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Has anyone else noticed that after upgrade from LE8 to LE9 there are black bars on the top and bottom while playback?
the skin menu looks fine, no black bars, only during playback they appear
Tried videos with normal resolution, so no black bars should appear. 1280x720 and also 1920x1080 have little black bars during playback
Tested on rpi2-LE9 image
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whew, just finished a 2.3T "cp -a" from one usb 3.0 external to a new one
does anyone know if there's a way to quickly mark movies as viewed? either in the GUI, with an addon or via the CLI?
I have about 1,500 movies in my collection so want a way to select which are already viewed very rapidly haha
ca_cabo: and you have seen them all? :D
@vudiq, haha no, not even close
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ca_cabo: script to hack sqlite db to change Watched status in bulk, or script to do it via JSON RPC maybe. Some non-Estuary skins might still allow Marking Watched/Unwatched for whole video sources at a time, if that's what you're wanting.
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@mack-, thanks
it would be a nice feature to add - being able to have a List View where you could go through and very quickly select if a movie or episode had been Watched with a single keystroke.
I think I'm not alone in LibreElec users that have large libraries in excess of 1,000 movies - I think this would be a welcome feature, as it stands Watched or Unwatched filtering is relatively useless to me because I would have to spend hours choosing what I've seen or not. And filtering by watched or unwatched is actually very convenient.
but that would not be LE feature, it should be feature of KODI
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if you're going through one-by-one, you could use a keyboard/software macro to just input the C, down arrow, down arrow, Enter. (or whatever it is).
but once you're in the groove, those 4 keystrokes go pretty fast
ca_cabo: oh, scratch that -- there's already one keystroke: w
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I've copied the sql .db files over and edited it with some GUI sqlite editor before. Can easily do sql queries that way, and get some insight. But yeah, I was just thinking the other day, an addon that gives some editing options would be a nice idea.
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UI ability to directly edit a database is a horrible idea for almost every software project.