(I can attest that companion_cube and Drup are not physically the same person)
* adrien
pictures companion_cube and Drup merging like in Dragon Ball
anyway, this mail has triggered "interesting" discussions before it was even sent, so my wish is fullfilled.
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gasche: question for you
merlin users regularly complain about grammar inconsistencies between camlp4 and ocaml − they complain because they're used to camlp4, and merlin has (more or less) the same parser as the compiler −
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so we started a wiki page recensing these inconsistencies
I have ocaml installed on my mac but I cannot find the graphics library
it's not unlikely it's not installed on mac, maybe it's not ported
(it might require X11)
can you find other modules like Unix or Str?
how do I test that
speaking of graphics
I'm running ocaml toplevel in eclipse
what are the usual/useful GUI libraries for OCaml
appleby: is "#load "graphics.cma";;" in the repl working ?
bernardofpc: lablgtk
when I type that I getError: Unbound value load
appleby: include the #
bernardofpc: Also you can consider QtQuick
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- : string = "#load \"graphics.cma\";;"
Kakadu: is it usable for medium scale applications, nowadays?
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appleby: don't use eclipse.
I think so. The problem is that nobody need graphics library for OCaml
appleby: do not include ""
just terminal?
appleby: yep
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appleby: run "ocaml" in your terminal, yes
rlwrap ocaml
there are no GUI programs in OCaml ?
bernardofpc: there are
drup should I not at least use eclipse as an editor
bernardofpc: most were done with lablgtk
even in terminal I get
Error: Unbound value load
appleby: don't forget about #use "topfind";;
I type that and I get Error: Unbound value load
I don't think you need topfind for that
Error: Unbound value use
appleby: use the #
so type a hash after the hash prompt?
yes !
unfortunately, this is a very bad convention for prompt and commands
after the load nothing happens
it's normal
this is probably good sign
after #load "graphics.cma";; nothing happens, is that
then try to use Graphics.open_graph " 640x480";;
long tradition of unix to shut up if nothing goes wrong :-)
sweet, I love this irc
so many helpful people
how do I find graphics.mli on my filesystem though
I can't even find it
I know nothing about mac, so can't help you with that part
appleby, find / -name graphics.mli should find it..
though there are probably other faster ways
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technically it's possible you don't have graphics.mli in your mac, depending on how it has been installed. it is not essential for ocaml to function.
even though the load was probably successful, it's possible that I don't have it?
.mli is the source
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you don't need the source, only the compiled file
oh okay
what are .ml then
the compiled files?
another source :)
.mli is the interface, .ml is the code
.mli is to .ml roughly as .h is to .c
so similar, but completely different ;)
(Except .mli files are compiled, not included.)
Kakadu: it's not that most people don't need GUI stuff written in OCaml
it's that it's a domain most people doing OCaml will do their best to avoid
maybe he's using some system that automatically generates the output from his input? and his installation was missing that package..
Drup: errr
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appleby: no, after '#use "topfind";;', you're supposed to '#require "graphics";;'
appleby: "#require", *not* "#use"
appleby: how did you install?
i got it working a while ago...
adrien_oww: calm down, read everything.
still, it's #require! :D
what's the difference ?
adrien_oww: and look at bernardofpc's link, you are responsible of lablgtk tutorials :p
I'm not!
Is there a way to check that a source file conforms to the language as of version 3.12.1 without installing 3.12.1 and opam switching? Ideally something that can be added to a commit hook?
I'm supposed to make a new one but time has been scarce; should be during february
bernardofpc: one is using ocamlfind, the other is praying for all the path to be set up correctly
Is there a way to get ocamlopt to produce a statically compiled binary, or a Linux tool that turns a dynamically linked program into a static one?
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kaustuv: ocamlopt links statically
at least for OCaml libraries
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well, there's statifier but in my experience it doesn't work
and for C libraries it will depend on your C linker flags
Right, I meant for non-ocaml dependencies
who knows maybe statifier works nowadays
off the top of my head, -cclib -static
Thanks, I'll try that
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not 100% effective with libc though
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suggested working solution: bundle libraries with your app and either provide a script that sets up LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or use -Wl,-rpath during linking?
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I think many apps have ended up with that buindling&script wrapper solution..
(ie. games)
OK, -ccopt -static worked. Thanks mfp and others.
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produces lots of scary warnings about functions like gethostbyname()
kaustuv: you might still need to ship libc with the executable and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH or -rpath, though. Some functions (IIRC gethostbyname) need the actual dynlib
righto, /me should read while typing
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It's a simple text muncher that should not need any of the dynamic functions being complained about. It seems to work in a place that has a different C library version from where I compiled it.
That's all I needed, basically.
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fwiw, it is possible to link everything statically except glibc, but then one has to take care to link against pretty old glibc version
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Hi, I recently used opam to install a new version of OCaml, what command do I use to switch the compiler? opam init --comp 4.01.0 is not working
opam switch I gues
how do I do that?
opam switch 4.01.0
oooh. thank you
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anyone has any idea on "removing optional arguments from a function" ?
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you can do it by ?foo:None ?bar:None
but it's not very handy
sad that optional arguments don't generate function subtyping
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I don't know how tractable that would be
but indeed, ?foo:'a -> 'b -> 'c may be a "subtype"(?) of 'b -> 'c
well I guess the call convention isn't the same, actually
bernardofpc: it's not a translation of a C tutorial but a from-scratch one which starts with the nice lablgtk API instead of the C one
and you'll soon love GPack.vbox' ~packing argument
adrien: many thanks ;-)
it's 10 minutes roughly :)
well, I'm having problems with it right now
hmm, look at the tutorial and let me know if you're still confused
I'll re-read it
I meant, mine :P
it's mostly done but I've been told that the pony in the background was a bit disturbing ='(
it is
because it's not declared before (at least in an understandable way)
adrien: Thanks. Do you use Glade in OCaml at all?
it's not, the poney comes from my ~/.gtkrc
oh dear
I need a visual theme with thick window borders actually
Hrm, i'm getting a bucnh of these errors
/tmp/cctsMxHM.o:(.data+0x1498): undefined reference to `mlre2__escape'
adrien: also, you should ignore Gtkinit :D
(otherwise it's difficult to distinguish between the windojws background and the browser background)
core_extended deepnds on re2, which is a c language bindigns, and it doesn't like me
anyone expereinced this?
mmachenry: no, I'm not fond of it; I find it doesn't bring much most of the time
mmachenry: at least when you don't derive your GUI from machine-generated data
I think I'm going to try to spend more time on lablgtk during february; depends on what happens during fosdem
what a skillfull wheel-crafter this adrien is!
he even crafts tutorials with ponies :p
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ponies are awesome!
WinForms^WLablgtk2 -> intended, I presume, but I see no point in fact of remembering it :D
it's merely a string ;-)
adrien: box#coerce -> you probably should explain what that does...
(and I see perfectly why you were bothering with tons of arguments to a function :D)
for now, just use it as "copy-paste
Hrm, how does -lfoo_stubs get added?
(but all it does is give you the underlying gtk object instead of ocaml's and later on in the tutorial, you're encouraged to avoid that)
orbitz: ocamlobjinfo foo.cma
adrien: I understood in the toplevel :D
(I wrote the function without the #coerce, bang error)
btw, you should add the #use/#require qvb for toplevel testing while reading :D
Is there a good standaloen shell interface for ocaml? core_extended is turnign into a bitch
not sure why it cannot find re2 thouhg...
(dunno how to say "qvb" in english :/)
"appropriate" does not convey the same idea :D
bernardofpc: hmmm, maybe I can #coerce someone like Drup into adding support for GTK+'s HTML5 backend in ocsigen and then use that as inline examples :P
there's shcaml, but not sure how good it is
I have managed to make with passing vbox#pack as argumen, but that feels wrong in O
bject Oriented thinking to pass methods instead of the objects
don't focus on object-oriented programming in Lablgtk
do the way you want
and #packing:vbox#pack is a good way to do it
yeah, but this code does not compile
the nicer part is that you can do partial application with ~expand
(this is the code I wanted it worked...)
you're going to hate the answer
I know
let build_row (vbox : GPack.box) label initext =
I don't have the issue often
I think it's because I'm using a different style:
that's probably my first needed annotation (other from performance reasons on compare or < )
let build_row ~packing label initext = let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing () in
let build_row ~packing label initext =
let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing () in
I did notice that if I passed vbox#pack as argument it worked
didn't know that named arguments can be easy to capture-pass
I'm unable to tell you about the theory behind this
(never used optional args 1h before :d)
(make it 1h30, I encoutered the problem 21:43, logs don't lie)
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will use that ~packing, seems the best way forward
I think the theory is simple: the system needs to be able to make the distinction between "the default value is used" and "this is a partial application"
?a:ta -> ?b:tb -> c is mostly useless because it will be a partial application unless all arguments are explicitely provided
companion_cube: hmmm, for requiring type annotations when passing objects in arguments
companion_cube: as I said, the good theory would subtype functions with optional arguments :D
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adrien: I don't think it's ever needed in theory
in practice you may want it if you don't want to kill yourself because of error messages
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"GTK+'s HTML5 backend " <- what ?!
adrien ^
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Drup: broadway
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grrr, lag
companion_cube: hmmm, maybe
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