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is there any way to tell nmigen to use the yowasp build tools from within python? currently I'm using the YOSYS, ECPPACK and NEXTPNR_ECP5 environment variables
I tried setting ecpix._trellis_required_tools to ['yowasp-yosys', 'yowasp-nextpnr-ecp5', 'yowasp-ecppack'], but it didn't work
should I just use os.environ?
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[YoWASP/yosys] whitequark pushed 1 commit to develop [+0/-0/±1]
Question about clock inputs, assuming I'm using the default sync domain clock for my logic, but my logic cares about the speed of the clock (i.e. I'm dividing it down to match some standard frequency), is there a good way to avoid having to explicitly tell my module what divider/rate the input clock will be at?
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