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<illwieckz> Hi, I want to preorder a Neo900 complete device, but I'm not sure which modem variant chose, is someone can help me to not make a mistake? :-)
<illwieckz> I live in Europe, I think the “LTE EU (Europe freq set)” option is the one for me, right?
<Kero> I won't help you choose, but I do believe you will have some time after ordering, before components are ordered, to modify your choice.
<illwieckz> ok thanks :-)
<illwieckz> ah, I've missed this line before: "Anyway until we start sourcing the modules, you can change your order to get another variant."
<illwieckz> so it's ok
<Kero> yeah; I'm not sure we'll get an explicit warning e.g. one week before ordering or something.
<illwieckz> I read “Preferred keyboard layout (no guarantee for availability)”
<illwieckz> is there a way to help on this part?
<illwieckz> I need a french layout (ïéàôæœç«» etc.), is it possible to help to design some layouts (even if it's just a software layout)? It's not a big problem if these characters are not printed on the keyboard, but I _need_ to be able to type them.
<Kero> software mapping should not be a problem, in the sense that I cannot believe it would NOT be possible :)
<illwieckz> yea, but it needs some extra compose key, and that is a material part :)
<Kero> gotcha. dunno then
<illwieckz> I don't know how look the keyboard for real (never used a n900 before) so I can't imagine what I can do with the existing keyboard
<jonsger> ¢
<illwieckz> it seems only <Ctrl> and <➚> will be available to do combination:
<illwieckz> is there somewhere a clean keyboard picture I can use to make some mockup?
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<jake42> illwieckz: there is already a azerty layout for n900
<illwieckz> arg
<illwieckz> I prefer using a qwerty layout with my own keymap than this ugly one
<illwieckz> the up/down keys are not in direct access, it's unusable
<jake42> :-) of course you can change it to your liking in SW
<illwieckz> if I must change the layout, the better is to do it from a qwerty, not this weird azerty
<jake42> sure
<illwieckz> It allows french advanced typography (indivisible thin space, curved apostrophe, french quotes etc.), enable some spanish and german chars, enable some shell chars, add an mathematical minus sign and an em dash for british scholars. The diacritics are modifier keys so it enable uppercase too.
<illwieckz> I can add a ` (the char used in shell for subshell) on the # key for example
<illwieckz> and I can add the mathematical product sign on the X key
<illwieckz> (the ⨯ one)
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<illwieckz> How account will be linked between the old goldelico account and new account?
<illwieckz> I have a voucher but I can't add it on the voucher interface
<illwieckz> ah, it works on the checkout page
<illwieckz> hmmm, I can't chose a payment method since the page does not detect I clicked on "I agree to the terms of services"
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<illwieckz> reloading the page fixed it, ok, my order is confirmed now :)
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<ZetaR> Is the Neo900 going to ship with the N900 charger? When trying to record composite with it plugged in, I found that the noise was pretty bad compared to plugging it into a laptop's USB port.
<DocScrutinizer05> interesting find
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not sure we should ship chargers per default. Particularly since Neo900 will accept / work with any arbitrary USB charger
<DocScrutinizer05> We'll definitely not look specifically for Nokia chargers
<jurov> ZetaR: other chargers are okay?
<DocScrutinizer05> random aftermarket USB charger costs maybe 5 bucks. Dunno if customers appreciate getting 1+ of those critters
<ZetaR> I actually opened up the charger a while back (it has screws instead of being sealed). It is a very basic flyback using two transistors with only a cap on the output and no additional filtration, surge protection, or even fuses.
<ZetaR> jurov: I will need to borrow one. I only have the one (and the USB dongle).
<jurov> you can try computer
<ZetaR> Plugging it into the computer's USB port adds a small amount of noise, but it is hardly noticeable compared to the charger unless I add filters to the video to enhance it.
<ZetaR> I will probably do recording on battery only, but it is interesting looking at the noise patterns: There is snow, probably at the switching frequency, and it rises and falls in amount and amplitude (corresponding to PFC, I guess).
<DocScrutinizer05> USB charger plus any other jack plugged in is a largely untested resp not certified usecase on almost all phones
<edwin> will computer's USB port have enough power for things like fast charging?
<DocScrutinizer05> and yes, some of them USB chargers are cheesy cheap crap, regarding EE design rules
<DocScrutinizer05> edwin: nope, charging from computer is @ 500mA only. which means charge time gets increased by maybe 45 minutes
<edwin> tbh I have accumulated plenty of chargers, will one from HTC Hero or Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 work?
<ZetaR> DocScrutinizer05: What charger do you prefer to use, or do you not have a preferred charger?
<ZetaR> edwin: "DocScrutinizer05: I'm not sure we should ship chargers per default. Particularly since Neo900 will accept / work with any arbitrary USB charger"
<DocScrutinizer05> "only" 45 minutes since charging is Constant Current Constant Voltage, which means it starts (on fastcharger) with maybe 900mA, but pretty soonish it goes from CC to CV and current drops gradually. Once the current drops below 500mA there's no further difference between PC and fastcharger. This regularly happens when battery charged to between 20% and 50%
<edwin> one of them is 5V 2A the other 5V 1A
<DocScrutinizer05> ZetaR: I don't bother much about whioch charger I use. The everyday charger is a standard Nokia. But I also have the round white ones and even generic ones like logilink
<DocScrutinizer05> edwin: both will work just fine
<DocScrutinizer05> ZetaR: I noticed the capacitive touchscreen of N950 or N9 acted up quite a lot when connected to USB charger
<DocScrutinizer05> same problem
<ZetaR> DocScrutinizer05: At least some people that order the Neo900 will not have chargers, and most of those will probably expect to get one.
<edwin> if they order an N900 with it does that include the charger?
<DocScrutinizer05> we will probably offer them as accessory
<DocScrutinizer05> every "useless" accessory adds to the pricetag
<ZetaR> Yeah, good point.
<ZetaR> I will probably look for a better quality charger for my N900/Neo900, since the current one is quite poorly designed.
<DocScrutinizer05> are you absolutely sure it's a genuine Nokia?
<DocScrutinizer05> mine have 3-wing screws
<DocScrutinizer05> the AC-10E that is
<DocScrutinizer05> the round white ones were also shipped by Nokia, and Jolla iirc, but are basically noname
<ZetaR> I have a AC-10U with two Torx screws on it.
<DocScrutinizer05> U like USA?
<DocScrutinizer05> torx sounds *very* unusual for genuine brand chargers
<ZetaR> That letter. It doesn't say USA.
<DocScrutinizer05> what plug has it?
<ZetaR> Uhm, the NEMA plug used in the USA. Unpolarized.
<ZetaR> Two pin, that is.
<DocScrutinizer05> so USA
<DocScrutinizer05> quite possible those are more crappy cheap build than the EU variant
<DocScrutinizer05> EU has tougher regulations particularly for EMI
<ZetaR> How can I check if it is genuine?
<DocScrutinizer05> aka "noise"
<DocScrutinizer05> dunno
<DocScrutinizer05> basically you can't unless you got multiple of same type, and some of them are of known genuine origin
<DocScrutinizer05> and even then, Nokia might have changed details in production making same type of device look subtly different
<DocScrutinizer05> for batteries I'm pretty sure I can't tell anymore which is genuine and which is fake
<ZetaR> Well, either way I should get a better charger. I.e. one that actually uses fuses, and has proper filters, and preferably a bit of surge protection.
<DocScrutinizer05> seems even Nokia genuine ones came with slightly different color, different hologram, and different printing
<ZetaR> They probably make the fakes in the same factory as the genuine ones. :P
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, that's a widely spread phenomenon: ghost shifts
<ZetaR> Similar to what I have read before, but I hadn't heard the term "ghost shift" before. The article conflates fraud and IP infringement (though it is a pretty common mistake, I guess).
<Pali> hi, do you know if there is some know plaintext attack for AES?
<Pali> or at least theoretical atack, which decrease number of combinations needed to test in brute-force?
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<Pali> looks like nothing about know-plaintext attack
<ZetaR> Short answer: No practical attacks known against properly implemented AES.
<Pali> yes.... and now I'm thinking... what must be "leaked" to attack properly implemented AES?
<Pali> really only encryption key?
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<ZetaR> I guess that depends on what you're doing with it. It is probably better to do searches w.r.t. your specific application (it is pretty OT here).
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<R0b0t1> Pali: there's some theoretical attacks
<R0b0t1> they're not really useful
<R0b0t1> known plaintext and then some other one
<R0b0t1> I would not attack AES, but everything around it... that'd be way easier.
<Pali> yes, breaking aes is probably not possible now... and so I'm thinking what around I need to break it
<R0b0t1> a lead pipe breaks kneecaps quite well
<R0b0t1> Tricking someone into running your code, basically. Or misconfigured firewalls or passwords or an exploit. Or trick them into giving you what you want.
<R0b0t1> i.e. come up with something more specific
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