ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<Lord_Nightmare> andlabs: sega did have their prolog or whatever weirdass system
<Lord_Nightmare> used for schools in japan, briefly
<Lord_Nightmare> which used a upd7759
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<cr1901_modern> Foone: If you have any VLB cards you're just dying to give away or sell, I'll take one :P. I have a 486 w/ VLB that's not being used for anything at all.
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<cr1901_modern> Lord_Nightmare: Sega made a Prolog implementation?
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<andlabs> I think he means pico
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<Lord_Nightmare> it sounded like it was some abomination halfway between an sms and a megadrive
<cr1901_modern> pico is a boneless megadrive IIRC
<andlabs> it doesn't have a FM chip or a Z80
<cr1901_modern> I think the YM2612 is missing
<andlabs> it has extra hardware attachments
<andlabs> I'm still willing to bet that Novotrade created it but I have no evidence other than the suspicion that they made all the non-Japanese software for it and all the Japanese stuff came later
<superctr_> pico hardware reminds me a little bit of c/c2
<superctr_> no z80, same NEC pcm chip
<andlabs> oh
<Lord_Nightmare> the pico seems to be partially inspired by that thing
<Lord_Nightmare> and yes, it did run prolog
<cr1901_modern> I ran a poll asking what retro project I should work on. One of the entries was "6502 Lisp", but someone suggested Prolog. From the little I know, Prolog is actually fairly easy to implement even in low resource environments
<cr1901_modern> But I don't know much about how to use it
<andlabs> i know someone who will have vietnam flashbacks about prolog
<andlabs> will that help? :V
<cr1901_modern> Not really, I mean I have a visceral reaction to Forth, and ppl love that (and it's _not_ a bad fit for old computers)
<whitequark> hey, i dislike forth too
<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Meaning you also dislike Prolog :P? I don't have any experience with it, just find it interesting that it's possibly usable/implementable on retro systems.
<whitequark> no i meant i dislike forth
<whitequark> prolog is ... well
<whitequark> it's less of a language and more of a concept really
<whitequark> like it makes no sense to run a prolog interpreter, you embed a prolog implementation into something totally unrelated, like a database or a compiler
<whitequark> remember how i tried to teach you ML? unification is prolog
* cr1901_modern nods
<andlabs> : suit ; yourself suit
<cr1901_modern> wheee RPN
<Lord_Nightmare> iirc it also has a upd7759 on the board (which doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere?)
<Sarayan> prolog is not rpn, prolog is a different universe
<Lord_Nightmare> i could have sworn thre was a MAME driver for it
<Lord_Nightmare> but i can't find it
<cr1901_modern> I think andlabs was making a Forth reference
<cr1901_modern> and if not, whoops
<Sarayan> ah
<Sarayan> but the worst ever I encountered is lambda prolog
<Sarayan> it's one of these rare languages I haven't managed to understand
<andlabs> yes that was forth
<andlabs> I don't know prolog
<emily> prolog and forth are both good, fight me :3
<whitequark> i didn't say forth is bad i said i don't like it
<whitequark> in particular it hijacks your brain into trying to elegantly lay stuff out on stack instead of solving your goddamn domain problem already
<whitequark> forth would be 100% better with pervasive local variable use
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<Foone> cr1901_modern: good question! I don't think I have any I definitely want to get rid of but I think I have more than one so I can definitely spare you one
<andlabs> emily: do I know you from somewhere
<andlabs> I feel like I should
<emily> hm, maybe? I'm @lambdakitten on Twitter and @emilazy on GitHub, it's possible you've seen me around
<emily> we don't seem to share any other channels
<andlabs> probably confusing you for a different emily (on mastodon???)
<andlabs> that's a good avatar though
<emily> hehe, thanks :3
<emily> and yeah, I'm not on the fediverse currently, though I've considered joining
<andlabs> I was there at one point; I am ashamed of my conduct back then but