lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs v0.4.10 is out! https://dist.ipfs.io/#go-ipfs | Dev chat: #ipfs-dev | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<Powersource> so I seem to be able to get the stream to work with text files, not images (not even logging the resulting object, whatever that is. It throws some obscure error way before that). Here's my code, good night https://bpaste.net/show/bc62270da9a7
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<deltab> Powersource: what's the obscure error message?
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<LifeNT[m]> how to disable ipfs gateway?
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<ilyaigpetrov> Hi. How is current pubsub implemented -- is it based on floodsub/dumbsub?
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<ilyaigpetrov> why have you removed original IPFS paper by jbenet from ipfs.io, accessing it form github is not convenient
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<Kubuxu> ilyaigpetrov: yes current pubsub is implemented using floodsub
<Kubuxu> ilyaigpetrov: I will open an issue to readd the paper to ipfs.io
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<ilyaigpetrov> I wonder how DHT layer handles untrue statements, e.g. node can lie "I have a file with hash A and another with hash B", when actually he doesn't have it.
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<r0kk3rz> truthful nodes would have to be overwhelmed for that to have a major impact i think
<r0kk3rz> you could possibly ddos with it though, lie and say target node X has popular file Y
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<cyberwolf[m]> what ports should I open for ipfs&?
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<A124> cyberwolf[m]: 4001 TCP currently. In future you might want UDP too.
<cyberwolf[m]> A124: thx
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<lgierth> kpcyrd: so i added a test for your docker image use case of -v /not/existing/yet:/data/ipfs and i'm stuck cleaning up that directory that i don't have permissions for
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<lgierth> removing that test for now :(
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<kpcyrd> lgierth: remove `USER ipfs` from the dockerfile :)
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<lgierth> kpcyrd: it's gone from what i can tell?
<lgierth> the issue is that the repo gets chown'd by uid=1000 and that might not be what we're running the tests as
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<whyrusleeping> ilyaigpetrov: Kubuxu the paper is on ipfs.io
<ilyaigpetrov> whyrusleeping: where should I look for it?
<ilyaigpetrov> whyrusleeping: It would be convenient if there were a link on ipfs.io/docs
<whyrusleeping> ah, yeah. it would
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<leerspace> is there a way to migrate a go-ipfs leveldb repo to badger?
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<DarkOoze[m]> Is there any way to use a custom chunker?
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<DarkOoze[m]> would like to align the blocks of an uncompressed rar-archive to match the files it contains.
<leerspace> DarkOoze[m]: in go-ipfs you can specify a fixed block size or use the rabin chunker. see https://discuss.ipfs.io/t/which-chunking-algorithms-are-available/363/2
<leerspace> DarkOoze[m]: I'm not very familiar with the rar format, but it sounds like neither of those would necessarily line up with file boundaries in an uncompressed rar file
<whyrusleeping> leerspace: yeah, you'll have to manually change the config file, and then run the ipfs-ds-convert tool
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<DarkOoze[m]> rabin might work if adding the files first. Thanks
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<A124> Any idea if there is any pin service that has competitive pricing? Aka not $0.15 GB/Month.
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<whyrusleeping> A124: hrm.. I havent been following that space too much
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<A124> DarkOoze[m] There is a way to add a chunker, yes. But the simplest approach from user perspective is... (Was solving this also) to construct the archive yourself. Add the files, then add the meta, then stitch it together.
<A124> And if you could, use non-proprietary format.
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<A124> DarkOoze[m] Is there any reason you chose rar? Can I help you eny further?
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<leerspace> whyrusleeping: thanks for the pointer on ds conversion. is badger eventually expected to be the default?
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<whyrusleeping> leerspace: yeah, thats the plan
<whyrusleeping> we're also planning on adding a lot more different configuration options
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<DarkOoze[m]> A124: No, reason. Only that I found out about srr-files last night. It contains meta-data to re-create unpacked rar-archive. I think it pretty much only adds a header to the file. So I figured that i should be possible to store it in ipfs without duplication.
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<sule> Hello, does any of you intend to use OrbitDB for building something that needs to go in production for next 9 - 12 months?
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