what is a 32p?
<Sarayan> sample engine?
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<ValleyBell> CM-32P
<ValleyBell> imagine a MT-32, but instead of LA synthesis it's just a ROMpler
<ValleyBell> but with add-on PCM cards
<ValleyBell> it's a weird thing
<Sarayan> with the gate array effects thing?
<ValleyBell> It has the same effects as the MT-32, yeah.
<ValleyBell> arbitrary remapping of existing "tones" to MIDI instruments works as well
<ValleyBell> SceneCAT / KitsuWhooa: I have no idea whom of you has more experience in dumping ROMs.
<KitsuWhooa> It's basically desoldering and popping the chip into a programmer if there's no need to change the pinout
<KitsuWhooa> Sooo
<Lord_Nightmare> Sarayan: i think the cm-32p uses the same weird 15 bit samples with the bit order scrambled as the la32 does
<Lord_Nightmare> stored as logpcm
<andlabs> because as we all know, fz senki axis is by konami
<andlabs> huh that song is also in the genesis version
<andlabs> but granada > fz senki axis by a LONGSHOT
<andlabs> see also: final zone 2 on pcecd
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<andlabs> woo I got the cynthcart
<andlabs> also woo I got that bonus stuff from the guy who sold me the microphone - more versions of cubase and ableton live :V
<cr1901_modern> oh, abelton is younger than I thought
<cr1901_modern> only goes back to 2001
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