is this an open source project you can share?
I .. am also kinda wondering.. some things can not be done in ASIC as far as i know e.g. initial values after reset. who will validate this / who is responsible for this
I also heard that the ice40 also can not do this but that the open toolchain works around this
ice40 is different to an ASIC as in iCE40 all FFs init to zero, whereas in most ASIC technologies they init to undefined
So for iCE40 arbitrary initialisation can be done by wrapping 1-initialised FFs in inverters by Yosys to make them 0-initialised
The usual ASIC solution, aiui, is a power on async reset
Is anyone maintaining the liteeth linux driver, I have a few cleanups for it. But it seems pretty obvious
Also, I found the csr2dts generation is not working so well, for example it didn't specify interrupts in the dts. I had to manually add those
maybe I am doing something wrong, using the latest version of litex-buildenv from last week
keesj: the "problem" with ASICs is that power-on has total garbage from whatever stray capacitance happened to be floating around at the time, all the gates go "argh i have no idea if i'm on or off, errr i'll pick one"
so you _have_ to wire in a reset pretty much everywhere
sometimes however you actually don't care, such as clock-gated pipelines. you would just run those "empty" for a few cycles, just long enough for the valid/ready signals to pop out the other end of the pipeline.
Title: GitHub - litex-hub/linux at litex-rocket-rebase (at github.com)
if your liteeth patches can be tested on top of what's there using 64-bit rocket chip, I can test them and add your patch there -- I'm hoping someone at some point in the future will collect all that stuff and do a final rebase before pushing it all upstream (preferably in a way tha works not just on 32-bit CPUs with 8-bit litex-csr data width :) )
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ranzbak: this might be it, but I am not at all a tomo/fomu hacker:
>>> l = [0,0,0,0]; l[2]=1;l
[0, 0, 1, 0]
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The problem is, that when you set bit 3 after that, only bit three will be set, because it's the last rule that is applied to the array.
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l = [0,0,0,0]; l[2]=1; l[3]=1;l
[0, 0, 1, 1]y
This way it does work, but not when I run it on my FPGA.
But I'll go to the Migen channel, that might be a better place :-)
My Arty A7 arrived yesterday and after setting up the monster that is Vivado, LiteX straight up works out of the box. I'm really impressed. :)
Unfortunately, using --with-ethernet fails at linking the BIOS image since the rom-region overflows by 1412 bytes. Is there anything I can do about this? Can I simply adjust the rom region's length? Currently trying to figure out how/where regions.ld is generated
leons: that is pretty cool (LiteX does depend on Vivado but we are going to ignore that for now) what .. problems did you encounter?
ranzbak: .... I find that hard to believe but in the code you are not concatenating you are assigning counter[24] do a led[0]
keesj: I've really only generated a few gatewares and looked around the source, changing a few bits here and there.
But now I'm running a clean LiteX installation, unfortunately encountering the linker error while building the BIOS when running `./arty.py --build --with-ethernet` as outlined above
Title: The FHDL domain-specific language Migen 0.8.dev0 documentation (at m-labs.hk)
keesj: That's what I was kind of hoping for not to be the case, but I have to use a concatenation in order to assign a bit in a register array.
keesj: Isn't that cumbersome, or am I missing other features in Migen that make it very efficient?
This hack seems to do the trick to get the BIOS building for Arty with ethernet: kwargs["integrated_rom_size"] = 0xb000 if with_ethernet else 0x8000
If it doesn't work out of the box (and other people can reproduce my behavior), is this a bug in LiteX then?
leons: it's possible the BIOS size increased a little bit recently (i should have a closer look), to workaround the issue, you can also add --integrated-rom-size=0xb0000 to ./arty.py --with-ethernet --build
_florent_: I've just now realized that the target python script also has a help which documents it! probably good practice to go through the source anyways :)
But yes, that's the issue I suspected. Adding ethernet seems to grow it just above the rom size (only about 1.5kB)
i've also been thinking recently about making the BIOS size dynamic to avoid this: first just build the BIOS with a large ROM (just to determine the size) and reduce it when building
somlo: ok
_florent_: You wouldn't by chance know what the default tty baudrate of the prebuild gateware (incl BIOS) of the linux-on-litex-vexriscv is? I tried all imaginable ones, but I'm only reading gibberish :)
Sorry, nevermind, 1MBd/s was not picocoms manpage :)