lekernel: the vishay infrared receiver we use is for 38kHz carrier frequency, but Wikipedia RC-5 seems to indicate that it should actually be 36 kHz?
will this still work? Wikipedia is a little unclear there, it says "The command data is a Manchester coded bitstream modulating a 36 kHz carrier. (Often the carrier used is 38 kHz or 40 kHz, apparently due to misinformation about the actual protocol.)"
so any of those 3 will work? If the remote control sends with a 36 khz carrier, can our receiver with a 38khz carrier still pick it up?
i think the carrier wave mostly only matters for the IR-filter
don't understand
the receiver is available in different part numbers, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40 and 56 khz
why that? what does it mean if you have the 'wrong one'?
the signal won't go through the filter i guess
so if the remote control uses a 38 khz carrier, and the receiver is a 36 khz type (part number), will it receive or not?
sorry same question as before :-)
what if the distance is bigger, say a control sending on a 56khz carrier, and the receiver being a 30 khz part number?
maybe ;)
it all depends on how narrow the filter is. if you wnat to be sure, use the 38khz receiver
we use a 38khz receiver right now
oh you mean because it is in the middle from 36 to 40?
so our vishay part with 38 khz part number will be able to receive correct codes from remote controls sending on a 36, 38 or 40 khz carrier?
depends on how narrow the filter is. take a look at the datasheet
datasheet only says "should be close to the band-pass center frequency", cannot find more details
not sure whether 2khz distance is 'close' or not :-)
it's probably obvious, but not to me...
hm. i think it will work even if its off a bit
yes but what is 'a bit'?
wikipedia seems to say rc-5 is often found on 36, 38 or 40 khz. ok, I got that.
there is a bandpass curve for f+-5%
now, our vishay part is of 38 khz type. did we choose that because it's in the middle of 36-40?
but i guess it will work best with 38, and maybe with a few percent less range also with 36 and 40khz ones
atleast thats what that graph tells me
f=f0 +-5%
delta f(3dB)=f0/10
its half as sensitive at 3.8khz up and down
means at 36khz (2 khz down, 5% f0 off down) its something like 0.6 to 0.8 times as sensitive as on 38khz
that doesn't explain why we see so many different/random values then, when doing controlled tests with the sending remote control essentially directly in front of the receiver
it works less well, but maybe one only notices when using it on long distance
so maybe we did choose 38 to be in the middle of 36-40
although you could also make the same argument about 36 being more in the middle of 30-40 (since 30 and 33 exist as well)
but then, it looks like sensitivity goes down quite a lot, even with 5% off
I'm trying to find the root cause of the 'different values' problem me, Adam and Xiangfu have, but can't be related to carrier frequency then, it looks like
needs coffee...
ha! coffee!
roh: is it possible that the infrared goes through the wood case you made once?
I was just trying that and even when I hold the control immediately in front of the wood (so the light cannot go anywhere else but through it), I do receive a value (albeit wrong, as always)
have you looked at the waveform from a DSO or logic analyzer?!??
um...good stuff my toggle bit is strange...checking that protocol...
I bought another controller. it do give only one value when press one button. but the value is not correct.
(the two phillips brand remote controller is on the way to me)
lekernel, my button 1 is the same as that one in web page. i need to probe more. I don't see what else is wrong from tsop34838's output.
xiangfu: i<sizeof(rc5_code), can remove while(1) and break I think, can return TEST_STATUS_FAILED right away since you also return a few lines higher.
why do we do rx&0x3F? Is that needed? are some of the high bits on/different? there is one bit that toggles but we mask out a whole bunch of them, don't know why
we are not trying to 'find/extract' the right value, we are trying to test the transmission :-)
I got reliably value when press same button
wolfspraul: (20 times) yes.
so now the problems is that our ir transmitter is not sending correct one since second start bit is wrong
second start bit is a toggle bit I think
xiangfu, but how do you know that your remoter is rc5 format? since if used my other not rc5 remoter, the gui still can detect with the same value.
to tell the difference between two button presses versus someone walking through the signal
wolfspraul, NO, start bit have two bits with "1"
so this is surely my remoter is not sending a good code when i press the same button "1" key
"transmitter" what is that? one component on m1 pcb? the TSOP34838?
xiangfu, sorry, i said transmitter is your remoter. :-)
aw: I don't know that. I just configure it as phillips remote controller. it's a universal controller, very cheap.
aw: transmitter ok. get it.
back online in 10 Mins
xiangfu, hmm..got it.
wolfspraul, i think now the results is clear? test s/w is strictly more and he has a universal controller, so i need to get the same as phillips remoter controller.
xiangfu, pls take picture of your universal remoter so that i can find if it exists here i can buy.
aw:hmm.. I think let's wait the 'phillips branch remote controller' in next two days.
aw: I just bought them at small shop, you know in China. it's only 10RMB.
I mean I just bought this one at small shop.
hmm..okay..bad asia not just China. :-)
okay..let's stick on a real philips remote controller.
I meet another problem. I get different value in Flicernoise and Test image.
xiangfu, hup? what's difference in flickernoise when you press the same button 1?
xiangfu, what value the gui read for button 1? 0x0c? 0x1c?
wolfspraul: ok. the values is same(value & 0x003f), check here http://pastebin.com/xTDzvxkW, the first colume is and 0x003f, the second colume is without 0x003f
wolfspraul: but there is another problem. you have to press the button very fast then you can get only one time value.
wolfspraul: I will change code that handle the repeat values.
i finally realized that toggle bit
1 toggle bit (change everytime when a new button is pressed on the ir transmitter)
yes. that's a bit we need to mask out when comparing against the value we expect for a particular button.
yes so xiangfu needs to mask it when repeating code coming.
aw: I'm looking at the two scope pics you uploaded earlier
the 0x0c one looks like 111000000000011 to me
the 0x1c one looks like 110000000000011, so no difference other than the toggle bit
the 11 at the end should come out as 0x03, neither 0x0c nor 0x1c
so obviously I misunderstand something :-)
am I misreading the scope output?
it's 11111111111101
which one is that? 0c or 1c?
please forget about the first two bits on those two waveforms, the remaining rightest bits is all the same **111111111101
i need to probe in a suitable time slot again.
well OK, I cannot make sense of the scope pics then.
why should I forget the first two bits?
the picture file name show 0x0c and 0x1c were read by gui not i read from waveforms.
and why are all 1 - inverted? that doesn't look right
yes sure, I understood that
so I tried to find out why one came out as 0x0c in the GUI, one as 0x1C
but I read the bits very different from you already, of course I start at the very left, assuming that's the first start bit
2 start bits, 1 toggle bit, 5 address bits, 6 command bits (last bit almost not on the picture)
anyway, I cannot make sense reading those pics, so I cannot help :-)
they look like 0x03 to me, both of them, differ only in toggle bit
from http://users.telenet.be/davshomepage/rc5.htm  shows, the rightest bit is read as the same big status though, me either. I don't know why gui reads it as 0x0c and 0x1c though.
let's focus on reading the scope bits correctly first
aw, btw, have you ordered the RC3 PCBs already?
you looked only at the cleanliness, or also the bit values?
gerber file on zener I realized it's not good to insert through hole part, so we changed the footprint again to meet suitable zener diode with two pins length.
just cleanliness, but hey... that simple analogue receiver isn't going to switch bits
if it doesn't work with such a signal, either the remote isn't rc5 or the fpga design needs fixing
after this done, I'll gerber out.
aw, can you get that done, and only then play with the remotes?
lekernel, whe i get the final gerber, I'll gerber out. right now I've receive final yet. No related about this remote.
you're waiting for the layout house? or do you still have something to do on your side?
just waiting only.
lekernel: yes but in order to find this out, one would need to read those bits. because if it's 0x03 there, but 0x0c/0x1C in the gui, then the problem is in the fpga
that's why I read it, and even though I cannot clearly see the start bit and last bit, it look like 0x03 to my untrained eyes
but it looks like 11111111101 to Adam, so whatever :-)
I'll wait :-)
the pattern isn't complete
wolfspraul, wait..i do probe again. :-)
capture for a longer time
yes it's cut off a little
aw, how much work is needed by the layout house? any idea when this will be done?
omg... the rc3 run is incredibly slow
at least it's almost done. we should plan for rc4 already :-)
i'm doing it, I ordered samples of adv7180 yesterday
that should be the only change...
I still see, without an Ethernet cable connected, both my green and yellow led at the Ethernet connector on sometimes
that was some hardware bug, right? that's fixed in rc3?
it's not fixed in the PCB
I had it once, even with the new bitstream
the software is able to recover from this condition by resetting the PHY
so it's fixable in software on all boards no matter what
with wider view, should be easily read it although it's narrow.
btw, the IR sensor output is inverted
so IR signal present = 0 level
I read this as 11000000000001
maybe I get it wrong though :-)
no IR signal present = 1 level
what? clang-lm32
does it works?
there's no difference between the two pictures... is there?
kristianpaul, partly, see email on list
sure sure, just waking up here :-)
this looks like RC5, but with 0x01 code, not 0x0c or 0x1c
that's good because he pressed the '1' button
no difference? the signal looks different to me at the beginning (third bit), but I probably misread the whole thing...
but if you read it as 0x01, even better
ah, yeah, but that's the toggle bit I gues
so that one is RC5
but the fpga core doesn't decode it correctly
or we do something wrong in how we read 0x0c/0x1c
it should be just a read of a memory mapped register in the FPGA
you can try with the mr command in BIOS
xiangfu said he got different values when running the test software vs. the flickernoise gui :-) he's looking into that now
get it to work with "mr" in BIOS first
more layers = more sources of problems
so we agree that the scope pic looks like a clean 0x01, that's a start :-)
roh: when you laser the button pieces, can you take the protective films off before you laser?
I think it's crazy work to take off all the film from those little pieces...
I hope you can ship the buttons pre-assembled anyway, but that may we one way to take out some work...
i just try button1 in bios. read it by [mr 0xe000e000 4]
I got 00001000, 0000100c 0000181c, inconsistent values
xiangfu: looks like your first change to fix a bug in Verilog :-)
I tried ~30 times. I also get 0000101c, 00001804, 000010fc
seems all random.
is that with the same remote control like Adam's?
yes. I am use the same remote control Adam sent to me.
so for now let's assume it sends a proper rc-5 code to your m1
which key are you pressing?
ok. I think you look in Verilog to see why it's coming in as 11x00000000001 on one side (we assume that now), and out as all sorts of numbers, instead of 0x01
wolfspraul: the button spacers are already lasered.
pre assembling them will delay everything massively. i will need to build rigs and manually glue them all.
wolfspraul xiangfu from my two waveforms (button1_0x1c_wide.JPG and button1_0x0c.wide.JPG) which we extracted from ir receiver's output is both the same 000-11111-111110, after inverted code (by visua) is 111-00000-000001
please ignore left 3rd bit which is for repeat mode.
thus this approves my current remoter and xiangfu's is totally correct and good remoter. so there's no such "different codes" from remoter at all.
roh: who should glue them together?
if 'pre assembling' them delays everything massively, I'm wondering whether post-assembling them will not delay 'everything' massively? don't understand
I need about 20-30 minutes for 3 buttons, and after that there is glue everywhere, and the buttons look horrible, and don't fit/work well
maybe we can replace the middle piece with some gluing mass/rubber?
we can take the thickest two-sided glue film we can find, and then lay them over each other until it's thick enough to replace the middle piece
then we laser small round pieces out of this and voila, we only have to glue this between the bigger button piece and the colored front piece :-)
roh: the buttons are my biggest concern right now
I am not aware of any controlled way to assemble them in good quality
when I do it, it ends up in a big mess, and not very functional either
xiangfu has been a little better, but also far from polished look
from my perspective, the biggest need is to remove the glue
I think we have no chance to get it under control as long as we use glue
my m1 froze twice rendering over the last 3 hours or so...
didn't see this before, so it looks like a regression
too bad, what you did exactly?
just froze a third time
simply running a patch, nothing but power and vga connected, it was Aderassi - Variants of Eternity (shaking mix)
kristianpaul: do you have a remote control?
yes i do have some
ahh - froze again
well I can definitely reproduce the freeze right now, which is good :-)
kristianpaul: have you ever tried one successfully with m1?
no luck last time and lekernel point me to buy another brand of remote control..
it turns out nobody but lekernel seems to have ever had IR remote working
the test routine we ran in rc2 was very, let's say 'generous'
so it masked everything that was wrong successfully
Adam has no working remote, neither does Xiangfu or me
yeah i was rading backlog
did you try to get that remote Sebastien was suggesting?
so all the ones you have don't work, oh well
actually last thing i cared about mm1 was remote control..
maybe but that logic doesn't work with me. we have IR so it has to work.
we are quite generous in calling other people's stuff 'crap'
I'm wondering whether Sebastien's remote is actually rc5 :-)
or when he last used it...
something is strange
sure sure, not saying is not important, just i dint look it at it yet
yes same here
but now that I do look at it it's quite an surprise :-)
i bet is not used too much..
hi mumptai
kristianpaul: yes, definitely not used much :-)