<wpwrak> lekernel: hehe, in your posting about register allocation, the use of "patch" gets really confusing ;-)
<Laurenceb> hi
<Laurenceb> what is milkymist?
<lekernel> any further questions Laurenceb ?
<GitHub73> [clang-lm32] sbourdeauducq pushed 79 new commits to master: http://bit.ly/iNr2H2
<GitHub73> [clang-lm32/master] tools/arcmt-test: Don't attempt to link redundant libclang (clang-c). - NAKAMURA Takumi
<GitHub73> [clang-lm32/master] Remove more unnecessary dependencies now that the Frontend -> ARCMigrate - Chandler Carruth
<GitHub73> [clang-lm32/master] 80 cols. - Benjamin Kramer
<kristianpaul> hi Laurenceb :)
<Martoni> hello
<Martoni> i just read the article on milkymist under elektor
<lekernel> hi Martoni
<nats`> hi folks :)
<Fallenou> pwet
<GitHub14> [extras-m1] shiyele pushed 1 new commit to master: http://bit.ly/krLd1C
<GitHub14> [extras-m1/master] add some box related files - Wolfgang Spraul
<lekernel> is enjoying converting prehistoric atari-ware fonts to iso8859
<lekernel> wolfspraul, how do you open the .sla files? scribus won't grok them
<lekernel> mh, header says "1.4.0.rc3" but I have 1.3
<lekernel> nice bottom label :)
<wolfspraul> update your scribus?
<lekernel> I edited the header with vi (couldn't find an updated scribus package) and it works
<lekernel> maybe some bells and whistles are missing, but I get the idea
<wolfspraul> it's still empty anyway :-)
<wolfspraul> I think Scribus should work, it's pretty good for rotating text and images, and it can contain CMYK color information so hopefully we can create print-ready PDFs directly out of Scribus
<lekernel> oh, sure...
<wolfspraul> the m1 itself will probably sit in a foam rubber bed, called EVA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylene-vinyl_acetate
<wolfspraul> and then the accessories around it just held in place with simple paper dividers
<lekernel> but if you are aiming for a perfect match of the colors, this can get very complicated. needs calibration of the screen etc.
<wolfspraul> match of what? no worries, no perfectionism here
<wolfspraul> as soon as we have a box that fulfills its utalitarian purpose and doesn't look outright ugly we are done
<lekernel> getting the exact same colors on print and on screen
<wolfspraul> that's not really possible anyway
<wolfspraul> but we are not Apple, we are not aiming for some very specific shades of color etc.
<wolfspraul> I still like to embed CMYK data in our files, rather than letting the printshop do it. that can be quite a surprise sometimes
<wolfspraul> that's not just a slightly different shade, it can be an entirely different color suddenly :-)
<lekernel> yup
<GitHub148> [mtk] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://bit.ly/juxnCS
<GitHub148> [mtk/master] fnt: (partially) convert Atari codepage to ISO8859 - Sebastien Bourdeauducq
<GitHub159> [flickernoise] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://bit.ly/jY7hi5
<GitHub159> [flickernoise/master] Test German characters - Sebastien Bourdeauducq
<GitHub116> [llvm-lm32] jpbonn pushed 32 new commits to master: http://bit.ly/jU5W2w
<GitHub116> [llvm-lm32/master] Reorg. No functionality change. - Evan Cheng
<GitHub116> [llvm-lm32/master] Merge branch 'master' of http://llvm.org/git/llvm into mico32 - JP Bonn
<GitHub116> [llvm-lm32/master] Remove r130409, as requested by Chris. - Devang Patel
<GitHub7> [clang-lm32] sbourdeauducq pushed 19 new commits to master: http://bit.ly/iYOT1s
<GitHub7> [clang-lm32/master] Fix typo in comment - Douglas Gregor
<GitHub7> [clang-lm32/master] Give MaterializeTemporaryExpr the exact type of the lvalue it binds - Douglas Gregor
<GitHub7> [clang-lm32/master] When binding a reference to an Automatic Reference Counting temporary, - Douglas Gregor
<lekernel> just compiled the whole libmath with clang
<lekernel> the days of gcc are counted :)