I call SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method())
the Ciphers[] within ssl.c need an update?
i dont think so
hmm, but what is the right way?
openssl is such a mess ...
I also would think it is not the Ciphers
sounds more like a version or support issue
With SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()) I suspect it means to accept only 2 and 3
So strato needs 1 ?
We (tankf33der and I) removed 1 a long time ago iirc
strato requireds TSL 1.1 or TSL 1.2
aw- the quality labs page gives A to that server, right?
beneroth, really only 1?
SSL 2 and SSL 3 is lower than TSL 1.1
SSL2 -> SSL 3 -> TLS 1.0 - these are all considered outdated/insecure
TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 is currently recommended
So what is the right way of function calls in ssl.c?
TLS 1.3 is about to be released soon whenever (bank lobbyists want to make it insecure)
bank lobbyists?
no idea. I guess you don't make TLS 1.1 in there
rather governments
Can't be that openssl is *that* outdated
OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018
no, banks. gov too, but mostly banks. because they usually have to surveillance their employees. TLS 1.3 would require (original plan) to customize all included network nodes, which apparently is too much work to them (while technically possible)
over a year they are discussing this shit now
this breaks pilbox now
I need to talk with strato
the problem will only get worse when other servers will drop support for TLS 1.0 and below
you will eventually have to fix this in the bin/ssl
So if I use TLS instead of SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method(), something else will break
That's what I'm talking about all the time!!!!
probably true. you probably have to determine first which TLS version the server supports, and then do your initialization.
or something like that. I have no idea.
usually you give a list of allowed protocols
we removed SSL1 some time ago
14:36 <tankf33der> needs just updade ssl.c
easy then
Must find docs for client methods probably
Regenaxer: ssllabs gives software-lab.de an A grade now. was it lower before?
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beneroth: ^^
rick42, I have never looked, as I have no control. It is not my server
tankf33der, it does *not* print "no SNI\n"
I inserted other debug output, so I'm sure I tested correctly
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Must also go for a short time. bbl
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I'm stupid. My fault!
Didn't properly update the app
tankf33der, sorry, it works
was confused
Now I can also release PilBox, need it tomorrow
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so the problem was that 1) TLS 1.1+ required 2) new OpenSSL requires SNI to be explicitly activated (I would think SNI was used before too, no?) ?
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I don't know well ...
first, strato may change something
What does tlsext_host_name have to do with SNI?
because they reverse proxy
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cant connect from home to software-lab by openssl s_client and bin/ssl
but curl works
At home still old version?
Regenaxer, SNI is protocol to get the right certificate (the one for your domain) from a server who servers multiple virtual hosts (as in host header in HTTP)
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beneroth, thanks
makes sense
SNI = Server Name Indication. aka client tells server to which host it wants to connect so server can show it the right certificate
because the host header within HTTP is within the encrypted TLS connection, the encrypted connection which can't be started without the right server certificate
Regenaxer how would you go about a web service/pilbox app who has a background process which populates the database with new data.
freemint, second process (started with fork) which does (loop (wait)).
save Pid of that background process in a globale, e.g. *BackgroundWorker, and use (tell *BackgroundWorker (do-something 'arg 'arg))
i thought of that too. about pil box? how to make sure energy saving does not kill my process?
so I do it on unix servers.
That with the background worker is cool
I think there is a android api function to call to tell the android that it should keep that process around
freemint, in fact I have two such applications now
Synchronizing DBs between server and mobiles
(you know, beneroth, Messe Spedition)
But it is hard to explain here
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that sounds cool but a little more than i need right now.
How do you a secure connection?
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Regenaxer, natural approach.
freemint, what we talked here all the time
over https? ok
yes, @bin/ssl
-> @bin/httpGate
A few background tasks
in fact, using the new 'tasks' function
Regenaxer, about SNI: there is also a trick to connect straight away via TLS with a server cert the server is also hosting (e.g. google.com) and then declare another host within the HTTP within the encrypted connection. TOR and Signal messenger app use (or used) this to conceal their protocol, looking for surveillance like normal HTTPS to google.com, but being actually TOR/signal traffic. only possible because they're hosted on Google/Amazon/etc and know t
hat the same server also servers one of this common domains.
Not sure if this still works. I long believed Google supported this actively, but actually it seems this was a unintended neat trick and they want to shut it down (or already did)
Wow, tricky
completely other question. I want to port a small embedded OS to a CPU architecture... where and how would i best document that struggle? The result will be mostly open.
a blog?
or a wiki about the hardware, if still one exists
Mhh any thoughts about version control can you recommend something along those lines?
semver.org, ubuntu/windows/picolisp-style, or arbitrary
Knuth-style if you really want to be exotic (his version numbers are approximations to PI)
or just a plain integer
Version control as in git-like
git ?
or Regenaxer-style picolisp snapshot
git is the most used one
mercury has similar powers, and is said to be easier to be used, but I never used it, so I don't know.
SVN is still used in some companies, but its slow and inflexible and gets replaced with git everywhere
I'm using git with a private git server I set up myself
if you work with many people, than something like gitlab (can be self-hosted) or github is probably more comfortable
(e.g. different access rights to different people, nice web gui to configure and view all the stuff)
i will soon get an FPGA board from America or Japan or both. On these runs a simulated CPU of an "fork" of a CPU architecture. GCC support and Co exists, even an no mmu Linux port and the OS was already ported to the predecessor(before fork).
wow, nice project freemint :)
and the CPU architecture is open source
and i will probably have to do without an MMU in the beginning
beneroth thanks i hope to manage to pull that trough: good thing i got an dead line
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freemint, I think you can do it! it's hard work, but you will gain a really good understanding of CPU architecture. Afterwards you can learn pilASM and teach me :)
luckily all the super hard work was atleast done once already
beneroth what fascinates you about pil assembly?
well I want to understand everything in picolisp eventually. understanding the VM means I can fully understand how a certain software runs on a computer including the hardware level.
also I might need/want to do changes on pil ASM level eventually (bugfixes, or new features to pil DB)
i got a list of candidates for that too
the most important thing about new feature is saying NO to them, only accepting them when it is a real step forward and all costs considered.
this one is promising replacement for tls protocol
wireguard is also based on noise ecosystem
modern and very easy to use blablabla
tankf33der do browser speak it?
of course no
only whatsapp use it now everywhere
mhh it is simpler but do you know how the key exchange is done when read over the paper i could not find it. Does the protocol need hard coded keyd
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