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hmm getting a strange error in python one without a line # "AttributeError: __enter__" <-- stepping the code class Simulator: last line reading "self._clocked = set()" is executed. The code then jumps to _unused.py _silence_elaboratable
using nmigen V 0.3.dev243+gf7c2b94) line 68 of core.py and line 40 of _unused.py.
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The attribute error suggests you're trying to use something as a context manager (in other words, "with X:") that isn't a context manager, possibly the old "with Simulator() as sim:" syntax?
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yes, it's outdated (by some time now I guess)
replace line one with sim = Simulator(unit) and de-indent the rest
I don't think you need proc_clock at all either, but you could remove that later
(perhaps you do, depends what all the rest of the logic is)
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thanks agg it's now simulating (heh) next would be that it actually works in the dev board.
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<4o> TypeError: Cannot add a process functools.partial(<function all_test.get_test_processes.<locals>.wr at 0xb5ef3300>, <itertools.chain object at 0xb5ea2090>) because it is not a generator function is there a way to add a function with parameters with add_sync_process?
4o: your function needs to take the parameters and return a generator, so like:
def testbench(param): def inner(): for _ in range(param): yield; return inner
(you'll have to imagine the indentation)
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<4o> hehe, ok. so much python tricks to learn
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benzn why do you sum the result of the &? (re: unsigned sum). Also 1-bit radio mixer sounds neat, is that code public?
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<benzn> @modwizcode at a high level i'm multiplying a carrier with values -1 and 1 with sampled data of 0s and 1s and then running a boxcar filter over a range of bits to build more precision given the heavy quantization
<benzn> the code isn't public yet, but will open source once it works
<benzn> red is input from serdes, blue is carrier in-phase, purple is carrier out of phase
<benzn> this has a GMSK/bluetooth modulated 01010101 pattern fed directly to the SERDES RX
The blue/red/purple are all inputs right?
<benzn> blue and purple are internally generated 1-bit carriers
oh internally generated
<benzn> in this case at 2.40175ghz
that's a very fast internal signal :)
What's the difference between the top and bottom half?
<benzn> yeah i use numpy & nmigen to figure out a pattern that i can just read out from BRAM in 20-bit words and xor with everything
<benzn> so it's actually running at 250mhz in this case, but could gear it lower/wider
oh that makes a lot more sense
<benzn> i'm basically doing GMSK demodulation as if it were FSK
For some reason I wouldn't have thought that would work
<benzn> so i measure the frequency correlation at 2.40225ghz and 2.401775ghz for a channel at 2.402ghz
I guess you lose some dB margin but otherwise it works okay?
<benzn> yeah seems to work over the air
<benzn> when i get around to writing CORDIC I can do a more traditional demodulator
<benzn> that measures phase
<benzn> (can probably approximate it without it though, as I am doing with magnitude here -- this is a totally multiplierless design at the moment)