because the ddb.dmp is annoying to parse for those two
pro takes PDB_ASCII_DUMP=on into account, but asmdb/dirt had been replaced by the xml stuff
We have standard
And I'm assuming Standard is the same method as Lite
depends whether you have .bcm.xml files
intelFPGA_pro/20.2/quartus/common/devinfo/cyclone10gx/nightfury1/bcm2bits_db is the encrypted probably-xml stuff I'm talking about
Lofty: my die list excludes Arria V GZ since there's a separate device support package in Quartus which I don't have on my machine
Ah, that's useful to know
I'll install it to peek what's in there
what's covered by standard we may be interested by?
The higher-end parts
oh, interestingly 10gx only has one die
I thought higher-end was pro
Somehow I remembered that
Pro is newer parts, not necessarily higher-end ones
Agilex needs Pro, for example
"The Quartus Prime Standard Edition Design Software, Version 20.1 supports the following device families: Stratix IV, Stratix V, Arria II, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Arria 10, Cyclone 10 LP, Cyclone IV, Cyclone V, MAX II, MAX V, and MAX 10 FPGA."
Btw, the word on the streets is that C10GX is a leftover dies from A10GX
I think kc8apf mentioned it, yes
Or chipb
so standard = lite + some extra stuf?
so yeah, it probably works identically
At least it's lite+unlocked devices
Is Altera FLEX EPF8452AQC160-3 supported by anything we have access to?
Oh, no, 9.1 is the *last* version that supports ACEX/FLEX
that's ok, 9.1 is not available either :-)
Sarayan: I ain't implementing Yosys support for it :P
it's used in the naomi arcade board
Sarayan: Windows or Linux?
Ah, I see
Linux if it exists
not sure when quartus started supporting linux
Sarayan: If you can wait couple of hours I can hook you up with Linux version
We have nothing but time :P
Although it was pain in the ass to run it in 2010 on Linux, not sure if there will be any improvements in a modern Linux distro :p
I can wait a couple weeks easily :-)
Web edition will do, right?
if there's that flex I'm happy :-)
Sarayan: are you sure the asmdb strings are correct?
The strings don't appear in the libraries, so
Like, there's asmdb_pdb_write_dirt
it's in libcomp_asm.so
lite version 18.1
It's not in comp_asm.dll lite 19.1
it may not be in the windows version, who knows
cfg_is_on("name") is the function to breakpoint on to see what config a given command looks for
oh, it may require confusing quartus a little about whether one has a developer license
I think they check that before checking the config
But since the string is not in Quartus, it doesn't seem like they would be very helpful
What's developer license?
A developer license lets you poke around the internals
You know how Quartus is normally really noisy when logging?
Don't worry: most of the logging info is hidden
When you hit developer mode, you get the *full force* of the Quartus logging system
Up to and including snarky comments that weren't meant to make it to production
(but did)
Lol, why it's in prod? To debug something on the customer site?
* Lofty
But if you ever get a LUT6 that can use the carry logic, you get a printout that reminds Greg to get some milk on the way home
Ah, yes, The Quartus Lore®
Lofty: Arria V GZ is a leftover from Stratix V, apparently:
ls arriavgz: stratixv_gsf2c stratixv_gsf2d
Can't waste any floor sweepings
Of course :P
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Hi mmicko
Hi :)
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hey you
Hi Sarayan, different projects same people
Hi mmicko
Honestly feel like Sarayan is doing so much of the heavy lifting :P
Lofty: where can I find/put quartus.ini?
I think it goes in the same directory as the project
It should print out a message mentioning the INI file when you get it right though
Yup: Info: Using INI file /prjmistral/avgx/test_a3/quartus.ini
Alrightie, ran my project with PDB_ASCII_DUMP=y and asmdb_dump_asmdb=on asmdb_dump_dirt=on, where should I look to unveil Quartus dirty secrets?
Got this file: a5_pin_model_dump.txt (120 lines)
No, it's a standard file, the only difference in db folder between vanilla and 'quartus.ini' run is db/project_name.pplq.rdb
Did it mention the INI file?
> Info: Using INI file /prjmistral/avgx/test_a3/quartus.ini
ping Sarayan :P
It's just a blinkie project. Do I need to get something bigger to get more data?
"The SEU internal scrubbing feature is available for Cyclone V E, GX, SE, and SX devices with the "SC" suffix in the part number. Fordevice availability and ordering, contact your local Intel sales representatives."
in the Cyclone V Device Datasheet
Sure, although since these are basically overlays, can't we just add this for everything? :P
Sarayan: do you have a map of these models to dies though?
Or am I gonna have to guess it? :P
the file I uploaded has it
doesn't it?
Not that I can find, unless I'm missing something
ah yeah, DEVICE has the variant, not the die
tbh it's not hard to make a table of prefixes though :-)
there are... 41 differnt ones :-)
rombik_su: ping
I'll generate the model list at some point, haven't bothered yet though
Lofty: I'm here¸ was busy with kids. So far I'm at ~1/3 of dumps and die mappings on Arria V.
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Lofty: I don't think categorizing them as 'leftovers' is correct per se.
That was rombik_su, not me :P
they might be lower-binned A10s, but I understand it more as a means to avoid a unique die/tapeout.
oh, yeah. indeed.
rombik_su: ^^^
It was a joke, obviously it's cost-related
Judging by their P/N-to-die mapping they will rather disable half the LEs than running another die device cycle, which is probably reasonable for FPGA
*die design cycle
that and a way to bridge the cyclone family market to a "new" device without redirecting tons of engineers busy on next-gen architecture.
Make sense
I think pretty much every vendor does this one way or another anyway
lots of scrollback in this channel today, though. glad to see some activity. :-)