wolfspraul: will you bundle a remote with M1 ? or just tell people what to get ?
your humor is the best, by far!
there is, reportedly, one known working remote control
an unknown Philips model
from my investigations so far, I have been unable to find anyone else who was able to find a working one
although many have tried
I have 4 right in front of me here
Xiangfu has 6 now, quickly growing to 10+
kristianpaul has tried 4 or more
at this point I can neither bundle one, nor tell people 'what to get'
that's even more damning than i imagined ;-)
but... we're getting there
I'm optimistic as always
"just get one that works" ;-)
I make a few assumptions
Sebastien's working one is really rc-5
"take M1 to the remotes shop, then keep on trying" :) that may actually be a strategy for finding one more that works
the one Adam used, and sent an identical one to Xiangfu, is rc-5 as well
the reason Adam and Xiangfu cannot get their to work is timing issues in the rc5 core in the SoC
if that's true and can be fixed, perfect. we are back on track.
at least that would explain everything I've seen so far.
(timing issue) yeah, i saw the discussion in #qi-hardware
then you'd bundle a known to be good one ?
too speculative, one by one
yes sure, if I can easily source a nice one that works for 2-3 USD, I'll throw it in
without batteries as that would create too many shipping problems (will be standard cr2025 or so though)
okay, in this case the rc5-only route would work
I cannot in a controlled way buy even a single working one.
yeah. i'd just dismiss rc5 and "learn" what the remote can do
this IR problem will soon be resolved, I'm optimistic
make the fpga send a sequence of on/off interval values. two parameters: denoise delay and maximum idle time (before you signal the core that a new packet has arrived)
well I cannot just hack that together
LIRC should have solved most of the technical side already
if I'm lucky and I find a control that works well with m1, I'd forego any SoC fix
yeah, the nice thing about fpga - you can always fix it later ;-)
but maybe it's easier to improve the rc5 core and then source a remote
well, to a degree
it gets dangerous when you start to fool yourself in testing
I don't like that.
hehe ;-)
I have a lot of experience in dealing with customer support cases.
yeah, if you can't even tell whether the IR receiver is connected or not, then your testing may be in trouble ;)
and the one thing I need is _certainty_ on my side, what was originally tested.
people come up with the craziest stories what happened and how something is not working
if I don't have hard data on my side ("we tested this and that, so his problem must be ..."), then I have no chance
for example Xiangfu and Adam over the last months started to believe that 'different values' are normal in IR remotes
I cannot blame them, it's natural. We learn what is 'normal' from our environment.
you wouldn't find that too funny on your TV remote though
press '3', sometimes it goes to channel 5, sometimes 1, sometimes 4, etc.
in the end this leads to cases where tech support tells the customer "it all works" and the customer says "nothing works"
well, you may not even notice the occasional incorrect value all that much
and that's it. return, refund, big loss, frustration. needs to be fixed early.
but of course, here the situation seems to be a lot worse that just one bad code in a hundred
you bet
long story short - it's not working
but no drama, we are close now
it was my oversight to not notice this earlier
I always thought "remote will just work" - ha!
what could possibly go wrong ? ;-)
Sebastien cannot see it, because his remote works and all is perfect, and why should he test many different ones...
Adam didn't see anything wrong because it looked like the behavior we got was 'normal'
Xiangfu inherited his knowledge from Adam
I became frustrated because I was unable to find any single remote that actually worked, although kristianpaul had been in this situation before but I didn't notice/understand the significance.
That's how it goes :-)
kristianpaul is also a good test buyer because he doesn't live all that close to philips. "just buy a philips" may be rather tricky in some markets
nah it's ok. if sebastien's latest theory is correct, the problem may simply be that the timings are way too specifically tuned/correct for the one remote Sebastien was working with in development.
maybe even another control of the same model wouldn't work :-) we don't know right now
another benefit of a generic receiver - you see pretty quickly when your values are off :)
my m1 just froze again in rendering (was testing) - 50 minutes
starting over...
yesterday I had the impression it got shorter over time, as if temperature or so mattered
wolfspraul, get a damn stack trace when it freezes. just reporting "it freezes" isn't going to help.
yeah well... it's a very simple piece of Verilog. no need to write a PhD on that :)
lekernel: how to get stack trace when it freezes?
lekernel: (timing rc5 verlog) you can give me a little info. I can test it in my m1 with IR remote controller :)
this is my first patch :D http://dpaste.com/551822/ but fix nothing. still same result as before :(
ok the reason hadez is not moving forward is because he is waiting for the jtag-serial board
at least it's an m1 owner who communicates :-)
xiangfu, generate a .elf with debug information (built by default), load the very same binary into the M1, then use gdb remote
lm32-rtems4.11-gdb flickernoise.elf
flterm --gdb-passthrough
in gdb: target remote /dev/pts/xxx
lekernel: thanks.
lekernel: did you see what I wrote about errors when compiling patches?
it looks like a memory corruption
ok I had this yesterday: I press "SImple Mode"
it stops at some patch X, saying "error compiling X"
I press "ok", then "Simple Mode" again
then it stops at another path Y, again "error compiling Y"
can go in that cycle forever, every time stops at another patch
gdb is the tool you need to track down such problems
otherwise it's just wild guesses
you can attach gdb at any time, just make sure the debug-enabled .elf and the flashed binary are in sync
maybe it'd be a good idea to put the debug elf into the msd archives ...
sounds good.
wolfspraul, can you ship me a few remotes you plan including with the M1 package (preferably that one Adam made the scope trace of)? or can someone else fix the design?
wolfspraul: i just tested so far one remote control,  a LG MKJ33981408
wpwrak: i better can easilly buy a universal remote control, informall mercants sell it screaming it on streets all time ;)
flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * ra431f9d / (7 files): Long press on left pushbutton to trigger automatic web update - http://bit.ly/kwT3v0
lekernel: what you think in rc5 about making the divisor a register that can be written from csr so the software can fix posible sampling timing issues related to IR?
and how would it fix it?
well... finding right offset by trial and error :p
should I send an rc-5 sample remote from Adam to lekernel? or kristianpaul wants one?
unfortunately this is perhaps the only way to get rc5 to work in a timely fashion
in dont want rc5
from the scope pics Adam took (which all read as correct rc-5), I think lekernel's latest theory about timing issues must be the right one
i have a remote control it should work some how.. also i will try source philis one today
may be i woks out of the box :)
kristianpaul: maybe it's the same, it sends proper rc-5 but the SoC cannot decode it
is the feedback from the vendor about timing and tolerances helpful at all?
so lekernel you think a more flexyble counter for the rc5 sampling part will help?
no, I don't
because there is no sensible way to program it
so? still hardcoding the core to get it work with a single control?
yes, that's what taking the least time from me
so unless wpwrak or you want to implement a more elaborate pattern matching system, that's how it's going to be done
okay i tought it was a sampling issue
or port the lirc gpio code and do bitbang from lm32/navre?
lekernel: sigh, if it was just a question of wanting ...
wpwrak, so what's the problem?
it's not harder than e.g. ubb-vga
lekernel: buying a mm1, finding the time, ...
well, if you do it, I can give you one of my rc1's which are collecting dust anyway
heh, now that's tempting ;-)
i have no practical verilog experience, but i guess that wouldn't be an unsurmountable problem. having to install a pile of windows-only junk on my pc would be a bit of an annoyance, but i suppose everything necessary works well under wine ?
xilinx ise run on linux btw
and using makefiles :-)
kristianpaul: oh, even natively ? wow
huge 11GB blob
kristianpaul: so the whole m1 fpga development cycle can be done under linux ?
wpwrak: sure
wow, i tought you already knew it
hmm, 89 GB free under /
indeed larsc
/dev/sdb6Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 31GÂ Â 22GÂ Â 6,9GÂ Â 77% /opt
all my xilinx rtems stuff is there^
yeah you only need windows for the pcb (altium)
yeah :/
and to get started with verilog, you can use a free simulator like gplcver or icarus verilog
plus gtkwave :-)
lekernel: now, what exactly would i have to do for it ? :) would be piece of code that has a "learn" (spits out a string of timing data) and a "play" mode (matches timing data with a set of known functions), along with the lower-level bits needed for it be enough ?
imo the verilog module could write a RLE-compressed list of the received 0 and 1's into a small on-chip memory whenever it gets an IR burst
then the CPU can do the rest
lekernel: that's exactly what i had in mind ;-)
lekernel: basically needs four parameters: sample rate, buffer depth, minimum pulse length (to de-noise), and maximum idle time (to finish burst and notify the core)
you can hardcode the sample rate and buffer depth
yup. they're just design parameters.
and maximum idle time can simply be set to the maximum RLE counter value before it overflows :)
minimum pulse length, I'm not even sure that would be needed in hardware
software can probably do it
or just not do it at all, as it wouldn't match any pattern
(max) possible ... hmm, lemme see if i still have my notes from the ir research i did some eons ago ...
the min filter's main purpose would be to avoid filling the buffer with junk. some remotes are VERY chatty, so you want to make good use of the space.
interesting, sounds like a know issue :-)
(from my notes, remotes for tv, roomba, some pinnacle IR, one where i don't remember what it was, and one from an air conditioning) i had short vs. long intervals. duration of short about 0.5-1 ms. long 2-7 ms. burst duration 30-75 ms.
the air conditioning sent about 30 intervals (i.e., 15 pulses) :)
alas, i didn't write down the time between bursts
back then i used a 100 ms timeout
64 us sample period = ~15.6 kHz
ah, thats the known functions for
all with a meager PIC.
(PIC) i remenber when the only way to get serial port was bitbanging :-)