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<ndufresne> chewitt, it's an Alfawise H96pro+
<ndufresne> someone in the family had that, but wasn't really using it, so it ended up in my desk
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<ndufresne> chewitt, it is the exact definition of a random S912 ;-D
<chewitt> they're all pretty homogenous these days .. the only things that normally vary from the reference design are the SDIO wifi/bt module and external PHY choices
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<ndufresne> so the external phy works, so I tihnk that one is settle, maybe I should disable wifi/bt and see if it get's further
<ndufresne> chewitt, is there a trick to enter a shell in the librelec initrd ?
<chewitt> add "textmode" to boot params and we don't attempt graphical boot and you'll end up on a console
<chewitt> add "ssh" and it will force the daemon to start, otherwise it's not enabled by default and you have to enable in the GUI first-run wizard
<chewitt> there's a systemd service called 'cpumac' in my branch/codebase which should set the MAC based on SoC serial so the MAC should be static
<chewitt> else most of these devices change MAC on each boot, which is a PITA
<ndufresne> ok, that gives me a fbcon shell
<ndufresne> chewitt, yeah, notice the mac thing when trying to setup an nfs root
<ndufresne> oof, my 4K screen is not exactly big, so that 4K fbcon is pretty small
<chewitt> add video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60 to boot params
<ndufresne> good point, I got ssh running, so things are easier
<ndufresne> now that quesiton is what makes it hang
<chewitt> it would be best if someone came up with a patch/change/hack to set MAC via SoC serial directly in the Ethernet driver, but the current code only exposes serial for GXL/GXM
<chewitt> older GXBB boards/devices don't expose it
<chewitt> which is probably just some bug, but these days nobody is funding commercial work on GXBB so it's not on anyone's to-do list
<ndufresne> and having random for gxbb and serial base for gxl/gxm isn't acceptable ?
<chewitt> we have a reasonably large base of GXBB users
<ndufresne> I see, gxbb is 32bit s80X ?
<chewitt> and our userbase is full of n00bs so coding things to happen by magic results in fewer forum posts :)
<chewitt> no, GXBB is 64-bit, original S905
<ndufresne> ah, I see
<chewitt> Odroid C2 is GXBB
<ndufresne> ok, inspecting some logs now, kernel says "No soundcars .." so I guess audio isn't going to work
<ndufresne> clearly usb works, since I'm using an usb keyboard
<ndufresne> is this one meaningful ? "] kms: can't enable cloning when we probably wanted to."
<ndufresne> connman, I had not seen that running since I worked on moblin ;-D
<chewitt> first probing shows no soundcard but you should have 2.0 audio later on
<chewitt> assuming the dts you're using has the right stuff included
<chewitt> have a look at the linux-9999-* patches in my repo
<chewitt> the conf that's embedded requires the sound card name to be changed
<chewitt> (in dts)
<chewitt> kms message can be ignored
<chewitt> and connman works nicely for us
<ndufresne> my guess is that I had couple of "working kernel" before, but as the terminal didn't go on the serial link, but on the display, I got confused
<ndufresne> I wonder why it does not setup a console properly on ttyAML0
<ndufresne> ah, /dev/ttyAML0 does not exist, maybe that's a hint
<ndufresne> weird, why is there a ttyUSB0 ?
<ndufresne> (nevermind, you know when you confuse terminals)
<chewitt> ^ check the serial0 alias exists .. the uart_A0 plumbing should be present by default
<chewitt> if you're not seeing output on the UART cable (or only early stage boot then it stops) I suspect it's systemd starting and switching the output away
<ndufresne> and the /dev/ttyAML0 is present, it showed traces during the boot
<ndufresne> but it was not picked by systemd to become a terminal
<ndufresne> and same seems to have append with my nfsroot
<ndufresne> it ends after Run /init as init process
<chewitt> serial-console.service is probably wong
<ndufresne> systemd does not seem to like it indeed
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<ndufresne> would be nice to figure-out why systemd-getty-generator does not pick it up
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<chewitt> from fuzzy memory all we've done is forward-port the older 3.14 era service, so things probably need updating
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<chewitt> I normally go look for prior art from Arch Linux .. their documentation is usually reasonable
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<ndufresne> really ? these box have an analog output ?
<ndufresne> chewitt, yeah, I compares shell.service against the serial-console one, the first got few bits (mention in the error) that aren't in the second
<ndufresne> so yeah, I'm pretty sure it's fixable
<chewitt> most have composite video and analogue audio
<chewitt> super low priority for development though .. I never tested either
<ndufresne> so the "unable to clone" thing is probably related
<ndufresne> I just notice through the expose connectors, and the fact there there is valid modes
<chewitt> btw in LE /storage/.config/system.d allows you to create services ad-hoc
<chewitt> disable the embedded .service and clone to that location to create a same-name replacement
<ndufresne> I got an RCA to HDMI converter next to me, mayb i'll give it a try later
<ndufresne> ah, I was wondering if I had to recreate the image, as it was in the cramfs
<chewitt> depends on how fast the build machine is
<chewitt> if using something speedy.. image rebuild is clean
<chewitt> if needing to poke around and experiment .. local service is more flexible
<ndufresne> that part I can alway solve, we assembled a Threadripper 2990wx recently at the office
<ndufresne> but it's nice to test these things
<chewitt> I have 2950X (TR2) here so I mostly just tweak/rebuild images
<ndufresne> and I believe if you are using it as a desktop too, the 2950 is a better choice
<ndufresne> should this one wanted by graphical target too ?
<chewitt> mine is just a server .. I run a lot of VMs for work
<chewitt> no idea on graphical target .. prob. not required for LE's use case
<ndufresne> let's say I really like these TR2, specially for what you get per $
<ndufresne> chewitt, should have said on that OS
<chewitt> I have a server box from .. best thing about it is, it's really (really) quiet
<chewitt> kids have hamsters in the same room as the server, and even under full load the hamsters make more noise than the server
* ndufresne whish there was alternative cases with cooling for the skullcanyon
<ndufresne> nice
<ndufresne> ok, sent you a PR (didn't know if it made sense for working branch, but it gets you the patch
<ndufresne> good night
<chewitt> thanks!
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<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, chewitt: better way to fix the serial-console service is ConditionPathExists=/dev/ttyAML0 in the Unit section of the service file
<Darkmatter66> and also Requires=dev-ttyAML0.device
<Darkmatter66> After=dev-ttyAML0.device
<Darkmatter66> and if you need a wantedby target the right one would be sysinit
<Darkmatter66> this will ensure that the serial is setup early in the boot
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<ndufresne> Darkmatter66, sounds reasonable, I pretty much never hack these things, I just copied thing over from shell.service file
<ndufresne> but this one is meant to be only in
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, actually I don't know why LibreELEC is using a custom service file to enable the serial port, systemd already comes with a service for this
<Darkmatter66> it's called serial-getty@.service
<ndufresne> no idea, I'm new to this
<Darkmatter66> hopefully chewitt can provide a reason
<ndufresne> though you don't want to let systemd start a terminal on tty0, it would glitch the transition from splash to khodi
<ndufresne> oh, and also if you look, these shell are root shell, no password, no login
<ndufresne> it's base on the idea that if you have physical access to these box, it's fine, no need to security, it's running a cramfs after all
<Darkmatter66> I'm not talking about tty0, serial-getty@.service takes an argument so just enable it as serial-getty@ttyAML0.service
<ndufresne> ah I see, I saw that service file, maybe it's just not activated
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, autologin can be enabled for the getty generators, the right way would be to use an override file
<ndufresne> as chewitt said yesterday, there is a lot of legacy being carried over for each release, and few people to clean it up
<ndufresne> I was suspecting other issue, but later I'll try the libreELEC assembled kernel over my NFS setup, and see if Fedora will give a prompt on the serial
<ndufresne> (that never worked with any of my kernels, and could not tell if it was a system hang, so terminal issues, same kernel worked on the S905X)
<Darkmatter66> if you have ssh check if the /dev/ttyAML0 node is available if not maybe you don't have correct kernel cmdline
<ndufresne> of course it's available
<ndufresne> it's tracing to it, it stops when init is called
<Darkmatter66> and still you don't have serial output
<ndufresne> I have serial output
<Darkmatter66> ohh, I thought that was your problem
<ndufresne> but not after the init process is started
<ndufresne> on my previous kernel, I didn't have some fixes, so DRM was not functional, so if the kernel output was moved to fbcon, that would explain why it looked like a system hang
<Darkmatter66> so you only get the kernel messages and not systemd messages on the serial port
<ndufresne> an example, the system was replying to ping, which normally does not work on most hangs
<ndufresne> that's correct
<ndufresne> with librelec message, with this hacky service fix, it works, so it proves it can work
<ndufresne> s/message/image
<ndufresne> might be confusing, but I'm in the process of booting mainline on my random TV box (but slowly, spare time)
<Darkmatter66> well that's not very difficult, these tv boxes are mostly similar,they just use reference amlogic models with some changes, most of the time they only differ in the wifi chip
<Darkmatter66> if you know the Soc on that tv box then it's just about finding the right dts file, most of the time the dts files in mainline will work
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<ndufresne> Darkmatter66, I know, but the one I had didn't have the right u-boot for the selected ref-board, side effect I initially had no ethernet
<ndufresne> and then vala 5.X don't boot, it crash at least on that board
<ndufresne> Darkmatter66, chewitt assembled kernel is the first that actually boots, but for the LibreELEC part it does not work since the screen goes totally black as soon as khodi starts
<ndufresne> need to try forcing lower resolution, would be 4k here
<ndufresne> so I guess, yes, it wasn't very difficult, but it didn't exactly just worked
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, for the u-boot part I had the same issue on my board, mine had a u-boot with rgmii ethernet while my device is rmii so no ethernet either, I had to rebuild vendor u-boot and for mainline u-boot i had to add my board and submitted it as a patch for neil
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, before i had u-boot working I used to upload my kernel to the device by booting a well known working kernel (vendor kernel) and from their upload my kernel through scp and reboot to boot the new kernel using u-boot commands, I ended up writing a multi-boot system to test all my kernels and distros
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, this is what i come up with
<Darkmatter66> ndufresne, a crude solution i know but it gets the job done.
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<ndufresne> hehe, that's interesting
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