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for some reason it won't work with git:// today, but only for linux-sunxi, others are fine. Downloading using https:// instead
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wingrime: iqidctinput register looks interesting, inverse dct (and forward) are ususally expensive CPU operations, having those be done in hardware is pretty cool
iirc dct/idct is key to FFT's; and FFT's are pretty important, so we could even do a libfft that's hardware accelerated :)
to do hardware encoding though, the forward dct is needed also, didn't see that in those sources yet :(
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morning tom!
how are things!
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mnemoc: ping
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oliv3r: pong
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mnemoc: apt-get install cgit :p
iirc the version of cgit in ubuntu is ancient
was an update posted on phoronix today, which reminded me
apt-get install lxr?
i totally agree in the need of git mirrors and lxr. but not so sure about the web interface. having a bad time with bw usage with dl. already :(
also postfix and mailman are on the TODO
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mnemoc: ok ok; i'm sorry i'm pushing it :p
maybe i'll do a git mirror
i have 'unlimited' bw
100Mbit ftth
just not sure if I want the constant hammering on my server
since it may hurt my other uses of the connection
that's why we delegate that into github
but github is being trouble some :(
and what's the biggest user of BW
build-and-maintain-your-own is far more troublesome than using github or google groups
the full-sd/nand images
for biiger orgs, maybe
for me, i prefer my own mailserver ;) and it's reasonably troublefree once setup :)
bit/github/orious/bucket i don't mind, they are hosting a copy of my local open source
having an open mailing list (to allow cross posting) brings serious spam issues
and maintainance nightmares
i suppose if GG worked properly, as a public mailing list, no issue; but for my private mail, gmail, noty
oh yeah, my mail servers get hammer with 40-60k spam per month
we should find a spot to offload the full-sd/nand images :p
it's still within the monthly quota, but adding a git might get it out of control
or get a donation button up for a dl bw
well github should be the main resource to use
maybe clone github to bitbucket and gitorious
so people can clone from any, if one is slow/down
oh yay, found my bug i think
bug fixing time :)
we need the mirror for lxr anyway, but it doesn't need to be.... advertised
tested the latex thing you requested yesterday?
no :(
slapin_nb: requested it!
i do like it a lot though, to render those bitfields with it
i'm thinking of copying the math plugin and renaming it, and work from there
you get me the mw extension using it, and I give you the lxr and git mirrors
but need to fix the driver :(
and write the other one
copy + rename the math extension to bytefield extension and get me lxr :p
lxr points to a certain kernel tree, right? stage/3.4?
i think it uses tags
but haven't had time to look into it yet
ah ok
i thought it looked into a flat tree
but if it integrates with git, even better
don't know. haven't dived into that yet
hno, mnemoc ping hi, u-boot from sunxi-current can be placed on nand?
only lichee-dev supports nand
I have a weak feeling, our u-boot will only do mtd nand, not AW nand
i was kind of sure about that....
sunxi-current aims at mainline, aw's nand driver is not mainlineable
and does lichee-dev supports booting from sata?
e-ndy: not u-boot's problem
e-ndy: pass the right root=
mnemoc, i mean loading kernel and initrd form sata drive
e-ndy: maybe with kexec
the BROM doesn't support SATA booting
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mnemoc: let me rephrase, I don't think anybody will polish the AW nand driver in u-boot to make it better usable, and I don' thtink anybody will port it to the SPL
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you can 'boot' from sata, if you load a SPL+u-boot from MMC or nand first :p the kernel can do sata, but needs to be stored on something it _can_ read, e.g. mmc, spi-nor, nand
yeah, driver fixed
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not quite understand the bug; but it's squashed!
because I did something really stupid, why else
oliv3r: you were right yesterday with aw ;)
no rely?
of course no reply :p
I hoped your hopes would have been better of course :)
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lol, "of course"
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i have bigger hopes the replies from aw ;)
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so hiboi, lkcl; any word on an A20 usermanual?
btw, any comment regarding the posted w1 driver?
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i don't have any 1-wire interfaces, so can't test
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heh, 1-wire
I read even about using old Matrox cards for 1-wire but have not seen a 1-wire device
i do like the whole 1 wire concept
signal + power in 1 wire; gnd on the other
or not at all
it's nice but in absence of devices it's useless
i suppose if you gnd 'somewhere else' you don't need gnd
well there's 1 wire 'keys'; 1 wire sensors
there ARE devices
the whole 1-wire thing is about using only 1 contact
so no gnd
thre were those 1wire tokens and those were definitely not grounded anywhere
which should have been the aim; but we can only encourage him to shoot that high
for the legacy branches we need script.bin-based anyway
true that; just accept it :)
feedback regarding hramrach's defconfig patchset is also welcomed :p
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you expect to much of me!
you in english is plural too ;-)
(no idea about the dutch equivalent)
jullie, jij; we don' thave 1 word
mnemoc: postiive pushing
hansg: hey! and my soc-detect boot log? :)
oliv3r: it exists..
gpio-1w iirc :p
let me check
mnemoc, hey, sorry did not get around to testing your soc-detect work yet. Should be able to do that today.
hi, all!
hansg: thanks :)
have anybody tested A10's ethernet, can it handle 100mbit in full?
slapin_nb: hi
slapin_nb: with mainline driver it pretty much can :D (while also eating your CPU, little detail there :P)
don't use gpio 1wire if you can afford the driver chip and 1w is important enough and used often
Turl: so no DMA there?
slapin_nb: with AW driver on linux-sunxi, ethernet is full of mixed experiences
slapin_nb: indeed, mainline has no dma yet
how big is load?
slapin_nb: iperf does like 90-something Mb iirc, but uses all CPU as seen on htop
oliv3r: hmm, the ee magic did note get to real 1 wire yet it seems. the tokens really have two contacts that are only visible on detailed photo
please try to convince tsvetan to make an A20 board with 2GB and gmii
that is too bad :(
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he doesn't believe me there is market for that
I will buy one
they simply can trace it so people can replace ram
so to make upgrade possible
he said the current design doesn't allow it
Turl: i tried to google for it, only found rasberry posts mostly
mnemoc: they can make it at least on module
hey hansg, slapin_nb et al
oliv3r: I see it in mainline
A20 with gmii? HTPC. 1 or 2 GB ram ... don't know if that makes a huge difference
A20 + gmii + 2GB == server
oliv3r: cool home appliance
oliv3r: can really do interesting stuff like recorder of treamed media
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weren't you ranting about the lack of ram of your A10 tablet yesterday and the impact little more dram has?
so yeah, I see enough use of A20 + gmii + 2GB
and to be fair, how big of a price difference are we talking here?
a few dollars?
oliv3r: about $3 for ram
oliv3r: and board redesign? :p
so 5E total?
let A20 be 1 USD more then A10; 1 vs 2 GB ram ... can't be a lot if dram prices now; mii vs gmii is the biggest costfactor
Turl: A20 is A10 pin-compatible
oliv3r: and about $5 for gmii or so
Turl: aren't they designing an A20 board too?
slapin_nb: full chip? or 'more expenisve then mii'
oliv3r: more expensive
oliv3r: problem is they want to do a 512/1GB A10 board that can be extended to use A20
instead of a A20 board
well, and how about module
and IIRC A10 can do 2GB, just nobody tried it
KSZ9021GN = 6.85 USD if you buy 1 quantity, it's 3.70 in 1k quantities
slapin_nb: olimex tried and failed. aw adviced against
timings may be the issue, but AW hasn't helped in sorting that out, routing shouldn't be ahuge issue with 1gb vs 2gb; if you use higher densities even less?
ah, so maybe A10 couldn't handle it
maybe A20 can
mnemoc: you can trace it so that you can solder either 1G or 2
but f* A10 and make a kick ass A20 board
so oh wow, you can buy 10/100 PHY for 0.63 cent! (in 1k quantities)
mnemoc: A20 doesn't have SATA which is show stopper for my next project