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<Lofty> Ping Sarayan
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<Lofty> So, I started work on nextpnr-cyclonev
<Lofty> And there are definitely a lot of API functions that would be nice to have
<Sarayan> Color me seriously unsurprised :-)
<Lofty> The nextpnr API function getTileBelDimZ asks "for a given (X, Y), what bels are available?"
<Sarayan> so inverting the get_*_pos()
<Lofty> But cyclonev.h has the $BEL_pos arrays
<Lofty> Yeah
<Lofty> Well, nextpnr seems to be using a physical X/Y coordinate along with a Z coordinate for the Zth BEL in there
<daveshah> yeah lots of APIs need this
<Lofty> I'm not entirely sure what that corresponds to in cyclonev.h
<Sarayan> it doesn't correspond to anything, because there's a maximum of one bel of a given type in a given type
<Sarayan> *if* you follow the definition of the implementation. You can reasonably say that a lab is 50 bels
<Sarayan> or even 51
<Sarayan> or 61
<Lofty> Mmm
<Sarayan> I don't think a lab ever coincides with anything else
<Lofty> I think nextpnr would very much appreciate being able to place more than one LUT in a LAB :P
<Sarayan> so they're easy to special-case
<Sarayan> yeah, the hardware granularity and nextpnr's are probably not identical
<Lofty> They *can* be identical
<Sarayan> I'm not sure how it can work, tbh. The common control on the 10/20 LUTs 40 FF can invert the clocks in addition to routing stuff, so it's not an entirely routing-only thing
<Lofty> Remember, bels are for placement
<Sarayan> yes and no
<Sarayan> we don't have "FF that can invert its clock", we have "control group common to 40 FFs that can invert 3 clock lines"
<Sarayan> so there's a hierarchical plaacement... thing that also does a change on the signal (e.g. inversion)
<Sarayan> you can't just pretend the FFs can invert their clocks on input, because there's only 3 clock lines for 40 FFs
<Sarayan> while the 3 clock lines limit can be seen are a pure placement thing, the optional inversion is where I don't know how things work out
<Lofty> daveshah: does 1 BEL mean exactly 1 thing can be placed on it?
<daveshah> Yes
<Lofty> Ugh
<Lofty> This means I have to do subdivision to impedance-match mistral and nextpnr
<daveshah> So generally your BELs would be a small unit
<daveshah> Yes, that's pretty much inevitable
<Lofty> <Sarayan> while the 3 clock lines limit can be seen are a pure placement thing, the optional inversion is where I don't know how things work out
<Lofty> So, here's my understanding: nextpnr would ask for a clock line to carry signal X, another for signal Y, and another for signal Z
<Lofty> If it tries to add another one, you reject that as impossible
<daveshah> Yeah thats how constraints work atm
<daveshah> You basically have a couple of functions that return false if things aren't legal
<Lofty> Does the Z coordinate have to be strictly sequential?
<Lofty> I suppose it does
<daveshah> No it doesn't
<daveshah> In fact, encoding information in different bit ranges might even be useful
<daveshah> Have a look at nexus or nextpnr-xilinx for examples of that
<Lofty> I was considering encoding hierarchy information in the Z coordinate
<daveshah> Yes that's probably a good idea
<Sarayan> the routing is (2 input clock lines + 2 input data lines) -> (2 selected clock lines) -> (3 clock lines build from one of the two selected + optional inverter)
<Lofty> I feel like this might need a LAB diagram to think things through though
<Lofty> Or I can do my usual approach of winging it :P
<Sarayan> yeah, I still have drawing it in my todo list
<Lofty> ...Do you think I can get away with temporarily pretending that anything that isn't a LAB has zero BELs?
<daveshah> Yes
<daveshah> Well you probably want IO too
<Lofty> True
<Lofty> I guess for I/O you can get away with one pin = one BEL?
<daveshah> yeah
<daveshah> and no need for any registers or anything, just the basic IO buffer
<Lofty> Sarayan: are the GPIOs on the tile grid?
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<Lofty> Because if they're not, then that's going to be a headache
<daveshah> mm, nextpnr assumes everything is one homogeneous tilegrid
<Lofty> Or else you need to resize the tilegrid
<daveshah> yeah
<Lofty> Actually, what am I thinking.
<Lofty> The gpio_get_pos function takes in a pos_t
<Lofty> Which is a grid coordinate
<Lofty> So the answer is yes :P
<daveshah> :)
<Lofty> By the looks of it, an I/O tile corresponds to 2-4 I/O pins
<daveshah> that sounds very typical
<Sarayan> up to 4 yes
<Sarayan> if it's less than for which numbers are missing is close to random
<daveshah> probably just depends on where they could squeeze pads in
<Lofty> Is it better to just straight-up return 4, or to give an actually accurate number of bels?
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<daveshah> straight-up return 4
<daveshah> at worst you'll allocate a tiny bit more memory than needed
<Lofty> I was wondering if it would have algorithmic impacts like wasting time trying to place on a BEL that doesn't exist
<Sarayan> most are 4, so a really tiny bit
<daveshah> getGridDimZ doesn't affect placement
<daveshah> it's only about allocating arrays of the right size
<Sarayan> GPIOs are fixed placmeent inany case
<daveshah> placement will only consider bels that actually exist; based on one of the other functions (I think it actually just goes over all the bels with getBels iirc)
<Sarayan> nextpnr is not the one deciding which pin does what
<daveshah> yeah that too
<daveshah> occasionally in the early stages of a design you let it place IO if you just want a rough idea
<Sarayan> sure, but not the usual case :-)
<daveshah> indeed
<Sarayan> Lofty, you have your new method
<Lofty> Thanks Sarayan
<Lofty> So you're using a vector to indicate zero-or-one, right?
<Sarayan> can be more than one
<Lofty> Aaaa
<Sarayan> there can be only one inner block, but there can be multiple peripheral blocks
<Lofty> "peripheral block"?
<Sarayan> lab/mlab/m10k/dsp there can be only one and it will be alone though
<Sarayan> fpll, cmux*, gpio, etc
<Lofty> <Sarayan> lab/mlab/m10k/dsp there can be only one and it will be alone though <-- this is the bit I care about
<Sarayan> if you look at the floor plan they're on the periphery, and they're configured by the pram
<Sarayan> Yeah, I guessed that :-)
<Lofty> Sure, but I'm pretty confident nextpnr will just walk the entire tilegrid
<Lofty> So those periphery cases are ones I have to deal with
<Sarayan> sure
<Sarayan> there are things like the clock muxes you want handled by nextpnr too at some point
<Sarayan> and the gpios are there of course
<Sarayan> (there's not entirely enough information inthe lib/docs to handle clock muxes yet, sorry)
<Lofty> So, what, should I just go through the vector until I find something I recognise?
<Lofty> Or do I use tile types instead? :P
<Lofty> Okay, next on the list is getTilePipDimZ
<Sarayan> hmmm, list of rnodes per tile is not something we have
<daveshah> Almost certainly just a return 1
<daveshah> pip Zs do not need to be unique
<Lofty> Ah, that's useful to know
<daveshah> They are only if you need to group pips at a finer level than tile (eg for some complex partial reconfiguration cases)
<Lofty> I'm going to arbitrarily start with 60 BELs per LAB: 10 ALMs per LAB, 2 LUT outputs plus 4 flop outputs per ALM
<daveshah> Yes that's how I'd split it up
<Sarayan> you're gonna have to add some virtual routing between those
<Sarayan> not a problem
<Lofty> Not necessarily, but anyway
<Sarayan> half of the ff inputs do not go through the LUT
<Lofty> Next: getBelByName
<Lofty> ...Can I just stub this?
<Sarayan> what's a name?
<daveshah> Not if you want to use the Python API or design load/save
<Lofty> A string
<Sarayan> so it's
<Lofty> Presumably a human readable index
<Lofty> Yeah
<Sarayan> you can implement it in not many lines :-)
<Sarayan> block_type_t block_type_lookup(const std::string &n) const;
<Sarayan> that gives you the block type enum from the string block name
<Lofty> And then I also need a BelId system
<Lofty> Which I'm guessing is kinda a pos_t plus the nextpnr Z coordinate?
<Sarayan> if it canbe a uint64_t you can use a pnode with no port (PNONE)
<Lofty> Okay, that works
<daveshah> I would suggest a pos_t plus Z-coordinate
<Lofty> I'm just wondering about block types
<Lofty> pos_t is uint16_t
<Sarayan> pos_t is 14 bits in reality
<Lofty> The Z is probably another 16 bits
<Sarayan> not sure, you seem to be going up to 60 and no more
<Lofty> Hmm
<Lofty> Okay
<Sarayan> the cmux will get you to 20 max
<Sarayan> block type is 8-bits (and even that's overkill)
<Sarayan> there are only 57 block types in reality
<Sarayan> (that's including BNONE, the no-block value)
<Lofty> Sarayan: So, would the Z coordinate also have to include the peripheral blocks as well?
<Lofty> I suppose so
<Sarayan> I guess, *but* you can do something like block_type | (index << 8)
<Sarayan> so your 0-59 goes into index
<Sarayan> and I guess given Z the string is going to be
<Lofty> Well, if block is implied in Z it's just gonna be XXX.YYY.ZZZ
<Lofty> Or whatever
<Sarayan> I recommend not to imply it
<Sarayan> Ah
<Sarayan> I mean
<Sarayan> zzz for be index
<Sarayan> zzz would be index
<Lofty> ...I'll just have a block_type_t in the BelId.
<Sarayan> it's just way more readable to have MLAB.025.011.020 to mean the first FF of the mlab at (25, 11)
<Sarayan> and debugging loves readability
<Lofty> Mhm
<Sarayan> and Z would be (20 << 8) | MLAB
<Lofty> Z is 8 bits :P
<Sarayan> it is?
<Lofty> I'll make it 16
<Sarayan> I'm surprised
<Sarayan> ok, there's something I don't understand, is (x, y, z) unique or it's (bel type, x, y, z)?
<daveshah> z must be unique for all bel types
<Sarayan> ok
<Sarayan> but z being (index << 8) | bel_type is not an issue
<Sarayan> right?
<daveshah> That's fine
<Lofty> <Lofty> Does the Z coordinate have to be strictly sequential?
<Lofty> <Lofty> I suppose it does
<Lofty> <daveshah> No it doesn't
<Lofty> <daveshah> In fact, encoding information in different bit ranges might even be useful
<Lofty> Next problem
<Sarayan> yeah, he's not contradicting himself, damint ;-)
<Lofty> The .c_str() method wants a BaseCtx
<Lofty> How do I get one of those?
<daveshah> Arch inherits from it
<daveshah> IdStrings are stored in the BaseCtx
<Lofty> So I just pass this?
<daveshah> Yeah
<Sarayan> I'm failing at seeing the difference between wires and pips
<Lofty> I'm guessing wires are 1:1 and pips are 1:many
<Sarayan> context: the cv routing network is just a bunch of muxes that takes a number of metal lines as inputs and drive one metal line with the selection
<Lofty> I think basically all routing networks are like that
<daveshah> A wire is a piece of metal
<daveshah> A pip is a transistor or group of transistors
<daveshah> (or a configuration of a group of transistors)
<Sarayan> spartan 2 had groups of 6 mosfets that connected 4 metal lines in any way possible without amplification or directionality
<Sarayan> no such thing here though
<Sarayan> so the pips are the muxes, and the wires what connect the muxes and.or the bels?
<daveshah> The pips are the mux settings
<daveshah> A N-input mux will be N pips, from each possible input wire to the output wire
<daveshah> 1
<Sarayan> so bindWire is a static thing?
<Sarayan> and damn, that means a PipId can't be 32 bits
<daveshah> No bindWire and bindPip are called during routing to update the mapping between nets and wires/pips
<Sarayan> what's a net?
<omnitechnomancer> A wire can input to multiple possible pips
<daveshah> A net is a connection in the design
<Sarayan> ok, for me the (port, wire) connection is fixed, it's a table
<Sarayan> you can't change which metal line a bel port is connected to, and you can't have it not drive it either
<daveshah> Yes that's correct
<Sarayan> that's what I meant with bindWire being static
<omnitechnomancer> it can still be potentially convenient to put a pip there even if it only has one possible binding
<Lofty> Okay, getBelByName and getBelName done
<Sarayan> if nextpnt asks to disconnect such a wire from the bel, that's going to require decapping and a laser probe :-)
<Lofty> getBelChecksum is just stubbed under Gowin :P
<daveshah> bindWire is nothing to do with wire and bel mappings
<omnitechnomancer> as long as the wire connected to that bel is only driven by that bel and attaches to other pips it doesn't really matter :P
<omnitechnomancer> bindWire assigns a wire to a net?
<Sarayan> "Bind a wire to a net. This method must be used when binding a wire that is driven by a bel pin."
<Sarayan> I'm missing something there
<daveshah> It's not binding a wire to a bel pin
<Sarayan> what's a bel pin then?
<daveshah> What it means is you use it to update the wire net mapping for the source wire of a net
<daveshah> as opposed to using bindPip which you can use for subsequent wires
<daveshah> Sorry, I'm out walking rn and it's hard to give detailed enough answers on the phone keyboard
<Sarayan> ah indeed that doesn't help
<omnitechnomancer> a bel pin is an input or output of a bel AFAIK
<Sarayan> omnitechnomancer: ok, but there's no binding going on, or more precisely no unbinding. There's no way to disconnect the wire from the bel port
<omnitechnomancer> I think the difference is that this is used for the wires connected directly to bels, while bind pip normally deals with wire binding itself?
<daveshah> Yes that's correct
<Sarayan> daveshah: beautiful
<omnitechnomancer> <Sarayan "omnitechnomancer: ok, but there'"> the binding is for a net, nothing to do with the internals of the fpga
<omnitechnomancer> its to say this wire is associated with this net now, you use it to represent that fixed connection
<Lofty> Yeah, it's for a hash table
<Sarayan> but saveshah says it's not static, the placement/routing can decide to unbind it
<Sarayan> daveshah sorry
<Lofty> Mapping a virtual net to a physical wire in the FPGA
<Lofty> Or unmapping it
<daveshah> The mapping can change because you could change which net connects to a cell pin
<daveshah> Or which bel the cell is placed on
<omnitechnomancer> for outputs when you place the bel in a location you will need to bind the output wires to the output nets of that bel
<Sarayan> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's an internal routing algorithm thing... which I don't get why the arch-specific code should know about, but that's a different story
<omnitechnomancer> the arch-specific code needs to explain which wires are attached to which bels
<Sarayan> yes, there's getBelPinWire for that
<Sarayan> and friends
<Sarayan> that's why I was lost, the information is there
<Sarayan> (well, I'm still kinda lost, but heh)
<omnitechnomancer> hmmm
<daveshah> So the idea is, when updating net->wire mappings, use bindWire for the start wire (which is driven by a bel pin) and bindPip for all downstream wires (which are driven by pips)
<Sarayan> wait, you need to *user* bindWire and friends, or you need to *implement* it when you add a new fpga type?
<omnitechnomancer> is this a method because the generic code doesn't necessarily understand how net->wires is stored?
<Sarayan> okuser -> use
<daveshah> You need to implement it, by and large
<daveshah> You might also use it for any arch specific routing passes like a custom global router
<Sarayan> cat wants food, badly
<omnitechnomancer> daveshah: I think the misunderstanding is why this is not a generic operation and otherwise driven from specifying the bel pin wires
<Sarayan> pretty much
<Sarayan> otoh, maybe Lofty gets it and I'll just see what is done :-)
<omnitechnomancer> I think it's because you might need to do special things with WireIds and NetInfos which arch specific code gets to define aspects of so generic code might not know them
<Sarayan> what kind of special things?
<Sarayan> and now cat needs paets, badly
<Sarayan> pets
<omnitechnomancer> give cat pets
<Sarayan> I am I am
<Sarayan> purring is happening
<omnitechnomancer> I am not sure how much this is mandatory to have the arch define, but it's one of the points where you could do extra things if you need
<omnitechnomancer> ecp5 also updates the UI here (though a generic version could too)
<Sarayan> can you not implement it/upcall some generic version?
<Sarayan> I mean, I see nothing there that's a priori fpga-specific
<Sarayan> maybe there's historical reasons, but I don't get them :-)
<daveshah> Yeah there isn't really a very good reason
<daveshah> nextpnr in its current state does leave too much up to the arch imo
<Sarayan> sure seems so
<omnitechnomancer> I think all of ecp5 ice40 and nexus have identical impls
<omnitechnomancer> and gowin has an analagous but lacking of asserts impl
<omnitechnomancer> so could probably be generic
<Sarayan> that's a sign I'd say :-)
<omnitechnomancer> I think dave was trying to be maximally flexible just in case
<omnitechnomancer> and not make it something you configure with xml files :P
<Sarayan> sure, but you can have flexibility through optional virtual functions for instance
<Sarayan> And now the cat is asleep on me
<Sarayan> life is so hard
<Lofty> Pffft
<Sarayan> snoring cat
<Lofty> Sarayan: want me to push my nextpnr branch so you can look at laugh?
<Lofty> s/at/and/
<Sarayan> Don't worry, I won't laugh at you :-)
<Sarayan> when nextpnr asks for a delay, that's minimal or maximal?
<Lofty> cyclonev branch of my nextpnr fork
<Lofty> There's the option for both
<Lofty> But I think it normally works by maximum
<Sarayan> feels like you really need the lab diagram at this point, and probably the cmux too
<Sarayan> the thing is, I really need to cross-reference it with the timing model
<daveshah> Lofty: leaving a few small comments
<Sarayan> wtf, git fetch --all doesn't see any branch
<daveshah> are you on lofty's fork ?
<Sarayan> I'm working directly on that, I don't even have a personal fork :-)
<daveshah> nextpnr, not mistral
<Sarayan> ahhhhhhhhhhhh
<Sarayan> but of course
<Sarayan> just to be annoying, the bottom FFs have two outputs
<Sarayan> well, to be more precise, there are 3 outputs per block of two FFs, each goes to either a FF output or directly to the LUT output, the first to the first FF and the second and third to the second FF
<daveshah> It sounds like a couple of extra pips could represent that routing
<Sarayan> and the routes after the second and third are very different, the first is a local loopback that connects to roughly half of the inputs of the LABs in that block
<daveshah> Plus a validity check during placement to make sure you don't oversubscribe outputs and end up with an untouchable conflict
<daveshah> *unrouteable
<daveshah> autocorrect
<Sarayan> quartus calls it LO (local), I call it LD (local dispatch)
<Sarayan> the really funky thing is that only one in the two FFs of a pair can be connected to the output of the LUT, the other gets one of the inputs of the LAB
<Sarayan> that's going to be hard to represent, that "optional crossing"
<daveshah> This all sounds like fairly typical placement validity rules tbh
<Sarayan> can't that end up with the planner bouncing against rules it can't predict "what about now? No. And now? Still no"
<daveshah> It's not ideal for very heavily utilised designs and that is something I'd like to improve one day
<daveshah> But below about 90% utilisation it tends to converge on a legal placement pretty well
<Sarayan> ahhhh no it's not crossed
<Sarayan> there's a line, "sload", that tells whether to get combout or not
<daveshah> oh, so it can be used as a dynamic load if you don't tie that signal to a constant?
<Sarayan> well, tbh, I don't understand entirely everything and I hope the timing model is going to help
<Sarayan> using mistral::CycloneV; does not exactly do what you think it does
<Sarayan> I suspect using namespace mistral; would be more approriate
<Sarayan> using mistral::CycloneV; means typedef using mistral::CycloneV CycloneV; e.g. you create a new type
<daveshah> you'd have to be careful about collisions with stuff in nextpnr tho
<Sarayan> or, well, a new name for the type
<daveshah> those header files are included by pretty much everything else
<Sarayan> There's exactly one thing in the namespace mistral and that's the class CycloneV
<daveshah> that's fine then
<Sarayan> Hopefully there will be Cyclone10LP and others in the future, but it's *really* clean
<daveshah> yeah, `using namespace mistral; ` is the correct solution providing you stick to that contract
<Sarayan> (inside CycloneV is a different story of course)
<Sarayan> I was tempted to have a bare CycloneV without a namespace tbh
<Sarayan> Ah, interesting, we have a different philosophy, I'd have done a using BelId = uint32_t;
<Sarayan> that way I'm sure the compiler is not going to split it ever
<Sarayan> You can only have one Arch at a time?
<daveshah> as it stands yeah they are separate binaries
<daveshah> but afaik NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN creates an arch-specific namespace so you could link them together if you really wanted to
<Sarayan> I'd really want not to have everything named Arch :-)
<Sarayan> One project at a time, I really need to finish the library, then I'll be able to help with nextpnr itself
<Sarayan> if I go play with nextpnr now I'll never finish the lib and that would be bad
<daveshah> there's always so much to do :)
<Sarayan> yeah
<daveshah> sounds like progress is going really well though
<Sarayan> but making quartus is probably the thing I'm the most competent at among the group of us
<daveshah> 2021; yeah of the open FPGA
<Sarayan> (that sentence is fucked, but you get the drift)
<Sarayan> makeing quartus talk that is
<Lofty> Fixed your nits, daveshah
<Lofty> (and Sarayan's nit too)
<daveshah> Thanks, makes life a lot easier reviewing it in small chunks
<Lofty> I'm guessing for bindBel/unbindBel I can just copy/paste it?
<Lofty> It doesn't seem very arch-specific
<daveshah> Mostly
<daveshah> For nextpnr-xilinx I do some dirty tracking to speed up validity checks
<daveshah> But that's a minor performance optimisation at best
<Lofty> I definitely hope a lot of this gets factored out in planar :P
<daveshah> Yeah it all will be
<daveshah> I just hope planar gets beyond a dream
<daveshah> One day...
<Sarayan> planar?
<daveshah> riir nextpnr
<Sarayan> riir?
<daveshah> rewrite it in rust :)
<Lofty> daveshah: there's the cxx crate :P
<daveshah> that could be useful for mistral :)
<daveshah> interop with nextpnr is quite low on my priority list; because coming up with a fresh set of APIs and data structures is more interesting imo
<Lofty> Yeah, fair
<Sarayan> there's as little in code as possible in mistral
<daveshah> I think planar will have a standard database format; so mistral would mainly be a build-time dep
<Sarayan> there's a *ton* of generated stuff, but that's not as issue
<daveshah> and perhaps used for bitgen; if you don't go for a text IL twixt
<Sarayan> I think "standard database" is shooting yourself in the feet, but that's just me
<daveshah> There will still be some arch-specific hooks
<daveshah> but the idea is to try and see if there's a way of doing deduplication that applies to a reasonable way of arches, well enough
<daveshah> this will also eliminate the need to rebuild everything for each arch
<daveshah> as you can see, things are still at the stage of 'unknown unknowns' atm, not even known unknowns
<Sarayan> heh
<daveshah> any feedback you have from looking at nextpnr is always useful tho
<Sarayan> Right now? A lot of stuff should be out of arch :-)
<daveshah> yeah, makes sense
<Sarayan> right now the arch api is a tad frightening
<daveshah> everyone who looks at it says that, tbh
<daveshah> i can't disagree
<Sarayan> because it has to do more than describing the arch, it has to do fundamental managing of internal nextpnr structures
<daveshah> mmm
<sorear> I do wonder whether it's possible for a standard database to encode enough information to get close to generating a bitfile directly
<Sarayan> I'm not saying that it's always bad to be able to pop the cover, so to say, but it shouldn't be a requirement
<daveshah> probably, although your rule format isn't going to be far off turing complete in that case
<Sarayan> sorear: there's all the framing that's going to be a pain to describe non-turingly
<daveshah> and things like complex expressions depending on cell parameters and the like
<Sarayan> plus there's funky thing like the fact that the cv has actually *3* configuration ram blocks, with slightly different behaviours
<daveshah> yeah
<daveshah> the actual bitstream format will definitely not be in-scope for planar
<daveshah> overall, planar will still have some kind of code/data mix like nextpnr
<daveshah> just hopefully with slightly less code in most of the common cases
<sorear> could farm out the more turing-y bits to another program if that helps, but the "another program" should be <1MB of code
<Sarayan> xilinx work(s?ed?) with boolean expressions computed on the routing/state graph for every bit of the firmware
<Sarayan> quartus works with muxes everywhere
<Sarayan> and ram blocks
<daveshah> there are sometimes places where you have to e.g. subtract one from a parameter
<daveshah> for ECP5
<daveshah> expressing that as a boolean expression would be a bit of a PITA
<Sarayan> where the muxes/blocks are at positions in the config rams relative to an origin, or in a small number of cases absolute
<Sarayan> plus about 10K optional inverters scattered in the cram
<Sarayan> very, very far from the xilinx POV
<Sarayan> no idea what the others tool do
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