but I think there was another one but I cannot remember its name..
flux, the problem with hidden information is what I mean: it needs many clicks, and maybe with the wrong click, things will not be found... maybe mli-file is really better, hmhhh
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Hello, Good Folks!
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flux, "There is no app configured at that hostname" hmhh
adrien: does `tracepath6 google.com` not working mean anything?
What's the standard way to refer to the type of the module generated by calling Hashtbl.Make( SomeModuleDefiningAKey )
I think the search is not very useful with Netclient
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flux, aha, that link works. thx
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lgm: module type of <module-expr>
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lgm: Hashtble.S
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you need a "with type ..." annotation too
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ggole: i don't think i understood your suggestion. Here's a pastebin indicating my attempt to use your suggestion: http://pastebin.com/RtuZMyFK
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lgm: it's not a good suggestion anyway, module type of ... is sort of a last resort. In this case, the output signature of the functor is exported as type S
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Drup: i don't think i've understood your suggestion. Here's a pastebin indicating my attempt to use your suggestion: http://pastebin.com/48QfYuQs
lgm: but in your attempt, the problem is simply that you should put "module type FOO = ..." before
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What are you trying to achieve with that ?
Drup: # module type StrTblType = Hashtbl.Make( StrKey );;
Characters 47-49:
Error: Syntax error
module type StrTblType = Hashtbl.Make( StrKey );;
No ...
module type Foo = module type of Hashtbl.Make( StrKey );;
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You can't put a signature as top level item, it can only be a signature *declaration*
Drup: thanks! that incantation is just what i needed.
and about the S signature, I told you it was *Hashtbl.S*, not just (a randomly generated module).S
Hashtbl.S only exists as a workaround that predates 'module type of', doesn't it?
not really
ggole: no, it's the only way around
module type of exists as a workaround for people that don't export the output signature
Hmm :/
module type of Hashtbl and module type of Hashtbl.Make(Foo) aren't related at all
because the type has respectively one and two type args
Well no, you'd use module type of Hashtbl (Something)
companion_cube: read again, that's not what he was saying
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Er, Hashtbl.Make (Something)
that's more accurate than Hashtbl.S now
More accurate?
you need a "with type ..."
Oh, it has the concrete type. Yes.
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does ocaml have something equivalent to haskell's ST monad?
does ocaml need rank-2 types to implement the same feature?
sinelaw: the module system may be used to implement rank-2 types
but it's not because you can that you should :3
but do you need rank 2 types to achieve the same functionality?
e.g. a pair of getter/setter operating on a hidden ref
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Drup: how would you implement instead?
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Drup: I'm honestly unaware of how OCaml solves this specific problem, and I thought we'd use modules and functors anywhere we'd use rank-2 types in Haskell
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depends of the problem. Basically you use something adhoc
Drup, what do you do for the get/put example?
Just use a ref ?
the assumption is that you're not just using a ref instead
(e.g. if the get/put do more than just set a ref)
structure with mutable fields?
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sinelaw: give me a sec, to refresh my memory about ST
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kakadu, example?
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sinelaw: do you really need to be polymorphic over the content ?
or is it just the case of "I would do that in haskell, how do I do the exact same thing in OCaml ?"
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Drup, I'm trying to understand how type inference can work here without rank-2 types, and was hoping that ocaml does it
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I'm affraid I don't even see the issue. Look at the library linked by tane for a functorized version. You will have applied operators for a specific monad (instead of using type classes and hkt) but that's all
Naive question looking at runST type, what about something like type 'a st = { runST : 's. 's -> 'a } ?
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octachron, runST is supposed to take an ST action as its argument
octachron: how would you ever use that? You won't know the right type.
type 's 'a st = { runST : 'a. ('s -> 's 'a st) -> 'a }
the 'a. makes no sense there
type 's 'a st = { runST : 'a. ('s. 's 'a st) -> 'a }
( octachron : the only inhabitant of your type are function that don't use their input)
type ('s, 'a) st = { runST : 's -> 's 'a st -> 'a
honestly, i haven't grasped rank-2 types enough yet
what I'm trying to find out is if there's an alternative
I have no idea what you are trying to do
mrvn, runST takes a single argument
not two
sinelaw: that isn't the point
mrvn, it should take a single value of type: ('s. 's -> 'a )
i meant: ('s. 's 'a st)
anyway, my actual question is how to implement a pair of functions that operate on a hidden reference cell
Are you implementing Univ or something?
sinelaw: "let create r0 = let r = ref r0 in (fun x -> r := x , fun () -> !r)" ?
It's hidden :D
(I still don't understand what you want, though)
(c'est cassé les exemples avec Graphics)
During my last discussion with vincent, he presented me a new thing is working on, and said "I maintain a cache on client side, but I have some issues with keeping consistency with the server" ... :]
Drup, you were missing some parens
let create r0 = let r = ref r0 in ((fun x -> r := x) , (fun () -> !r));;
sinelaw: indeed
thomasga: So, hum, we will need to work on that :p
yep, but versionned, hosted on ocsigen.org and with auto-recompilation using the dev version of tyxml, so that I can really make it grow with new features and all that
about the consistency issue: could maybe work on that together, I'm looking on new Irmin users (I working on making it more easily usable)
as always, :time: is the issue :p
thomasga: we clearly need an easy to use eliomized irmin
like, you declare a cache in a shared section, and it creates the server part, the client, and auto update between the two
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yea, would be nice
really need to finish my core_kernel removal patches then ...
we have things like that already, sort of. Like Eliom_React.Up and Down, but it's not bi-directional
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thomasga: no online API ?
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Drup: give me 5min, I'll do it
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maybe it's on the opam doc website, but I can't find the address again :x
replace "create" by "create ()" to make it a function (and be able to create multiple references) and you won't have the issue
here, in your example, you create a reference to something of a defined type
The typechecker just don't know what yet, it will depends of what you are trying to do with it
but you obviously can't put things of different type in it, so it's not polymorphic
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ok, that rule is what I was after.
sinelaw: you can see it too if you do "let ref_list = ref []"
(my first affirmation was wrong, it's not value restriction, just normal monomorphic type)
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Drup, note the underscored type variables in the first type of create
Yes, that's the typechecker way of telling you "I can't make this variable polymorphic, so it will be specialized"
so what is "real" value restriction then?
let f = List.map2 (:=) ;;
compared to : "let f l1 l2 = List.map2 (:=) l1 l2"
or consider the function: let id s x = x which is polymorphic of type 'a->'b -> 'b
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then if you define let f = id () its type is '_a -> '_a
octachron's example is simpler than mine, yes :p
the idea is that the compiler cannot trust a function return to be truly polymorphic
because it may be hiding a reference?
for the right value of it
What's the best way to represent a block of binary data in ocaml?
bytes* :3
or Bigarray
why not string?
ask gasche about the difference between string and bytes
limited to below 16MiB on 32bit.
You have to do silly casts between char and int with String
sinelaw : yes, for instance : let false_id = let store =ref None in fun x -> match !store with None -> (store:= Some x; x) | Some y -> store:=Some x; y
Drup: I don't see a bytes type, other than a library called ocaml-bytes which appears to be literally just string
mrvn: And on 64-bit? I anticiapte needing more than 16MB
bytes is new in 4.02
maurer: a billion times more or so
ggole: val Bytes.get : bytes -> int -> char
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maurer: please read the 4.02 changelog
Drup: Oh, uh, awkward. I don't think any of our target environments have 4.02 yet :(
What did people use before 4.02?
maurer: or look at xavier's slides
octachron, nice
Oh :/
I'm beginning to appreciate Haskell's IO monad :)
Things may have progressed since then though.
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ggole: thanks
Did you want to compare OCaml versions or something?
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that’s one use case, indeed
another is to add some instrumentation to for example the byte-code compiler and interpreter to keep track of how often some construct is used
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what's the idiomatic way of handling a single match case with multiple guards?
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match foo with | a when b && c -> ... ?
Multiple as in match ... with X when foo -> ... | X when bar -> ..., or as in match ... with X when foo && bar && baz?
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ggole: sorry, my connection went down
ggole: the former
I would typically rewrite that as an if nested inside the clause
It's not really the same
Sure: if you need the difference, then leave the guards in
Drup: why?
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Drup: I personally dislike writing the same case multiple times because of maintainability
You might have different bindings: Foo (x, _) when a -> ... | Foo (_, y) -> when b -> ...
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what ggole said.
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you may want to fall back to a case where the bindings are different, and in this case, an embeded if won't do
in my case, the bindings are identical. Everything is identical except the guards
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then why are you using a match to begin with, if you only need boolean tests , :D
just do an if then else if else if else
Drup: there's two match cases. The second has multiple guards
Seems reasonable to rewrite that as an if inside the clause then.
just did it, it looks nice
I would say it's a matter of taste and will depends on the side of the pattern, the number of branches and the thing I hate in my breakfast
ate* too ~~
I often use match by default
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unless it's a really, really simple boolean check
I just go by gut feeling and then make up justifications after the fact.
* ggole
It's nice to tend to do things the same way though, even if the differences aren't important
Drup: What do you hate in your breakfast ? :>
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