ryanf, seanstickle, trying to appropriately accommodate rdoc and yard in the Ore project generator
apparently people want to use markdown for the README/ChangeLog, but rdoc for the API docs
but i think that would give you some weird rdoc
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yep, rdoc will currently skip .md/.tt files, sounds like this person wants to avoid writing API docs
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postmodern: rdoc 4
erikh, awesome, that will simplify Ore's handling of markups vs. doc generators
yeah rdoc 4 has a lot of improvements in the pipe
it's a pretty clean codebase now too
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Hey, do you guys know of any ruby books with excercises?
A couple I've browsed through have none at all.
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I'm relatively new to Ruby and having some issues with the following script: https://gist.github.com/ab64a4e2a07546e0fecd -- I'm trying to load a class using "inherited" and then initializing that class, but "initialized" is never called and any other functions called does not seem to exist (although they should, since I defined them...)
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herpless_: I'm quite a newbie but you are trying to create a new Say object but the class is not yet created
try to define an empty class plugin then create the Say class which inherit from the Plugin one and after, redefine the Plugin class with the self.inherited method
Hum ... the problem is the self.inherited method aren't going to be call with my solution (because you inherit the object before define the method)
hmm, so the 'inherited' method loads the Say class before it's actually defining the say and initialize methods?
herpless_: It's because you want to create a new Say instance before define the Say class
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robin850: I see
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herpless_: #initialize not -d
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herpless_: The problem with the method is, I think, that the class hasn’t been created yet
herpless_: it's because the method hasn't been defined yet
even though the class is created
inherited() hooks are run just after the class is created but before the class body is executed
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(Which seems a little silly, because it can stop the class from getting created properly. Which might or mightent be a good thing.)
there may be more than just one class body
which is probably the reason for the behaviour of inherited as it is
also some class methods might rely on inherited being run before any class method can be invoked
iow, there's sense in inherited's behavior as-is.
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herpless_: I haven't seen the original problem, but maybe method_added is what you're looking for?
apeiros_: Actually, that might just work. I'll check it out, thanks.
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apeiros_: It’d be possible to process just the class body in which the inheritance is declared
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yes. whether that'd be desirable is questionable, though.
There’s something to be said for failing early, but it seems unintuitive that an error in a parent class hook method could prevent your class from being created
that was the original issue?
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well, one could argue that it falls into the same category as trying to inherit from a non-existing class. I don't see much of a problem there
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herpless_: I think the more traditional approach would be to just add the class to an array, then loop through the contents of that array "later"
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Ive a small sinatra app contained in bin/mysinapp ; when I directly executed it -> works (it contains global "get '/' do ..."). When I build a gem and install it locally, the binary doesn't work. rubygem wraps it with a "load Gem.bin_path(...)" and this doesn't seem to execute sinatra; it just loads the file and doesn't run sinatra. Any ideas?
I asked this yesterday: gems yet have no official changelog format; I checked a few gems when they have one, each gem has their own. Couldn't derive a common way to do it. Any suggestion what approach for formatting it? I'd currently write the entries manually for now, not dervice from commit messages
hrm. Actually I didn't mean the ChangeLog but the version history ...
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rfx: what's the diff b/w CHANGELOG and version history?
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banisterfiend: catchy question; for me, changelog is every change done (aka git log, i.e. obsolete nowadays), history/news are only notable items (i.e. what's the point of this and that release).
And I'm trying to figure out best gem practive for history/news file (I just realized this later, after I made myself familiar what the point of ChangeLog was, at least GNU-style ChangeLog)
rfx: CHANGELOG is only notable changes, yeah
I currently have my Gemspec inside a Rakefile. Is this best practive? Soemtimes I see a separate .gemspec file; not sure when to use which one though
rfx: use a separate gemspec unless it's generated platform specific
Mon_Ouie: Show makefile.
No makefile
gcc test_ext.c -lruby -I/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1 -I/usr/include/ruby-1.9.1/x86_64-linux -o test && ./test
(obviously only works on a specific platform)
what the fuck then
I did everything you did, except for sysinit, which I did, but removed cause it didn't help anyway.
If you run just that example, does it work?
cannot load such file -- pry
Well, that's normal unless pry is installed — is it?
Oh, wait. lal
lal = drunken lol?
I instantly assumed there's something wrong with your examle.
apeiros_: Hipster lol.
Hmm, it said true.
Okay, at least now I have a working example.
So it works
So there *is* something different in your program
* ij
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Mon_Ouie: Hmm, my calling of code made a difference.
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I did rb_protect -> cfunc() { rb_funcall }, and that made it not work, I changed it to your eval_string_protect
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Mon_Ouie: You're the best. <3 xoxoxo
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ij: Mon_Ouie is the bomb
♪ Everybody's got a question on their mind (on their mind) ♪
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I'm still curious why they wouldn't behave the same way. It doesn't sound like they should.
Is there any argument against using require_relative rather than File.join etc. in >= 1.9.2? I think I remember reading something about it once but I'm not sure, and I can't really think of a reason now.
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you can leave it in. I prefer the -I approach.
drbrain: ping - in http://guides.rubygems.org/make-your-own-gem/ the example has `s.date = '2010-04-28'` in it - but I remember you saying that one shouldn't set the date yourself in the gemspec…
-I for lib you mean/
i can handle that
but then it blows up on dependencies
when running under ruby gems i shouldn't need to do gem "blah" because ruby gems should do that already, no?
Dreamer3: that's because you haven't installed them…
no, i have installed them :)
if you had, then it wouldn't blow up… really…
and no, you don't need to do `gem 'gemname'`
you only have to do that if you need a specific version
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they are in gem list
you *could* of course come forward with the actual error, you know?
instead of giving vague information…
no such file to load -- linode
when i do require 'linode'
are you using ruby 1.8?
you haven't required rubygems
i know this
ruby -rubygems -Ilib ./bin/yourexe
you know that and wonder why gems don't load? are you kidding me?
Oh no, he figured out our ruse!
i guess i'm just not imagining someone typing that all the time
"our"? et tu, ruete?
Dreamer3: you know that there's an up-arrow on your keyboard?
and that your shell has a history…
yes :)
i heard this was a great community chan for ruby help
then wtf are you complaining about? srsly?
once it's installed, it's only yourexe anymore. and while you develop, you'll just keep hitting up-arrow & enter
it's not as if that'd break your hand or something…
RSI is serious stuff
can anyone help me diagnose a regex?
here's my string "Dined on 06/30/2012"
i'm pretty new to regex and i'm trying to extract the date
so i've tried [/\d+/]
and that'll match first instance, but i'm trying to get it all
richardjortega: so you want to match "06/30/2012" and \d+ matches "06" - so what do you have to add to the regex after the \d+?
what's the next character to match…
Dreamer3: I don't think you can beat up-arrow+enter by anything. but good luck trying.
and tell me when you've got something better.
the output desired would be "06/30/2012"
i'm going to go back to restricting things for now :)
just have a few lines of loader in the bin i can rip out later
so i'd need to escape forward slashes i believe using [/\/]
but that doesnt seem to work so well
\/ is correct
so you have /\d+/, and you add in \/, so you get /\d+\//
cool let me test it in rubular
(hint, you can use %r{regex} instead of /regex/, then you don't need to escape /'s)
"Dined on 06/30/2012 and 08/15/2011".scan %r{\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d}
=> ["06/30/2012", "08/15/2011"]
sorry ape, i pasted before I read the backscroll.
apeiros_, that is.
bougy, np
I intended to lead him there. maybe just showing the end is just as fine…
buggyman? :)
that was pimp bougyman!
* apeiros_
prefers \d{4} over \d\d\d\d though
also apeiros i had a return of "06/30/"
richardjortega: yupp. so you missed out the final \d+
actually "06/"
then you missed another \d+ and another /
your regex is a recipe
if your recipe is not complete, it won't match all…
what's a good alternative to optparse?
Dreamer3: Asher’s got a gem called develop, it might help. Maybe
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so it'd be like /\d+\/d+\/d+\
apeiros_: Except a drink recipe
rfx: i was just starting to use opt parse :)
rfx: are you finding it unfit?
rfx: Slop seems the most complete
rue: thanks, that was it
Dreamer3: optparse is just horrible
Plus you can complain to inkjet if it doesn’t work
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* rue
wonders if inkjet has a highlight on that
i'll use this :)
so apeiros why wouldn't something like this work? "\d+\/d+\/d+" i get no matches
richardjortega: did you really use quotes?
that should work
with [], it'll only get you the first date, though
oh, wait
i didn't use the quotes
d+ is not the same as \d+
d+ literally means "one or more 'd' characters"
ok that worked fine!
bougyman's regex is more prexise, though
what's the diff between d+ and \d+
as said
d is the digit 'd'
\d is [0-9], any digit character
oh i see what confused me
it was the escape
the backslash is the only character used to escape the forward slash
mhm, you have to pay close attention to what you write
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i was reading the "\/\" as the way to escape the forward slash
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instead of just "\/"
Dreamer3 - the gem is 'development' see if that fits your needs, it's been great for me :)
apeiros thanks for the help
same to bougyman too!
this is way more comfortable than a stack overflow question ;(
why would you use this WITH bundler?
couldn't tell you - it was requested
so i made sure it worked
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i like the pattern where when you commit the hooks do the knife upload auto
sorry learning split w/ irssi :-)
and had a couple mimosas
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Asher: I like my name better -.-
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It’s shorter and stuff
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fair :) just not what it's called atm! ;)
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o o
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injekt: there?
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Good day
what are some popular web frameworks in ruby besides rails?
Technodrome: Sinatra
looking for something sorta in between
or maybe i should just use rails …heh …such a small app here though
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If you know Rails the use it. If you don't, then use Sinatra.
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sinatra will teach u nut-n-bolts for sure
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padrino is inbetween as I understand it.
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in human circumstances yielding so much prevails... so much more in a language such as ruby
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Technodrome: Padrino, yes
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What's the preferred tool to convert markdown to HTML?
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rfx: I liked maruku. don't know how it is today, though.