lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs v0.4.8 is out! https://dist.ipfs.io/#go-ipfs | Week 13: Web browsers, IPFS Cluster, Orbit -- https://waffle.io/ipfs/roadmaps | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<SchrodingersScat> ls
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<SchrodingersScat> i mean, hello
<u808f> hello there
<SchrodingersScat> so, it's kinda working with acdcli
<SchrodingersScat> obviously not what god intended, and it's constantly throwing errors saying, "Please kill me." but it's doing....something
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<SchrodingersScat> oh, fiddlesticks, and then it stopped :/
<u808f> huh, seems like fun.
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<u808f> what are some of the errors that it's spitting out?
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<SchrodingersScat> u808f: 20:12:52.930 ERROR bitswap: Error writing block to datastore: rename /home/anon/.ipfs/blocks/AW/put-142127119 /home/anon/.ipfs/blocks/AW/CIQG2EYNBMBH5PBGNZIP7LYWRV5VF3IAEUH4CPULQLP4TXK3I457AWY.data: bad address bitswap.go:322
<SchrodingersScat> u808f: I'm thinking it may simply be that I haven't created enough directories for it to be efficient when placing the actual data, if that is when AW was created, etc.
<u808f> i have no idea tbh
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<lgierth> that looks wonky
<lgierth> worth filing an issue for
<SchrodingersScat> lgierth: it's oven a FUSE filesystem
<lgierth> hah
<lgierth> still ;)
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<SchrodingersScat> would be nice if there was an option to not have it rename the files, for these instances
<SchrodingersScat> is it me or does that seem easily portable to ipfs?
<lgierth> "easily"
<lgierth> certainly possible though
<lgierth> just found it ironic that i stumbled upon " A FUSE filesystem and dungeon crawling adventure game engine
<lgierth> " right at the sae moment
<SchrodingersScat> there are no coincidences in life, only fate
<lgierth> there be dragons
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<timthelion[m]> How do I run the go-ipfs test suit?
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<timthelion[m]> found it, contribute.md
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<timthelion[m]> Building software is soo hard :(
<timthelion[m]> Can't we have a "lead-me-through-the-build-process.sh" which prompts me to install all the stuff I need to build go-ipfs. or a dockerfile that I can run with a volume to build go-ipfs and run the test suit without having to install all the deps?
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<sn0wmonster> is https://github.com/ipfs/py-ipfs the only python implementation of IPFS being worked on officially?
<timthelion[m]> sn0wmonster: do you want more python implemenations?
<sn0wmonster> just curious if there was one where the folders weren't empty
<sn0wmonster> There is literally nothing there but empty folders and it's been worked on at latest, 2 years ago :)
<sn0wmonster> so I am wondering if i should put support into it or just support my own fork from Go
<sn0wmonster> anyone else already working on something that i might have missed?
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<lgierth> timthelion[m]: there *is* a dockerfile in go-ipfs which does just that
<lgierth> it's called Dockerfile ;)
<timthelion[m]> lgierth: are you sure it does that? I read it, and what I understood from reading it, was that it runs docker.
<timthelion[m]> It also COPY's the source code into the Docker image, which means that you have to build the image each time you make a change to the source code. I'm trying to develop go-ipfs.
<timthelion[m]> s/runs docker/runs ipfs(
<SchrodingersScat> if a smarter person than myself made amazonclouddrive support in ipfs then that would be neato, inserting this through the python takes ages and is buggy, there's gotta be a better way.
<SchrodingersScat> i want to pin the world
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<timthelion[m]> SchrodingersScat: what does it even mean to pin the world?
<timthelion[m]> Do you mean, like get a hash of the stuff you have on clouddrive?
<SchrodingersScat> recursive pinning of /ipfs/
<timthelion[m]> Like pin everything that's currently in the ipfs network?
<timthelion[m]> Or at least that you've pinned yoruself?
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<SchrodingersScat> timthelion[m]: i'm pinning everything and sending it to mars
<timthelion[m]> If you want to send everything to marse, or some other high latency location, the best thing to do would be to put your ~/.ipfs/ directory in a tarbal and send it via a high latency tolerant protocol, such as [propaine powered usb stick cannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_gun), or scp.
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<timthelion[m]> s/marse/mars/
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<SchrodingersScat> s/mars/s'mores/
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<sn0wmonster> question about the decentralized nature of ipfs, i'm still learning so this might be covered someplace i'm not aware of:
<sn0wmonster> it seems to be advertising itself as a decentralized solution for hosting, but the website talks about having an abuse department for DCMA takedowns
<sn0wmonster> that wouldn't be logical for a decentralized network
<sn0wmonster> so i presume that's talking about the IPFS.io hosted servers only?
<sn0wmonster> "All content published to public IPFS infrastructure is hosted at the sole discretion of the IPFS team."
<sn0wmonster> that implies that all of these "terms and conditions" only apply to just the IPFS servers the IPFS team are hosting themselves,
<sn0wmonster> and not applicable to any other servers people want to run for IPFS, i take it?
<SchrodingersScat> sn0wmonster: yeah, i thought there was a blacklist file, i could have imagined that. But you'll notice if the royal you tries to watch the Dark Knight via the ipfs.io portal then it'll timeout/fail, but if you watch it from a local ipfs then it's just fine, etc.
<sn0wmonster> fair enough
<sn0wmonster> had me worried that IPFS was "just more of the same" for a moment there
<sn0wmonster> so this is just for the personal protection of the crew, which i can totally appreciate
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<sn0wmonster> to avoid this completely they might have decided not to put so much emphasis on them being the owners
<SchrodingersScat> sn0wmonster: yeah, and any other hosters, if you get complaints then you would want a way to block certain things.
<sn0wmonster> e.g. running it anonymously or just not claiming public ownership and advertising that
<sn0wmonster> iagree
<SchrodingersScat> heh, well, someone owns the domain
<sn0wmonster> it's not the blocking that worries me, it's the abuse of blocking by nation states
<sn0wmonster> but yes, i can see this is a cosmetic solution
<SchrodingersScat> hmm, guess they'd have to block your connection? or learn to block hashes on some other networking level?
<sn0wmonster> i don't see how if it's encrypted connections
<sn0wmonster> you could even change one bit of the data and reupload and same thing
<SchrodingersScat> i've considered offering hollywood a solution where they give me the dvd/bluray copies of movies and I hash them into ipfs to make sure they get blacklisted, that makes sense right?
<sn0wmonster> anyway, i'm not interested in using IPFS for pirating,i'm interested in utilizing it for #Taskhive 's user's profile, portfolio and work sample images and for their uploaded screenshots and mock samples for work contracts, since bitmessage network has certain size constraints (something like 20kb~60kb maximum)
<SchrodingersScat> #samplemocking
<sn0wmonster> SchrodingersScat, lol
<sn0wmonster> but if we port it to python and allow taskhive users to run as IPFS nodes, would we be able to have them only host Taskhive related stuff or would it be supporting any-and-all IPFS data storage like how bitmessage works?
<SchrodingersScat> supporting? they only host things that pass through their node, either by surfing around or pinning items explicitly. garbage collection removes anything you've passively collected
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<sn0wmonster> so if i have a node and i only want to allow images of a certain size, or by a certain keyword, or by a certain element/contents, or host json arrays with a certain particular content, would i be able to see into the contents, and effectively scan to see if it's something i want to store or not?
<sn0wmonster> if not, i guess that could be mitigated by having a bitmessage broadcast of the hash so that all clients know what to accept and store, and ignore everything else
<SchrodingersScat> that's beyond my experience
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<sn0wmonster> ty for answering just the same. i'll await an opinion from others
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<timthelion[m]> sn0wmonster: it is possible, but it would require either 1) scanning the entire network (impractical) 2) deciding whether to store it when the object is requested at the gateway...
<sn0wmonster> ah so kind of retroactive sensoring?
<sn0wmonster> like "oh crap, i'm storing this!?"
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<sn0wmonster> i guess a whitelist ban is the best way then
<sn0wmonster> only including hashes that have been notified to an out-of-bound network
<sn0wmonster> still better than storing the entire image in *that* network
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<walle303> Here's that thing that uses js-ipfs that i've been working on https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYcpoqXaK6DL4Mikj24SC9dmZtH3mBinNxZvpGjVYFkx8
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<whyrusleeping> walle303: nice, i managed to crash chrome with it though :P
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<walle303> whyrusleeping, What did you try to load?
<whyrusleeping> the third link you have at the bottom
<walle303> Hmm, that one should work fine, also you can click the loading cube to return to the home page
<walle303> Might work if you try again
<walle303> Is there a way to have ipfs pass the data as it's received, so it doesn't have to process the entire file at once?
<whyrusleeping> walle303: ah, nice. I was just really low on RAM
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<whyrusleeping> walle303: Thats really cool actually
<walle303> I need to work on making it auto-parse links so they don't have to be unconventional, or at least have some sort of documentation for it
<walle303> Also it can only load single pages right now, no directories
<walle303> The links are done by directly calling the navigation function of the parent
<walle303> Ah, heres the hash of another video QmcpLFttRsumGtdyT1Wtru5jStfqST6FCY2sYkBjPEfhGe
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<ya7ya_> Hello, I was Reading the "Making your own ipfs service" example, and I was wondering if this can be applied to js-ipfs??, I tried to find corenet package in the js implementation but couldn't find it, so whats the proper way of adding a services on top of js-ipfs?? \n ref Link : https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNZiPk974vDsPmQii3YbrMKfi12KTSNM7XMiYyiea4VYZ/example#/ipfs/QmRFTtbyEp3UaT67ByYW299Suw7HKKnWK6NJMdNFzDjYdX/api/service/readme.md
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