ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<m4t> got the chip removed. tried chipquik + hot air from the backside, couldn't get it to budge
<m4t> got it from the front. but man that stuff is a pain to clear from the holes
<m4t> keeps clogging my sucker
<whitequark> yeah
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<cr1901_modern> What a strange bug... literally typing anything in any GUI app caused it to stop responding, as if the keyboard driver was hung. Until I logged off...
<cr1901_modern> m4t: Is the console still intact
<cr1901_modern> ?*
<m4t> ya
<cr1901_modern> this is what I was TRYING to type
<m4t> i spilled molten metal on my leg
<m4t> but it was like, 75c lol
<cr1901_modern> I soldered for the first time since treatment began in May a few days ago (I wore a mask)... I think that's an important milestone
<cr1901_modern> cc: ej5 ^^ Maybe soon I can build a Snark Barker lol
<ej5> nice
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<m4t> place your bets...does it still work? :o
<m4t> ugh the friggin chan3/chan4 switch just snapped off!
<m4t> :(
* cr1901_modern cringes
<cr1901_modern> err winces*
<m4t> im doin both!
<m4t> i got sound but bad super staticky picture, i figure it is the lack of shielding
<m4t> i guess super glue will hold it in place...but man!!!
<m4t> i think it *was* on ch4 tho
<m4t> heh :/
<m4t> works fine!
<cr1901_modern> Well if it's any consolation, I just lost hours combing through the source to a program trying to add a feature, only to find out it's actually supported and documented in the man page.
<cr1901_modern> that was my night
<m4t> lol ;(
<m4t> it's not wasted if you learned more about the program
<cr1901_modern> yes, but that was _really_ hidden
<m4t> hmm maybe i broke it when i was moving the board around
<m4t> leaning it on the edge...i figured it was resting on the connectors
<m4t> think superglue would hold enough for it to be usable?
<m4t> heh...
<m4t> anyways, i dont think i broke it by leaning it. it doesnt protude further than the other connectors
<cr1901_modern> I wouldn't know whether superglue would be okay here
<m4t> superglue is hit or miss ime
<m4t> normally miss
<whitequark> i guess they never miss huh
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<m4t> :o
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<andlabs> cr1901_modern: you asked if the opcode studio 128x will work on a modern computer
<andlabs> it probably could, but I would need a RS232 to USB converter
<andlabs> and some drivers
<andlabs> it is possible, because someone on youtube did show it working, but they lost the source code in a drive crash
<andlabs> I plan on just reverse engineering the official drivers >:3
<andlabs> and I just bought said converter cable
<andlabs> I also just got a great deal on a steinberg USB audio interface, some recent version of cubase, and steinberg sequel 3
<andlabs> and a mic
<andlabs> GOING ALL DAY
<andlabs> *GOING ALL IN
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>bought two things from that the_shareware guy (synthCart 64 and recreation geoRam module)
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>ebay was dumb and split them into separate packages
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>the guy noticed and combined the shipping and refunded the difference
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>paypal says I got a refund of £6.00
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>ebay says I got a refund of £0.52
<andlabs> [15:11:06] <+andlabs>?????
<andlabs> [15:11:39] <+andlabs>a computer to use these with will have to wait but I might as well get them now while they're still being made
<Lord_Nightmare> i couldn't find my usb serial adapter and didn't want to get burned with a fake/nerfed prolific or ftdi adapetr, so i ended up buying one of those ftdi-branded evaluation adapters they sell as an 'example reference part' to prospective customers
<Lord_Nightmare> its expensive, but its pretty much 100% guaranteed to be a legit working part
<whitequark> what are you using it for?
<andlabs> I just bought this one
<Lord_Nightmare> whitequark: generic usb serial stuff, interfacing old things
<Lord_Nightmare> the prolific adapter i had was not only a clone but also buggy, the auto-fifo-cts-rts stuff was broken
<Lord_Nightmare> the ftdi adapter i had was PROBABLY legit but i can't find the damn thing after hours of searching
<cr1901_modern> I use a keyspan adapter whose 64 bit driver is known to BSOD occassionally
<whitequark> i'd probably just got an ftdi board from adafruit or something
<cr1901_modern> Do they make 12-v compatible RS232 to USB adapters? Not that I have any hardware that actually requires that voltage swing
<whitequark> oh sorry RS232
<whitequark> nevermind then
<cr1901_modern> Oh Idk what Lord_Nightmare has in mind; just an idle thought
<cr1901_modern> Oh TIL it's actually up to 15V
<Lord_Nightmare> iirc (and i may be wrong) original rs232 was +-24v?
<Lord_Nightmare> but almost nothing supports that
<Lord_Nightmare> +-12v is most common, or +-7v
<cr1901_modern> If wiki is to be believed, 25v is the maximum swing the equipment must support
<cr1901_modern> without being destroyed
<Lord_Nightmare> so +-12.5v
<Lord_Nightmare> i guess i was wrong, and +-15v must have been the original spec which was later amended, but i still am not sure, i don't have the spec in front of me nor wikipedia
<andlabs> so is my pruchase one to regret
<whitequark> i think the dangers of counterfeit FTDIs are overblown
<cr1901_modern> Probably not unless you have one of those old acoustic coupling modems
<whitequark> the actual silicon works better than FTDIs anyway
<whitequark> if you're stuck using them in windows i guess that's a downside
<andlabs> I'm using this for an Opcode System 128X
<andlabs> which is a 1U rack mount MIDI interface
<m4t> this ym2612 i bought a few yrs ago works :-)
<m4t> a few weeks ago i replaced the counterfeit ft232rl chips on these adapters i bought several yrs ago
<m4t> the fakes have issues w/bit bang
<whitequark> dont the real ones also have issues with bitbang
<whitequark> marcan has shown that fakes work better
<m4t> lots of transmit errors as the readme says
<whitequark> interesitng
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