seems like you've installed version 0.2 and not one from git
<derb> ah I was using pip3 install --user --upgrade nmigen from the nmigen documentation should I have used pip3 install git+https://github.com/nmigen/nmigen.git
if you wanted the git one, yeah
<derb> This is also strange, I downloaded the fpga-toolchain and I exported the path so everything should be there, I can run yosys from the terminal but I still get this. How would I explicitly declare this?
not sure why it doesn't work with `PATH`, so that might not work either depending on the actual cause
<derb> hmm I ran the command and I still get the could not find required tool in path error
that seems like something is wrong with your environment. you'll have to provide more details (how you installed the toolchain, how you added it to PATH, how you are running nmigen)
<derb> I installed the toolchain from the fpga-toolchain github extracted it and added the bin folder to path with the command specified on the readme, I installed nmigen by cloning the repo and running python3.8 setup.py install
<derb> running the yosys command works fine in any terminal window
and how are you running nmigen?
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if you get the exact same error, it means that nmigen doesn't see either your updated PATH or your YOSYS environment variable
<derb> I'm running nimgen through kbeckmanns pergola_projects and yes running the command gives the exact same error
which command?
<derb> I'm trying to run the dvid applet
<derb> python3.8 -m pergola run dvid --config 640x480p60
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PyroPeter_ is now known as PyroPeter
and you're doing all of this all in the same Linux VM?
<derb> yes
ok, no idea what's wrong with it
for whatever reason nmigen never sees any of the environment variables you set
<derb> thats not good... would reinstalling any of the tools / environment help?
I don't know
doesn't hurt to try if you have no other options. beyond that I would suggest talking to OpenToolForge support or kbeckmann
<derb> got it, thanks for the help so far
Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl_zZ
derb: it sounds like nmigen can't find yosys in your PATH or YOSYS env variable, and if they are indeed set then I don't know how to proceed. pergola_projects doesn't do a lot on top of using nmigen. are you able to run any nmigen examples, e.g. `python -m nmigen_boards.versa_ecp5`? (this requires nmigen-boards but is a good example since it's also using an ecp5)
<derb> That example runs correctly in the beginning, but I don't have any hardware on me so I can't verify that everything goes through