Xilinx just published a copy of their Unisim library (normally found in vivado) on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 license! https://github.com/Xilinx/XilinxUnisimLibrary -- next step is to get them to run in iverilog and/or verilator
mithro: now if only they also published a VHDL one :-)
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_florent_: do that ring a bell
LiteDRAM built from Migen b1b2b29 and LiteX 28ea4b3f
m0: |000000000000001111111111| delay: 14
m2: |000000000001111111111111| delay: 11
m1: |000000000000001111111111| delay: 14
m3: |000000000011111111111111| delay: 10
this is standalone microwatt with a litedram generated for Genesys2 (with a 100Mhz sys_clk from the 200Mhz input)
using modified version of genesys2.yml from litedram examples
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benh: i probably already saw this but was not able to reproduce it easily to investigate. If you are able to easily reproduce it on the Genesys2, can you create a PR on LiteDRAM repo with the required files? i could look at this
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_florent_: it's a user trying microwatt standalone with stuff I generated so it's a bit tricky ... there are other weird problems though, some of the stuff the code displays makes no sense (some of my stuff, like it reads some internal config register I have on my wishbone and that seems to return 0 ... but it's hard wired via a generic to some other value and the vivado logs seem to indicate the generic was bound properly ... so a mystery at this point :)
_florent_: might be worth asking him to try with LiteX I suppose ...
the main difference I noticed is that standalone litedram generates a PLL while LiteX generates an MMCM, the formers has unused "dq" clock outputs but I don't see why any of htat would be a problem (I double checked the configs, they seem fine)
oh and LiteX runs at 125Mhz on the genesys while I run at 100 at the moment
but I don't have a board to test and investigate myself so ...
oh... he didn't wire the cs_n pins of the DRAM in his toplevel ...
_florent_: btw, on a different note, you know about FPGAs... :-)
_florent_: in microwatt, for historical reasons, we define our wishbones with address bits all the way down to 0 such as the bottom bits are "byte address" and are unused... ie on a 32-bit wishbone we have 2 unused bottom bits and on a 64-bit one, 3
benh: ok for the issue on the Genesys2, just in case there is an easy repro, i have this board so could help
_florent_: I've been meaning to clean that up for a while ... so I just did (effectively made all the arrays be N downto 2 or N downto 3)
and reduced various latches accordingly
and the end result after going through vivado is increased LUT and register utilization
can you think of any reason for this ?
_florent_: ok thanks. I'll have him try LiteX first and fix a few things in his toplevel
_florent_: and if we don't get to the bottom of it, I'll merge his stuff in a branch you can try out if you feel like messing around with standalone mw :)
benh: in fact that's probably better to use byte addressing on any buses, this makes integration a lot easier and avoid errors/confusions. The wishbone bus in LiteX uses word addressing for historical reason, but i'm no longer sure it was a good choice
benh: that's indeed sometimes difficult to relate logic changes with Vivado's Luts/Register utilization. Very subtles changes can allow it/prevent it to/from optimizing things, the log would need to be carefully analyzed
_florent_: thanks. The logs aren't always that clear but yes ... I think I'll leave it as it was then
it does make the decoders easier and more readable indeed :)
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I'm playing around with litex (master) and its vivado backend for artix 7 and vivado fairly frequently crashes ("abnormal program termination" or outright segfaults). Is this expected behavior or is my vivado setup b0rked?
Simply re-running the same command usually works though.
Title: PCB800661 Single HDMI Drive Board HDMI to LVDS Adapter Board LCD Screen Drive Plate 7 Inch 42 Inch|Air Conditioner Parts| - AliExpress (at www.aliexpress.com)
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CarlFK: i am new to this. but i would say driveing the lvds display should be possoble, but you might need to remove the 5v buffer and add voltage divider to match 3.3 to 1.8V
what is the image source HDMI or ethernet?
Eathernet. Or rendered by the fpga based on something coming in over ethernet
hello everyone, Can someone please suggest me any documentation or tutorial with how to build simple SoC and documentation about the different modules in LiteX? Thanks in advance!
Title: FPGA Tomu Workshop FPGA Tomu (Fomu) Workshop 0.1-192-ga639335 documentation (at workshop.fomu.im)
thanks zyp and CarlFK!
which board do you have? I personally found the easiest way to be building an existing example for a board I had and then pick it apart to figure out how stuff fit together
I have platform with Lattice ICE40HX1K. it kind of like the "icebreaker" platform.
Go board from nandland
I wonder if ICE40HX1K has enough logic to contain RISC-V soft-core (like SERV) and UART. it has 1K LUTs. do you have any experience with ICE40HX1K and LiteX?
I've used litex on the icestick, but without a cpu, haven't checked whether SERV would fit
gonna give it a try :)
nice :)
zyp Do you have the code with LiteX on icestick in GitHub? It will be great to see it
no, it's just a pile of mess :)
I'll upload the serv stuff if I can get it to work
keep update :)
okay, problem 1 is that hx1k only have 8kB of block ram in total, litex bios as it builds requires more
but building without that, it works :)
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you can remove the «import deps», that's just some stuff I've got to set up the pythonpath
with --no-compile-software, it builds here, 76% utilization of a hx1k
and then you just need to figure out how to load some software into it :)
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nice zyp! thanks!
SoCCore has an argument called integrated_rom_init, so I guess you could just provide the firmware image there
_florent_ has been talking about making it easier to boot directly into other software than the litex bios, but I'm not sure what the current status of that is
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