ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> My head hurts, Foone. Please make it stop :(
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<andlabs> wait you could program afterdark screensavers?
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<Foone> yeah. it was an API for screensavers, so you could build your own.
<whitequark> andlabs: wait, isn't honeywell a huge industrial automation company
<whitequark> oh its a fortune 100 that does a ton of shit
<superctr> Lord_Nightmare, is it possible that in the old style yamaha datecodes, the second digit indicates the month and third-fourth indicates the day of the month
<superctr> apparently the "week" has been observed to never exceed 31 on the old style date codes
<gruetzkopf> Foone: i have at least one native-scsi 3.5" FDD
<gruetzkopf> one IC on it, connecting directly to scsi and the head assembly
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<andlabs> whitequark: I knew them as the amstrad of the mainframe industry
<andlabs> third horse in a two horse race
<whitequark> ah
<andlabs> =P
<andlabs> afk
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<Lord_Nightmare> superctr this is correct
<Lord_Nightmare> Yamaha datecode format:
<Lord_Nightmare> "Old style" (1981-1990):
<Lord_Nightmare> yM WW LL R
<Lord_Nightmare> "New style" (1990-present):
<Lord_Nightmare> YyWW MLLR
<Lord_Nightmare> Y = 2nd to last digit of year
<Lord_Nightmare> y = last digit of year
<Lord_Nightmare> WW = week
<Lord_Nightmare> M = manufacturer or fab (code differs for old vs new style)
<Lord_Nightmare> LL = lotcode or production line? (numeric starting at 01 or AA?)
<Lord_Nightmare> R = die revision
<superctr> yes, that is the info you put on siliconpr0n
<superctr> the thing is, we have noticed that the 'WW' never goes above 31 in the old style
<superctr> and there are only 12 possible values for the M
<superctr> so it's more likely that the second digit is the month (XYZ for 10-12), and the second group is the day of the month
<Lord_Nightmare> huh. so you think that old style datecodes are really yM DD mL R, and there's no manufacturer code
<Lord_Nightmare> er
<Lord_Nightmare> or manufacturer is the first digit of LL
<superctr> there might be no manufacturer code
<Lord_Nightmare> that's not impossible at all
<Lord_Nightmare> you may well be correct
<superctr> the second digit would correspond to different manufacturers using your table, yet the package is identical
<superctr> even down to the silkscreening
<Lord_Nightmare> where did those chips come from
<superctr> that is from the original megadrive chipset
<superctr> IO chip and bus arbiter i think
<Lord_Nightmare> the mold eject marks are not smooth at the bottom, which is one of the signs of remarked chips, but not 100% certainly the case, as it may happen naturally on some fabs
<Lord_Nightmare> only the index hole is smooth
<Lord_Nightmare> which is unusual
<superctr> another picture showing both of those chips though worse quality
<superctr> in this case the datecode is 9Y0974C on the '5309 and 9Z0971B on the '5308
<superctr> consider that most of the yamaha chips have Y or Z markings here, and the other chips also have late 89 markings, which indicates that the PCB was manufactured in late 89 or early 90
<superctr> mid december at earliest since the 5308 indicates 9/12/89
<Lord_Nightmare> ok
<Lord_Nightmare> again you're probably right
<Lord_Nightmare> i almost want to leave the wrong info up to make it easier to determine whether chips are remarked or not, since the remarking companies do read the info online too... but maybe not.
<superctr> well, if they remark the chips to look like originals, at least then it won't trigger my OCD (as long as they aren't fake or different part of course)
<superctr> what annoys me is when they take a perfectly working part and then remark them to look a few years younger, even though everyone knows yamaha didn't make them for that long
<superctr> btw Lord_Nightmare in the fabs table for the new style date marking, we have also observed '9005 KABC' for Sunsoft 5B chips and '9952 WAEC' for YMF271
<Lord_Nightmare> i like it when they mark the chips impossibly wrong since it makes them very easy to filter out
<superctr> i thought maybe it's ROHM
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<Lord_Nightmare> its possible
<cr1901_modern> I had a weird dream that there was an active project to decap and read out the ROM of the Sega Virtual Processor
<cr1901_modern> Does that reflect any project in reality?
<superctr> is there an internal rom in the SVP? i was under the impression that all code is in the mask ROM
<cr1901_modern> Well, that's probably why it was a dream- I have NFI
<superctr> maybe there's a tiny bootstrap a la SPC700. maybe you're thinking of microcode, in that case maybe....
<superctr> "
<superctr> There were reports that SVP has internal ROM, but fortunately they were wrong."
<cr1901_modern> Maybe I phased into an alternate reality for the duration of the dream
<cr1901_modern> So it's like SuperFX in that respect then
<superctr> heh, there is one Sega DSP with internal ROM that there does exist a decapping/dumping project for though
<superctr> that would be the TGP in the Model 1 and Model 2 arcade boards
<cr1901_modern> Does SVP have it's own private RAM?
<superctr> Though I think they have mostly been dumped now
<cr1901_modern> on Virtua Racing?
<superctr> apart from the register file, it doesn't look like it
<cr1901_modern> Interesting, meaning it has to fetch everything from ROM...
<superctr> actually, sorry
<superctr> there are two internal RAM banks for data, and one for instructions
<superctr> according to that doc
<superctr> the internal ram banks RAM0 and RAM1 are each 256x16 bits large
<superctr> IRAM is 2kb, read only from the SVP side and thus only writable from 68k
<superctr> actually, not really. IRAM is still internal to SVP but accessed from the "external" memory bus
<superctr> it's strange
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<Stilett0> SVP had no internal ROM, I know, I was the one who found the datasheet (though it was almost a moot point as by that point the opcodes had already been reverse engineered)
<cr1901_modern> >the opcodes had already been reverse engineered
<cr1901_modern> That sounds... fun
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<cr1901_modern> That's a unique quit msg
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<cr1901_modern> emily: When I see sid in your user handle, I think of that 6581 sound chip... how apt :3
<emily> heh
<emily> I'm actually trying to get rid of that T_T
<cr1901_modern> ahhh... well, the only other name I saw was ""
<emily> yeah, nginx is doing the proxying for me but it's meant to get overridden to or such
<cr1901_modern> (I didn't even know nginx created a user)
<cr1901_modern> ahhh I see. Tbh, I paid someone to tell me the magic invocations required to bring up nginx when I set up my VPS lmao. I really was not in the mood for dealing w/ that.
<cr1901_modern> (thankfully I haven't had to change that config since except once)
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<emily> tada~
<cr1901_modern> Yaaaay :D
<cr1901_modern> Are you willing to post your config file (w/ private stuff redacted)? I'm curious how I'd set this up myself. I actually don't use a bouncer right now
<emily> for just the identd part, or the whole proxy/bouncer config?
<cr1901_modern> identd part
<emily> what I do is... somewhat idiosyncratic; I use IRCCloud and it does the staying-connected thing for me, so I don't have a traditional bouncer on my server, but rather just a TCP forward from my server to freenode so that freenode sees my hsotname as, plus oidentd for the ident
<emily> so, entirely vanity purposes that if anything make my bouncer setup less reliable :p
<cr1901_modern> Haha
<cr1901_modern> TCP forward?
* cr1901_modern is... bad w/ TCP/IP
<emily> I literally just get nginx to forward connections from a specific port on my server to freenode.
<emily> with TLS wrapping and unwrapping at each end.
<cr1901_modern> Ahhh cool cool. I could never get that set up. Would be useful for getting TLS on my vintage machines (until I can make a parallel port dongle which has a micro which does TLS)
<cr1901_modern> (And thanks for the conf)
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<andlabs> is a good place for c64 supplies
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<cr1901_modern1> I wish changing my nick still worked...
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<andlabs> do you happen to be in a channel that prevents changing the nickname while you are in it
<andlabs> because yes, freenode has that
<cr1901_modern> How would I check that?
<cr1901_modern> andlabs: ^^
<Foone> are any channels you're in +b or +m?
<cr1901_modern> What's the command to get the flags for a channel?
<cr1901_modern> (and yes, probably)
<cr1901_modern> (/mode)
<cr1901_modern> None of them have +b or +m
<Foone> it doesn't tell you why you can't change your name when you try?
<cr1901_modern> It's like a noop
<cr1901_modern> The name change has no effect
<cr1901_modern> List of rooms I'm in
<andlabs> hi I see you from mesonbuild
<andlabs> (that is not the culprit here)
<Foone> your name is pretty long. is your new name longer? maybe it's dropping it cause the name is too long
<cr1901_modern> No, all I want is to be able to get my old nick back from "cr1901_modern[0-9]*" without the need to disconnect and reconnect
<cr1901_modern> b/c *gasp* sometimes pidgin chokes and DC's me :/
<Ultrasauce> are you identified with services
<cr1901_modern> Yes
<Ultrasauce> you can use nickserv to do it i think
<cr1901_modern> well on this nick
<cr1901_modern> not cr1901_modern1, 2, etc
<Ultrasauce> your identification is orthogonal to your current nick
<cr1901_modern> Anyways, yes I'm identified w/ services
<Ultrasauce> when you get stuck with the alternate nick, identify as the main one and then you should be able to rename
<Ultrasauce> and theres also a nickserv command that does it for you i think
<Ultrasauce> (can even ghost the old session before it times out)
* cr1901_modern nods
<cr1901_modern> I'll experiment a bit later... I just violated Murphy's Law on a project and I need to maintain the violation
<Ultrasauce> also idk if pidgin supports this but you can use an ssl certificate to identify immediately upon connecting
<Ultrasauce> works much better than automatically messaging nickserv or whatever
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