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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1139: > What complexity and bugs are you referring to?...
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] klickverbot commented on issue #1115: Will have a look at this hopefully later today, currently traveling.
<7GHAAAJWP> [artiq] jordens closed issue #1139: remove device_db alias support
<5EXAAAD0Y> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #1139: ACK. Let's file a new issue for those.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens opened issue #1140: device_db alias corner case bugs
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #801: > I'd like to hear from other users before cutting AM/PM, but it's fine from my vantage point especially if it makes resource counts go from 'more than we have' to 'workable'....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #801: > @hartytp This is actually to feed-forward frequency noise from the laser we use for our 2-qubit gates. We're correcting for acoustical noise in the laser cavity (dominant noise peaks are a few hundred Hz), not slow drifts (like the ones you mention) that we intend to address by recomputing....
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<hartytp> larsc: thanks
<hartytp> I'd seen that about the JESD204B DACs
<hartytp> but, we have a few use-cases that need a DAC that's DC precise/low-noise, but that has a sample rate of 10MHz or so, so a few times higher than SPI can provide
<hartytp> in that case, JESD204B is overkill (and, in any case, most of those DACs aren't great at DC)
<hartytp> so, it's really nice to have a parallel 16-bit DAC with decent noise/temp co etc, but it seems that ADI is moving away from providing those
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] cjbe opened issue #1141: Urukul channels sporadically lock up until reset
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #1141: This is AD9910-specific. I have seen it as well. And we know that its bigger brother the AD9914 is equally easy to bring into a locked up state. I'd hypothesize that a multi-transfer SPI transcation is interrupted mid-way (due to an underflow or due to bad initialization or due to some other reason) and the AD9910 machinery is driven into a non-recoverable state by subs
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1141: > In this experiment we have a Kasli master and DRTIO satellite, with one Urukul on the master, and 2 on the satellite. We have seen channels on both the master and satellite lock up....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] cjbe commented on issue #1141: @sbourdeauducq yes - we have two Kasli master-satellite DRTIO setups running at 125 MHz. They have both been running for several months without any problems.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] gkasprow commented on issue #1141: Maybe we should add simple power management over I2C? Just IO extender + PMOS. On by default.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1141: @gkasprow better to make sure that the code doesn't put the AD9910 into this state to begin with (I've used AD9910s continuously updating for months without any issues, so I know that they can be programmed reliably).
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1141: @hartytp What is the difference in the programming sequence?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] cjbe commented on issue #1141: @sbourdeauducq the legacy systems @hartytp is referring to just use an FSM that cannot be interrupted to generate the SPI transactions. I think the point is that it is the interruption of the SPI transaction in the middle of a multiword transfer that causes the DDS to misbehave, rather than an inherent bug in the DDS itself if one completes the transactions properly.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1141: exactly
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1141: There is an inherent bug in the DDS chip if it doesn't recover from interrupted SPI transactions after a master reset. Resets ought to be able to clear any chip state that can be programmed from a digital interface.
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] sbourdeauducq commented on issue #1141: And, while it is not strictly a bug, it is poor design that interrupted transfers put the chip into a broken state. Try breaking the Si5324 by comparison. But, at least the master reset on the AD9910 puts the chip into a working state, contrary to the AD9914 where everything is borked after a reset. Sigh......
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1141: > The only advantage I see to the software workaround is supporting the existing Urukul fleet....
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp commented on issue #1141: > The only advantage I see to the software workaround is supporting the existing Urukul fleet....
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #675: As this is exclusively monitoring and injection for the sum, there are 8 injection and 8 monitoring channels. that could still be doable with the current design. I should have numbers on the resource/routing impact soon.
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<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #801: @hartytp ...
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<rjo> sb0: how is SIPHASER_SKEW=32 determined?
<sb0> rjo: manually, look where errors happen and put it in the middle of the working zone
<rjo> errors == siphaser alignment failures?
<sb0> no, drtio data corruption
<sb0> this controls the skew between the noisy transceiver recovered clock and the si5324 output
<sb0> the transceiver outputs data in its recovered clock domain, and it is re-registered into the si5324 output domain by RXSynchronizer
<sb0> RXSynchronizer is a bunch of FFs placed next to each other, and has large data eyes. most SIPHASER_SKEW values work.
<rjo> sb0: without a CDC?
<sb0> CDCs don't have deterministic latency
<rjo> or RXSynchronizer is a "CDC that assumes reasonably well aligned phase"
<sb0> it's a data recapture in a phase-aligned domain. if you set it to None it gets replaced with an elastic buffer (useful for debugging if you suspect problems there)
<sb0> an elastic buffer gives you latency non-determinism instead of data corruption when the phases aren't right
<rjo> yeah. i get that.
<rjo> coarse (1/rtio_freq) non-determinism.
<sb0> if we start getting a lot of problems with this thing, we should write an autocal routine for it. send PRNG data through RXSynchronizer and scan the phases
<sb0> btw, there are several WR implementations that have the transceiver elastic buffer enabled, and just assume that the clock phase is right for deterministic latency ...
<rjo> hmm. you LOCed them. for async reset synchronizers which are the same structure (FFs close together) the recommended way is with ASYNC_FF and a timing constraint. just FYI. I am not keen on rewriting it.
<rjo> or RLOC. well I guess that's fine.
<rjo> and SIPHASER_PHASE is stable enough across rebuilds/logic added/removed?
<sb0> on 7-series yes, but I'm not really sure on ultrascale
<rjo> (SKEW, not PHASE) and you'd expect SIPHASER_SKEW to be a constant **delay** and not necessarily a constant number of PSINCDECs, right?
<sb0> it is definitely not a constant number of PSINCDEC, since the latter depends on what skew the Si5324 has after locking
<sb0> it is the target skew between the CDR output and the Si5324 output
<rjo> i mean a constant offset of PSINCDECs from the 0->1 transition.
<sb0> ah, yes
<rjo> and finally: any reason to choose 1200 MHz for that second MMCM VCO and not something closer to the max int(1440 MHz/rtio_clk_freq)?
<rjo> ... i meant the divider closer to the max, which is int(...)
<rjo> ... in order to get max phase shift resolution.
<sb0> no. afaict I just read the datasheet wrong and thought the maximum frequency was 1200, while it is 1440 for that speed grade
<rjo> ok. SIPHASER_SKEW both 32 for kasli and sayma is that coincidence?
<rjo> sb0: ah. i guess 1200 MHz because it is the max for our Sayma grade.
<sb0> sayma is less tested, I just modified that value around a bit and the margins looked fine
<sb0> I guess the best/rigorous way to do this is the autocal with PRNG. also helps with pinning down any P&R/P/V/T variations
<sb0> it could scan around the programmed value and check the margins like the jesd204 sysref code
<sb0> could be PRNG or just flip all bits on every cycle
<rjo> can't we use the data strem from the master, i.e. assume mostly K
<GitHub-m-labs> [migen] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> migen/master 97e2651 Robert Jördens: kasli: set USERID and USR_ACCESS...
<sb0> the rx synchronizer is after 8b10b decoding
<sb0> moving it before needs changing the code + breaks compatibility with potential transceivers with built-in 8b10b decoders that cannot be disabled
<sb0> the K sequence is a much inferior test pattern than 0xffff / 0x0000
<sb0> the rest of the stack needs to be disabled anyway while doing the calibration to avoid processing garbage data, so a gateware change is needed anyway
<sb0> finally, assuming the K sequence from the transceiver increases fragility
<sb0> (what if the master wasn't sending Ks, what if the receiver isn't working properly?)
<rjo> hmm. why is it not sufficient to just use the noisy GT clock again and align to that? what am i missing.
<rjo> wouldn't you be doing the same thing with 0xffff/0x0000?
<rjo> btw. i noticed that all my cases where i had "nothin on the UART" with kasli bitstreams were simply due to v1.0/v1.1 mismatch. weren't hartytp and marmelada also reporting those?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] jordens pushed 6 new commits to master:
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master ccc58a0 Robert Jördens: satman: add 125 MHz Si5324 settings...
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master eb9e963 Robert Jördens: siphaser: support 125 MHz rtio clk...
<GitHub-m-labs> artiq/master 9584c30 Robert Jördens: kasli: DRTIO Base: flexible rtio_clk_freq
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<hartytp> rjo: I never reported that for Kasli, only Sayma
<hartytp> Kasli always worked fine for me
<GitHub163> [smoltcp] pothos commented on issue #106: This can be closed, or? :)
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<GitHub29> [smoltcp] pothos opened issue #260: Poll panic on corrupted input
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] hartytp closed pull request #1105: [NFC] Sayma: hmc7043 add explanation of input buffer configuration, and do … (master...master)
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<rjo> hartytp: ok. i misremembered then.
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<GitHub74> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on issue #260: Do you have a packet capture of the packet that caused this?
<GitHub-m-labs> [artiq] drewrisinger commented on issue #1138: Confirmed. Misspelled `m-labs` as `mlabs`. Fixed the issue.
<GitHub34> [smoltcp] pothos commented on issue #260: Unfortunately not, but I'll try to reproduce it with a somehow patched version that dumps the packet (sounds possible) or maybe in gdb…
<GitHub65> [smoltcp] pothos opened issue #261: Debug panic in packet assembler
<GitHub85> [smoltcp] jhwgh1968 commented on issue #106: I think so, but since @whitequark opened it, I don't have the power to close it.
<GitHub52> [smoltcp] whitequark closed issue #106: Implement TCP window scaling
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