ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<m4t> We apologized for the inconvenience caused. You know, we just a trader and my supplier told me that this part are BRAND NEW AND ORIGINAL. That why we purchased this from their company even the cost are higher than other suppliers. We will contact with them shortly to see what happened and will update you later. At the moment, we'd like to refund your money
<KitsuWhooa> >BRAND NEW
<m4t> i bet thats a copypasta they use whenever someone calls them out on selling crap lol
<KitsuWhooa> I bet it's still an original part though
<m4t> yeah i don't think it isn't
<KitsuWhooa> also, on the topic of clones
<KitsuWhooa> the KA2001 on the bottom right is a 2151 clone
<KitsuWhooa> it has 4 pins chopped off, two to the left, two to the right :p
<m4t> huh
<m4t> its pin compatible if you chop off pins? lol
<KitsuWhooa> well, I am sure it was made to be compatible
<KitsuWhooa> probably some off the shelf part
<KitsuWhooa> they modified/programmed to be compatible
<superctr> i don't think so
<superctr> it's a custom die (or same one they use for other shitty OPM clones) but oversized package
<KitsuWhooa> ah :p
<superctr> also, btw
<superctr> i think you're not going to find NOS YM3438s
<superctr> they're all going to be pulls
<KitsuWhooa> yeah, that's fine
<KitsuWhooa> the problem is that they relabel them
<KitsuWhooa> and sand them
<m4t> yeah
<m4t> i wanted used not mutilated :P
<superctr> probably from some poor sega arcade board
<superctr> for example, daytona usa used to be ubiquitous, and they all have a YM3438 on the sound board
<superctr> even though it's just used as a timer
<KitsuWhooa> that's a bit wasteful
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<KitsuWhooa> guess they had tons of them in stock or something
<superctr> not as wasteful as the yamaha chip gacha though :P
<KitsuWhooa> do those chips actually work? :p
<KitsuWhooa> if they do, I wouldn't complain :p
<superctr> the thing is
<superctr> my feeling is that most of those chips would end up as keychains
<superctr> if you really wanted to make something with a certain chip, you wouldn't get it from a gacha
<KitsuWhooa> I know, but still :p
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<andlabs> what is fx68k
<andlabs> that microcode emulator?
<ZirconiumX> andlabs: cycle-accurate M68K emulator
<ZirconiumX> Can't remember what language it's in
<cr1901_modern> Maybe Sarayan can correct me on this, but my current impression was that a cycle accurate 68k emulator wasn't possible. >>
<cr1901_modern> 68k is one of the only CPUs that pauses in the middle of a multi-cycle insn on exception, and to do this it saves it's internal state on the stack, and those stack contents haven't been fully decoded yet.
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<TD-Linux> fx68k is the microcoded one yes
<cr1901_modern> You'll need an ice40 w/ external RAM, but looks like fx68k will fit into ice40hx8k comfortably
<cr1901_modern> oh wait, maybe 11kB is enough to do something with
<TD-Linux> luckily I'm using ecp5