I've encouraged people from the meetup last night to come here to ask questions, so everyone be nice :)
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hahaha +1000 to that
we will demand that they pin at least 1 hash before asking questions :P
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evening guys!
just a modest suggestion for the documentation on ipfs.io: Since most users are used to bit torrent already, where the workflow is essentially “go grab the torrent file, fire up your favorite client, then load the torrent file into it and click ``do it’’”
it would be nice if there was a quick start guide which described how to add a file, then extract a reference to it, then hand that reference to someone else for fetching
heh, when I watched the video I was jonsing for the object IDs involved so I could follow along
because unless you watch the videos (“TL;DW!”) it’s surprisingly hard to get even that basic information out of the current docs
we should do more blogposts with asciinemas instead of video
_jkh_: what do you think about the current set of examples?
_jkh_ arghhh yeah.
jbenet: you did have a pretty slick ascii animation
_jkh_ did you see the examples tab? it's awfully, sorely sparse
achin: well, TBH, they take you from “install” to “ipfs init” to “hey here’s how to write an ipfs client of your very own in Go!"
achin: there seems to be a step missing at least. :)
whyrusleeping: can pin bot do "!pin <hash> as <name>" and add it to an ipns record as /<year>/<month>/<day>/<usrname>/<name>/
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$ ipfs cat foo
Error: invalid ipfs ref path
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cat should say that ^
I totally agree
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Been having fun with ipns , it's still a bit flakey but there is great potential.
is something like "ipfs repo gc --keep 300MB" planned? It would keep no more than 300MB (pinned+cached) if pinned stuff is more than 300MB then it deletes all the unpinned stuff
although it only handles one layer deep
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fazo: repo gc just cleans out everything not pinned at the moment, having auto gc with high and low water marks would be cool.
also set up two nodes so that it can push pinned things ( with a trust relationship ) to another node; for devices with limited storage.
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zignig: that would be very useful, I think the thing I'm building may be able to do something like that
I'm working on a simple daemon that mirrors the ipns value of a node to the current node
it also works among multiple nodes, and unless conflicts arise (they are not handled) the changes propagate across all the nodes that run the daemon
this way if you have two machines and machine2 is running this daemon, when you publish something to ipns using machine1, machine2 publishes the same hash
neat, what's the usecase?
directory synchronization
fazo: i
'm working on a similar thing... ;)
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zignig: cool :) mine is very simple though. I don't plan to develop it too much
fazo: my target usecase it having multiple users publish their stuff and converge it into a single index.
distributed thingiverse is the goal, a HUUUGE maker library on ipfs.
zignig: that's similar but using that you wouldn't be able to modify what the other participant's folder points to
which is good or bad depending on the use case of course :) at least you don't have to handle conflicts.
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yes , but with a block chain or a web of trust you could make a base system.
achin: “source -- Where to find the license/legal terms in full” – that could be an IPFS object id!
zignig, very interested, please add thoughts to the aggregation issue :)
ion: i think the link should be as authoritative as possible, so that likely means to a HTTP url
so while linking to a copy of the license in IPFS could be cool, we should still have the original source
I'd like to see the creative Commons machine readable metadata embedded in ipfs
Perhaps source should be an array of URLs one of which should be an IPFS hash.
it's already an array, so tacking on something else isn't a proble
I guess all I really want is JSON+types, with the type information represented explicitly (rather than shoved into a random key in a dictionary)
it's more for configs than meta data but it would work too.
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at least in terms of the IPLD data model, obviously the reserved key is the only solution for json encoding
my general feeling on all these formats is
"needs work"
davidar: is escaped directives such a bad solution?
jbenet, I guess I can live with them if I have to, it just feels rather hacky
yeah agreed. i mean json was a hack, and so on.
json is a bit of a misnomer anyway, since it can't actually represent most JS objects (class instances)
I was looking for that since the time of gitchain
are you planning on distributing ipfs code that way ?
note that it doesnt yet have ipns support because ipns is still not finalized.
yep we will
(ps: i received your email - I haven't replied to it yet)
and we already backup ipfs in ipfs
do you have any timeline for ipns?
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O(T) ~ weeks
is there a way we can make it logT ?
yeah, we're close.
what is missing? code or spec?
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we'll have a slightly more robust version probably next week or following. and we'll have the best after 0.4.0 lands
ok, that is great then
davidar: there's a graph format i wanted to show you. damn i can't find it anymore
it was extremely simple, i really liked it.
I have in my plans to contribute some time soon - but I changed city recently so I won't be settled down for a couple of days more
saw a javascript solution for displaying graphcs dynamically that you could interact with in real time. Adding/subtracting nodes and you could stretch it back and forth while it changed.
jbenet: give me a rough description and it might ring a bell :)
i'll let you know if i think of anything else
awww tinkerpop. i remember them. but no, it's like a super simple format written for data description
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hmm, i'm not sure
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i used to be into graph formats a while ago, but can't recall much now :/
back when freebase was still a thing :)
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[go-ipfs] spikebike opened pull request #1723: Make the #foo references absolute instead of relative. (master...patch-1) http://git.io/vnkhb
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[go-ipfs] jbenet closed pull request #1723: Make the #foo references absolute instead of relative. (master...patch-1) http://git.io/vnkhb
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whyrusleeping: any outstanding CRs for you?
i think i got them all
jbenet: i think you may have gotten them all
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github universe looks like fun
ipfs hashes are base64 strings, but does ipfs calculate base64 from the *string* of the sha256 hash (e.g. "AD45B6CE...\0") or from the binary data? i guess the latter..
and binary
why not base64?
and it's a multihash -- github.com/jbenet/multihash
double-click + copy paste
rendar: 0OIl1
jbenet: yeah i knew the multihash thing, i just omitted that for simplify the question
Todo: a disqus alternative on top of IPFS :-P
would be sweet
jbenet: whyrusleeping: Quick question: I've noticed that object.put returns the hash under "Key" whereas everywhere else in the http API it is returned under "Hash". Is this deliberate?
fun fact of the day: 1l and O0 tend to look similar in some fonts because in ye olden days some typewriters used the same key for both
ianopolous: that is not deliberate
it probably makes sense to unify the field names
ok cool
davidar: yeah in old typewriters there weren't they key for "1", you simply used I
no wonder there's so many issues with unicode support at the moment
davidar: Incidentally, IRC nicknames are encoded in ISO 646-FI.
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ion: that's just a subset of ascii though, no?
davidar: Not quite, see the page you linked.
oh, finnish diacritics and that weird currency symbol
ion: can i actually use those symbols in an irc nick though?
morning cryptix
˙uʍop ǝpᴉsdn pǝddɐɹʇ ɯ,I 'ou 'ɥO
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hrm, need to install fonts
davidar: Yes, most clients will just render them as [\] etc. But servers handle case-insensitive matching according to ISO646-FI. The RFCs actually don't mention the encoding (which just happened to be the one their computers used when they were developing IRC), they provide the lowercase/uppercase map for codepoints in an unspecified encoding.
ion, huh, suddenly unicode seems simple in comparison :)
If I ever wrote an IRC client, I'd render nicks in ISO646-FI for fun.
* spikebike
ponders an irc replacement on top of IPFS
spikebike: chat.ipfs.io
that's just a irc gateway isn't it?
seems kinda silly to login to matrix.org just so you can connect to IRC, or am I missing somehting?
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spikebike: no, it bridges irc, but the room still exists independently of irc
e.g. if freenode catches fire, it should still work for everyone on matrix
ah, and the matrix is distributed so there's no single room to catch fire?
worth a try
but the matrix is a distributed system unrelated to ipfs?
spikebike (IRC): yes, but there are plans for further integration between the two in the future
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matrix.org depends on email, but doesn't seem to abide by the SMTP rfc, so if grey listed it never retries
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spikebike (IRC): providing an email address is optional, iirc
ping Matthew
Yeah, providing email should be optional
I don't really know much about SMTP but I can raise with our guys that run our email servers
got it to retry, but now it seems to depend on clicking on a tab that I closed
"Verification successful! Please return to your Matrix client to continue."
spikebike: You should just be able to go back to the client and reenter the details i think
Although I've never actually tried registering with an email
Personally, I would just not bother and add an email after the fact
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* M-erikj
ah, that's what the M- is ;-)
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Yup, you can change the nick the bridge uses
can't remember how (I don't feel like I'm being terribly helpful :/)
Aaaanyway, all comments and suggestions are more than welcome :)
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interesting, ack, it seems to ignore middle click for new tab
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For opening things like rooms in new tabs?
like if you are in one channel and you want to open another channel in a new tab
(You may also be interested to know that there are mobile clients as well)
Yeah, did see that. Kinda reminds me of qtox
Yeah, we don't really support that atm; currently it would just run two independent clients, which would probably be suboptimal
* M-erikj
files a feature request for it
so it's a chat client, but you can only see one channel at a time?
well I admit it seems silly to complain, the answer is likely, use a client
It's not particularly silly
It's a shame we don't have a proper desktop client yet :(
well at least with google chrome it intentionally tried to keep tabs as seperate as possible. So doing anything non-trivial in 2 tabs on the same machine connecting to the same p2p network seems a bit silly
It would probably be fiddly to implement, but I *think* its doable. You'd probably end up having a massively stripped down client in the single room tabs
although you'd end up with some duplicated traffic
* M-erikj
Feature requests are cheap either way :D
heh, no idea how light a client can be. Maintaining a DHT per tab for instance would be silly.
I've only got my head wrapped around half of ipfs and didn't hear about matrix until today
The arch of matrix is a lot simpler: client <-> server <-> server <-> client
you can just about use curl as a client :p
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ah, so it's basically 2 tiers? Only the servers maintain a overlaynetwork among other servers?
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Yeah, very much like email in some ways
It makes clients really quite simple, and nice to run on mobiles etc.
We do want to investigate allowing clients/users to roam across other servers so that they're not tied to single servers, but that a very long term plan if we ever get tehre
Ah, there's pretty cool actually. With smart phones, tablets, and similar devices that are A) often on fairly closed WAN networks B) have very little CPU/battery C) like to be asleep most of the time and D) often are throttled or have bandwidth caps. Having a "server" like a a raspberry pi in a mason jar that's on the network 24/7 maintaining the network and allowing a client to quickly/cheaply contant a server is ideal
Yup :)
It's *so* nice to be sitting on the tube in london and have it happily cope with the 30s of signal the phone sometimes gets as it goes through a station
IPFS seems like it could help out there. CAS and replication would allow cheap/thin clients to access storage even if their preferred server is down fo ra bit
spikebike: if you want to change your nick, start a conversation with "@appservice-irc:matrix.org" and say "!nick whatever"
ah, thanksl
(At the moment I don't think the bridge remembers it over restart, but that should be fixed at some point)
Erik, yeah, that's kind of a pain, but I guess it's not too much hassle
<up arrow> <enter>
spikebike: Yeah, IPFS seems really cool and should help us to do some things. I should really get around to looking more into it (rather than just sitting here talking about matrix :p)
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davidar: yeah, though from the matrix side you probably won't notice the bridge restarting
Erik: have you read kyledrake's post? (was #2 on HN recently)
My idle throughts have been to use a raspberry pi to earn a reputation from it's DHT peers (say 30 or so) by trading storage and bandwidth with peers.
That way my phone could load my message logs/inbox/whatever from any of those 30 machines, even if my server was down for a bit.
spikebike, yeah, i think that's the plan for filecoin
yeah, seems like a poor idea. I'd much rather just deal with reputation by direct observation then trying to force something througth a really slow and bandwidth intensive blockchain.
say to each of 30 clients "hey, lets trade 256MB for a week, no more than 64kbit on average, 95% uptime, grace period 72 hours". A month later you start trusting the ones that lived up to their promises and hunt the DHT for new partners to replace any churn.
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So is there an idea that if you serve your website over your IPFS node that you should also store and serve the content that your site links to?
not that I know of
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there's been discussion about using a proxy or browser plugin to slurp everything you visit
but there's obvious serious privacy issues related to that
and just because you link to it, doesn't mean you have copywrite
there is some protection for cachign
but I've never heard anyone propose something like ipfs add -r --recursion-level=3 to crawl external links or something
ipfs pin add -r --recursion-level=inf
The article was talking about how much it sucks when links in old pages no longer work because the remote server has been shut down, and it doesn't really seem to me that IPFS solves that in and of itself
even if it does increase the likelihood of being able to find the content somewhere
although it does make it dramatically easier for someone in a community to basically slurp a site (almost like the wayback machine),a nd then other people can find it using the same domain/links.
but yeah currently it depends on someone saying "hey, that's cool, I'll donate disk and bandwidth... ipfs add -r ...
Forsure, it seems IPFS is a massive step in the right direction
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If IPFS becomes significant, The Internet Archive would probably extend its mission to archive the web into IPFS.
it's a hard problem, some of the problems, who pays the bandwidth/storage tax to help out? If you host content you didn't personally add, how do you avoid DMCA or confiscations of hardware?
The Internet Archive seems to have a lot of it figured out. Also Google provides cached versions of search results.
ya, totally, neocities jumpign on board is a godo start
Ah, android works.
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ion, I think brewster kahle has even said they're planning to do something like that in the future
they want to shift from archiving to seeding existing sites
spikebike: yay, android
where were you when i was arguing with ios people the other day :)
Erik: and I believe filecoin is the plan for making sure stuff is stored somewhere
heh, haven't heard of them either
* M-erikj
wonders if he's been living under a rock without realising it
Also, yay, android!
How does filecoin help?
I get the immutable log thing, I get that they make registering domain names expensive. Not so sure on how it helps with archiving the web though.
what about if i add a bunch of very little files in ipfs? like few bytes each file..can ipfs optimize this?
about some millions of these few bytes files
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pretty sure that's a no today
but there's been talk about direct support for git, tar, and torrents.
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and I've seen p2p systems before that just ignore files under a certain size and just make the entire dir into an immutable object with an index
M-amstocker, so one possible optimization would be set that little data inside the directory metadata
I don't really think of IPFS for replacing /home personally. I wouldn't run say a postgres database on top of IPFS.
replacing /home? i never said that :)
heh, well I think of logins whenever someone mentioned read/writing a zillion tiny files
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i don't think ipfs could replace /home btw
I did an strace of a login and was hororified at how many tiny random reeds happened.
I did an strace of a login and was horrorified at how many tiny random reeds happened.
no wonder SSDs can make such a huge improvement
spikebike: coalescing.
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of writes? Sure. Sadly read access for login has nothing to do with write ordering. It was a horror of font/library/config file search in each of a large number of directories, I think it was actually M*N of which 99.9% were file not found.
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maybe recording the reads and next time issuing them all at once would help with that
the kernel can sort them into an efficient order and warm the cache
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rendar (IRC): spikebike: jbenet wants to replace root / with ipfs :)
heh, sounds good to me
I've wished for years, decades really, for a from the ground up replacement for AFS (andrew filesystem). It had tons of good ideas, but crypto, rpcs, decent network stacks, etc didn't exist. So they wrote it all from scratch (in a poor language).
IPFS is actually pretty close (or will be when more mature) to AFS. If jbenet hasn't read about NFS he should.
oops AFS
going for a dog walk, but I'm android enabled ;-)
davidar: lol
spikebike: personally I suspect ipfs is jbenet's secret plan to revive plan9 :)
rendar (IRC): I'm not kidding either
heh, those papers are good as well
davidar: i know, but ...i don't know, it seems like an extreme thing
rendar (IRC): evidently you don't know jbenet very well then :p
you can ask him about it when he regains consciousness
I don't know much about what his plans are
lgierth: pollux is running low on space, you said you could delete the openwrt archive?
davidar: already did long time ago
davidar: you also have access to sirius
and maybe i can break apart the raid on pollux
make 5.4T out of 2.7T
I really liked as volumes.... seems like the would be useful for ipfs
lgierth (IRC): haha, uh oh
yeah, i think i'd prefer space to redundancy
i can always re-download any corrupted files
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related: is ipfs able to fsck the local blockstore? (cc whyrusleeping)
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daviddias: was offline yesterday. grokking through your mentions now
No worries and thank you :)
daviddias: i'm thinking we can easily make a quick-n-dirty impl of the spdy duplex stream interface but just passing passthroughs to the current impl
daviddias: but still make it a pr to the spdy module. then we can iterate the impl later so its a bit nicer
jbenet: hey are you in ny late oct? might be heading there again actually
jbenet: actually i'm there in nov as well lol
looking at my calendar i should probably just have stayed there for a while
It would be better than nothing, but there will be a bunch of transport proprieties that would be behind the passthrough
daviddias: yea for sure
daviddias: maybe we should just bite the bullet and do it right hehe
I want that :D , but I also wonder how much time it will take and if it would break Fedor's multiple sdpy version and http code entirely. Right it is kind of complex
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whyrusleeping: are you very up to date with the ipfs-npm discussion? I had some Qs I'm typing onto the issue, but having a live person to bounce things off of would be great!
noffle: i think i might be up to date
but that generally changes when i go to sleep
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noffle: so i think that we would use a patched reginabox (or similar)
and have it pull the data out of ipfs
that seems to be the 'easy' route to me
but the more distributed route would be to ship a custom npm client (as you suggest)
the collation of published entries is the difficult part. Its easy to say we can centralize it (and we can, but thats no fun)
whyrusleeping: so, users use stock npm? how do they get the tarball? are we hosting a server over http that uses ipfs instead of a stored-on-hd registry?
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noffle: i beleive that the reginabox would provide the downloads? (i could be misunderstanding how the registries work)
whyrusleeping: (I think my registry understanding is weak, which may be a detractor here)
daviddias: ping
but is the endpoint for users an http server 'we' are hosting, that just satisfies the request using ipfs?
noffle: that would be the quick and dirty way, imo
thats a more 'decentralized' approach than a distributed one
whyrusleeping: what's the benefit? after enough requests the machine hosting it will have enough blobs that'll basically be the same as storing the whole registry locally, no?
and it's still single-point-of-failure
noffle: 'we' wouldnt be hosting the registry, the user would host it on their network
ah, I misunderstood that part :D
a drop-in replacement for reginabox, NOT for npm's servers -- got in
got it*
is the only savings to a user running one of these that they don't need to install the massive tarball collection first?
noffle: yeah, npm is centralized right now, we want to move to distributed, but decentralized is a good middle step:
the longest a url ever needs to be, lol
if users can host reginabox already, isn't npm already distributed? ;)
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we're just letting users build out a local cache using ipfs
nope, the downloads all come from npm
they just might get cached by reginabox
but another reginabox instance still needs to pull from npm
ah, I see. so how would ipfs-reginabox satisfy module name requests?
yeah, thats the hard part
easy answer: centralize it
hard answer: crypto currency?
hmm, i'm doing some hacks with base58 and ipfs, but i have an off topic question about base58: does it store in the encoded string the size of the original buffer? i guess base64 does it, anyone knows that?
whyrusleeping: how do you feel about the awesome new word you learned today? :)))
cryptix: i'm going to put it up there with schadenfruede and Freundschaftsbezeigungen
whyrusleeping: global name mapping seems like a recurring problem in the ipfs world I've been seeing
rendar: base64 doesnt store any sizes of anything
its just a different encoding
if you convert a number into its binary representation, you wouldnt expect the ones and zeros to say anything different
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whyrusleeping: ok
whyrusleeping: i initially thought that "Qm" at the start of any address was the fixed size of the hash, then i've realized its the multihash code
rendar: ah yeah, so multihash does store the type and size of the hash
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whyrusleeping: i guess its only 1 byte, so the real hash will be 32 bytes (sha256 is 32 bytes lenght) + 1 (multihash) = 33 bytes
“<@whyrusleeping> if you convert a number into its binary representation, you wouldnt expect the ones and zeros to say anything different” That's why my compression algorithm simply removes all the ones.
whyrusleeping: whoops; transposed my decentralized/distributed
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ion then apply run-length encoding!
ion: and then you could just write your number by saying how many zeros it has
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and you can use the same process to compress the number of the zeros of the original number
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sanity check: if I pipe the output of 'ipfs object get <hash>' into 'ipfs object put', why don't I get back the same hash?
noffle: quantum mechanics
also, huh
the hashing is deterministic, right?
I mean, it has to be :P
so what's up?
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i mean, hashing...
good question
want to file an issue for us?
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thats probably wrong
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in the node api is there a function i can call like ipfs.cat(hash, function(err,res){); but for name resolve and publish, like ipfs.resolve(id, function(err,res){);
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lets try not to use that command if we can avoid it, lol
oh, ha, it blocks? ;)
no it highlights everyone
* lgierth
crawls back under his stone
lemme fix that...
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ipfs uses a tree hash, doesn't it?
Would that mean that a file could be stored many ways, depending how the tree is structured?
we use a merkletree hash, yeah
and yes, it could
Each with their own hash? Which might explain the odd mismatch, if the tree-making behavior has changed between versions.
Get object stored with old version. Read it out, put it back in using a newer version. Suddenly, mismatch.
Just a theory.
Vyl: yeah, that could be. but if youre referring to the bug noffle reported, i was able to repro using newly created hashes
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lgierth: i patched pinbot so the '!friends' command sends a notice to the requester instead of pinging the whole channel
next time he needs rebooting, you should grab that update
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NOTICE is the right thing to do for all bot messages, but one could still make it public, inserting U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINERs in the middle of the nicks to avoid highlighting.
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A bit of a hack but it works. :-P
noffle: I seem to be unable to get QmWFg6qzE2UhyqKNwsQ7hyC93vfiVcukiC79KMSJ3ygorH
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ion: oh, I only pinned the first one, didn't I?
can you not repro locally to that hash?
unexpected EOF
thats... odd
is it a known issue that the DAG links in the web UI 404 in the current go-ipfs master? They work fine with the webui master in dev mode.
does IPFS store any metadata about files?
edrex: yeap
Xe: not currently
it'd be a nice extension in the future
Xe: yeah, it would be nice to have
right now, the tar importer retains all metadata though
i should do a little writeup on using the tar importer
dat Motherboard article
things are about to get interesting. :)
Xe: you can try it: ipfs add SOME_DIR
Is anyone tracking the size of the network/its stability?
jesus christ, i need to get udp working fast...
Xe: yeah, mime types would be good
whyrusleeping: Too late!
is ipfs 0.3.5 old?
rschulman: uh oh
I mean, jbenet gave them a quote, so I presume at least he knew it was coming.
Xe: yeah kinda :)
Xe: get 0.3.8-dev
jbenet: received my email?
oh cool, I didn't know about neocities going to ipfs :D this is huge!
Ahhh, I remember when this channel was just like 20 users bsing. :)
rschulman: get off my lawn!
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whyrusleeping: Dude, YOU'RE on my lawn!
vice writing about ipfs? now i have another reason to party tonite :))
alright, whose quote is this "Let's see the fuckers try to burn down this Library of Alexandria."
kyledrake: was that you?
iirc kyle?
ah, yes. it was
The article says Kyle Drake.
althought not in that wording on the blog article
The article also says they talked to Drake.
yeap, just finished the article
the linked neocities article seems pretty polarized (http as "fundamentally broken"; ipfs as "solving" the problem of cut links), but pretty accurate overall
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Vyl for the most part HTTP isn't particularl good at realtime communication and interactivity
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http is realtime enough to do comments that appear in seconds, not hours.
It's realtime enough to submit a query to a database, and get a swift response.
ipfs could easily handle comments
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Vyl: the misinformation ends up doing more damage imho
Misinformation? Promising a revolution, and offering only substantial improvements?
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noffle: i'd agree. i dont think we should be saying "our plan is to completely replace all uses of http with what we have now". however, being able to host websites that are entirely distributed over ipfs (including updates and so on) is not a false claim.
It could also reduce the hosting costs by combining http and ipfs elements.
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Did anyone take interest in that local-dumping script?
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Vyl: i haven't put it on github, sorry lots to do.
if you link me to it again, i can do it now
I keep discussing IPFS with people. Still having people discuss concerns about the lack of plausible deniability.
Still, can't be helped now.
Can always build that on top.
so you can publish objects to other people's id with ipns atm
cgo is the worst thing ever
noffle, whyrusleeping: regarding npm and reginabox: you don't want reginabox. you want registry-static. reginabox is just a prepackaged version of registry-static, for a specific use-case.
then you have a read-only mirror of registry.npmjs.org
bengl: how do the modules get served? or is blob-store not used for that? (sorry, I'm super unfamiliar with how the registry works)
in most people's use-cases, nginx
registry-static merely builds the file structure for nginx to serve
afaiu, we can use the ipfs-blob-store to both store and serve the modules, so instead of nginx, ipfs gateway
well you wouldn't even need ipfs-blob-store, just the gateway :)
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perhaps with a thin layer on top to override directory listings.
that's pretty much it
yeah so the tricky part is storing it like a regular fs-- normally `ipfs object patch` can be used to do this.
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whyrusleeping: how might we do mfs-style updating via the API now? (like some of the stuff we were prototyping in the older mfs interface?)
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just object-patch, right?
yeah, just object patch
go does not know how to use a linker
what's the problem? are you trying to make it go-gettable?
no, i'm trying to make it build
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so to import go-udtwrapper, i need to have libudt.a built in that package
and then to build my program using it, i need to also have libudt.a in my package
if its not in either place, it complains about not being able to find it
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and when i have it both places I get (big surprised) multiple definitions of everything in the lib
pretty close to making my makefile just copy all of the source into one directory, and build that way
jbenet: mfs-style?
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noffle: mfs is an api we're making in go-ipfs that makes it easier to modify file hierarchies, think:
ipfs mfs put /local/foo/bar/baz <hash> -- so would make /local/foo/bar/baz link to <hash>
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^ do want :)
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jbenet: the java-ipfs-api is nearing functional completion. I am going to add more types, but all the functionality is there except for swarm.(connect/disconnect) and object.(new/patch). As far as I can see, it's the most complete implementation of the http api.
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ianopolous: that's really great!!
hey richardlitt are you working on the API docs? we should sync about that
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* whyrusleeping
rm -rf ~/go && sudo pacman -S ghc
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whyrusleeping: nooooooooooo not yet, next yearrrrrrr
* jbenet
wants to dive into the world of haskell and never return.
* jbenet
but cannot yet.
likewise, and scala
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whyrusleeping: can you send me those irc logs we were talking about?
interesting PEP seems to be open to different transports for chat, messaging, and email
whyrusleeping: Thanks
Of course that leads me to thinking about using IPFS
would have thrown those in ipfs but my irc bouncer only has about 20MB of free ram
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so... would it be possible to have index.json operate the same way as index.html in overriding directory listings on gateways? this would make npm pretty damn easy.
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bengl: (dumb question) why does that help?
bengl: i mean, you could write your gateway that way
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we could maybe add a 'default files' option to the config for the gateway
set to ['index.html'] by default
noffle: it's how registry-static stores npm pacakge metadata
whyrusleeping: if it were in every gateway, then every gateway could be an npm registry mirror ;)
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oh: index.json the only piece of data needed to fetch any npm package
noffle: well, that and the tarball
npm client reads it as if it were the directory (it's written for an API, not a flat fs)
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if a custom client is used, then this doesn't matter
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jbenet: i cant even
apparently when travis builds the udt code, the types change
thing is im not using a server at all for this :)
uuuh it's an angular app. I may be able to help with the code :)
or attempting to, tryin to take first steps into entire site hosted p2p
voxelot: oh durr right, hehe
I'm still wrapping my head around this style of thinking
fazo: cool! github is on the site, feel free to look, its just CORS i can't figure out now
voxelot: :) would you mind explaining briefly how adding a message works?
does it update an ipns record or something like that?
i have my ipns id hardcoded into the site, so it takes the data from the form, first makes a json, adds it to ipfs (or would if cors wasnt a dick) then publishs the add hash to ipns id
voxelot: I see when something gets posted a json representing the post is added to ipfs
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so you are trying to expose the http api to the web
voxelot: wait, it publishes it to the local ipns, not yours
M-amstocker: yes
fazo: also yes haha
kinda scary
be careful
i think by default it doesn't allow cors, right? So you would have to proxy or use nginx to set the headers manually
but how do other people see it?
i set the cors headers in the ipfs config to no avail
fazo: every time the wall loads it resolves the current data hash from the ipns id
lgierth: yup :(
voxelot: I see, so it's only useful if used from your gateway
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fazo: atm yes, just putting it out there to see if anyone has ideas
voxelot: by the way you can use ipfs.id from the js api to check if the ID is yours, so you can give an error message if it's used from a different gateway or without one :)
really a browser imp of ipfs will fix all of this.. when we get there
voxelot: I have an idea about how to service discovery but it requires changes to how "name publish" works in go-ipfs
it's going to be amazing once we have a full native js browser impl :D
yup! back to work on the node impl of ipfs for me haha, that was just a fun little experiment to see what cors would let me do
atm "ipfs name publish" replaces the published hash with the given one. My idea is to instead do "ipns name publish <hash> <name>" then a folder is created containing every <name> published linking to its <hash>
when you remove a published name, it just publishes a new ipfs hash of the same folder as before except without the removed link
this way you can have a file/folder for every service, then you have a daemon on your node that checks all the ipns hashes it finds and updates the list of messages if it finds some
actually you could have the clients look for messages using the js http api wrapper
the problem is posting them without the publishing interface I described before
if it was there, you could have your service working fine even after shutting down your computer forever, as long as someone has the files of the application
publishing is also slow atm, doesn't make for the best database just yet, but a use case i'm really interested in
ipdb is already possible
you just need the machine publishing it over ipns to run an extra daemon
actually yesterday I wrote a directory synchronization daemon that uses ipns+ipfs
im kind of confused about how a native browser implementation would work. I am under the impression that webrtc requires a third party server to coordinate connections, right?
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M-amstocker: yeah, we would have to run something like hybrid nodes that have the daemon but can also speak webrtc for the browsers
M-amstocker: you could have an hardcoded bootstrap server list in the .js and then make all the implementations support talking via webrtc.
fazo: I think it was you yesterday mentioning NixOS in here so I want to thank you for wasting the next few days of my life while I learn a new distro.
ah i see
rschulman: well, uhm, you're welcome I guess
thats how webtorrent works right?
hybrid nodes?
fazo: Lol.
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well we should get on that, stat.
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and by we I mean someone who knows how to do that
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we have go-ipfs and the js implementation. I don't think we need any more, maybe on mobile but running js stuff in native apps is becoming common so
daviddias and i went through the ipfs-blob-store just now on an etherpad
noffle: refresh if you loaded it more than 40s ago
voxelot: just realised we already have IPDB. my ipfs-sync daemon can act like it, except everyone can read
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jbenet: I think you meant for 'quux' to come out of bar2 instead of baz?
noffle: "bar2" and "baz" are links. yeah the "quux" link comes out of the third object.
oh, sorry, "the unnamed object bar2 points to" :)
my err
(tricky detail!)
jbenet: this makes sense, at first glance. I'll think about this more deeply in a bit when I'm not at work
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sounds good, yeah just letting you know this was happening
ideally whyrusleeping could make the "ipfs files" thing i wanted ;P ;P ;P so we could have a nice interface for this.
jbenet: wait, so why does 'foo' become 'foo2'? link names are independent of whatever they point to. or was this just to indicate that these are new hashes (since "world") invalidates the rest of the old dag's hashes?
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jbenet: you know how to write go too :P
btw whyrusleeping we need a way for "ipfs cat" and the gateway to understand tar, like not be JUST unixfs, but rather "all the datastructures"
noffle: it is to indicate that those objs will have new hashes because of the mlink updates
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okay, good, just making sure I grok
whyrusleeping: you make a valid point but i'm drowning in lots of things
noffle: ahhhh right! we screwed that up. let me label the blocks.