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Anyone ever tried to use charlock_holmes on suse? I get a library (icuc?) load error: LoadError: /home/wpostma/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/charlock_holmes-0.7.3/lib/charlock_holmes/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN6icu_538ByteSinkE - /hom
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hi. any hint how to get such a beautiful nice coloured irb prompt? i was able to customize it a bit and have hirb and wirble installed, but i'm a ruby noob so i don't know further.
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total noob question. why does this doesn't act like I expect (nor do I get ambiguouty error) if (x != "view") || (x != "deposit") || (x != "withdraw"). but when leaving just view it works correctly (like || acts like &&)
davix: How do you expect it to act?
if not or not or not
davix: it works like you expect it, and you can even leave the parens.
trying to raise an exception if someone is using a command out of my command possibilities
>> a = 1; puts "foo" if a == 2 || a == 1
davix: use an array instead, and use Enumerable#any? - it's just cleaner.
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or all? or none?
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trying to raise an exception if someone is using a command out of my command possibilities, so I guess I just want to rule the possibility none of these commands are used. I will examine array option for this. thank you dminuoso
davix: The problem with your initial question is just a confusion in your mind.
davix: Let's say someone passes "deposit" - then the first expression would be true. So Ruby ends up evaluating: if true || false || false - which is true.
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correct I just found my brain bug, it should have been not && not && not
now it works
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davix: I found bug spray to be effective against these brain bugs. Through the nose.
dminuoso: I am using weed smoke to kill all of my brain bugs :)
I think I found your problem..
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or... my solution
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my problems are many, of which weed is not even one
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so how far am I from the getting this to work: until age.%(7).zero? age = (age += 1)
trying to zero in on age divisible by 7
Uh, that is a very weird way to write that conditional
Why not use `age % 7 == 0`?
age = (age += 1) is verbose for age += 1
or rather: age = (age += 1) is verbose for age = age + 1 which is verbose for age += 1
counter is not my issue, even when using until age % 7 == 0
age += 1
Also, if you want to find the next largest age divisble by 7, can't you just use `age += age % 7` or am I too dumb for math in the morning?
i get `<main>': undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass (NoMeth
means age is nil
and that doesn't happen in the code you showed
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i.e. happens before
(or you didn't show all code)
The more code you show us (preferrably in a gist), the more we can help you
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* apeiros
would love a patched ruby which shows the expression on which the method was called
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i'll pastebin my assignment altough i would like to solve it myself :) no straight answers please just hints as to what may be my issue. I'll check if i'm passing the var correctly and then paste
age = nil; age % 7 # !> undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass ("age % 7")
apeiros: I thought about that too, traceable (remembering where they were created) nils could be nice for debugging
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(foo ? bar : nil) % 7 # !> undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass ((foo ? bar : nil) % 7)
elomatreb: yes, traceable nils would be nice. the above is different though.
oh i found a function which was probably not passing a var correctly to continue, thanks investigating. thinking i need a better python parser/debugger than mri syntactic on vim
What does Python have to do with this? Oo
obviously ruby :) it works great for python
but using pycharms for python
it works now btw, thank you for that hint on age being nil i wish I could understand it from the error earlier on
Yeah, undefined method ... for nil:NilClass is probably the most infamous Ruby error
is it college assignment?
"null pointer exceptions" are pretty common in all languages :)
"undefined is not a function"
nope, never done college. just broadening my horizons. it's a course for operations engineers to transfer to devops
elomatreb: I also like the idea of non-nullable variables
no experience with languages which have that, though. so I don't know whether that just leads to abuses.
apeiros: What irks me is that with all the metaprogramming stuff Ruby can do, we're really close to being able to implement such debugging tools ourselves
But certain behaviours (for example that there is only one nil object) stop us from doing that :(
can anyone suggest better debugging method to use with vim? (currently using syntactic with mri which only does some style and syntax)
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davix: "pry" and "byebug" are two debugging tools very commonly used with Ruby, but idk if they're integrated with your text editor
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any free linux IDEs that have good integration to them? I like vim but can do the switch for ruby development
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Since Ruby is a very dynamic language, tooling is limited compared to languages like Java. A regular text editor is usually enough for Ruby development
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If you want an IDE, there is RedMine (And I've heard lots of good things about it), but it's far from free
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as Ruby Ide i like Eclipse (free) it can use Ruby as plugin, but might not support recent language features
but for small edits i like gedit
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cool thanks guys
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I am trying to rename a file using File.rename but I am always getting Permission denied @ sys_fail2
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I am using ruby on windows 7
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maybe the file is open?
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I am trying this
<ruby-lang192>'public/test.txt','w') do |file| File.rename(file,'test1.txt') end
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ruby-lang192: File.rename wants TWO filenames, not a file object
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Okay thanks brother
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problem has been solved
thanks a lot
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hanmac: Actually this should be a thing.
I mean File#rename at least.
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hm yeah that might be more possible
i prefer
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hanmac: Well the thing is, it mimics too much how the underlying system works. "Invoke an mv command and pass it two parameters"
hanmac: Most of File just doesn't feel very Rubyish in the way of "use instance methods to interact with objects"
I dont know, maybe there are good reasons to separate them.
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dminuoso: i think the class ones work better with file names than with file objects
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hanmac: Is it a different file when you rename it?
hanmac: I mean on files that use inodes it's not the case.
hm i cant answer that but you can not rename an open file
A File object does not have to represent an open file, it could be an abstraction of a file descriptor.
a quick question about yard. I have a module which implements included. In it i extend the including class with some class methods. basic stuff. How can i tell yard to automagically extend all classes including this module with the class methods?
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I just found a hidden feature in ruby!
No such thing.
But share
it is called a "void expression"
I've not been able to figure how it works though :\
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is there any "evaluator" bot on this channel?
FailorTwist: `12 && break` is NOT the same as `break && 12`
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got it!
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so if we say something about one of those two expressions, it has *nothing* to say about the other one. as they're not the same.
but `break &&` never makes sense
neither does `return &&`
I'm such a stupid person :\
FailorTwist: It is not a runtime error, but a parser error. This is the important bit
and I'll explain a third time why: break and return *stop* the code execution when hit.
FailorTwist: Yes. Rubys parser cannot deduce the value of the expression, because it's incomplete.
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I though only compiled languages can have parsers :\
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FailorTwist: Don't think of languages as "compiled" or "interpreted" - it's a bad and wrong way of looking at them. :)
I have a lot to learn!
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FailorTwist: Parsing is just the step of transforming some input into some internal representation according to a syntax. :-)
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hello again and apologies for my impertinence
13:12 < dminuoso> FailorTwist: Parsing is just the step of transforming some input into some internal representation according to a syntax. :-)
FailorTwist: Humans do this too. It's when you hear or read a word, and decide "it is a verb" :-)
I had no idea that was the case -- I actually thought parsing means converting the source code into some intermediate machine code
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thanks for clarifying!
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hm newer ruby, or some ruby Interpretations (jruby & rubinius) does create byte code
>> def voidexpr() while true do (true) && break end end # have I now done it correctly?
dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-865a54cf1179/source-865a54cf1179:2:in `<main>': undefined method `rescue' for #<Proc:0x ...check link for more (
>> -> { break && true }
dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-c8900bdcb887/source-c8900bdcb887:2: void value expression (
that site is inaccessible in my country :\
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FailorTwist: In a nutshell, when Ruby encounters a "return", "break", "next", "redo", "retry" there cannot be another expression along with it.
thanks a lot! but what is the point with it?
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dminuoso: I don't understand - loop { 12 && break && return } is fine
Obviously the break and return won't run, but it compiles fine
that is actually what has confused me -- I'm so new to ruby :\
chrisseaton: Im wondering whether thats a bug actually
dminuoso: I don't see why - it's valid code I think
the break would run, no?
chrisseaton: Oh no its not yeah.
Sorry, yes I was thinking of ||
(12 && break) evaluates to a non-cond expression.
thats the key
err a cond expression I think its called actually
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chrisseaton: It could be a parser bug right there. This should emit a void expression error.
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def voidexpr() while true; (12) && (break) && (return 'v') end end; voidexpr # should it actually return 'v'?
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FailorTwist: no
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FailorTwist: And I really think that Ruby should give you a VVE error for this.
thanks! irb2.0 shows me no such error -- it quits :\
The reason it is a little tricky is that Ruby would have to propagate the information about break not producing a value up outside the call of #&& - Ruby currently isn't engineering to make that kind of program reasoning easy.
chrisseaton: Its not about break not producing a value
chrisseaton: its about control flow
does break ever produce a value?
I mean
chrisseaton: ohhh nevermind I understand what you mean.
chrisseaton: the "break" node itself does not produce a value in the ast
(hence void value)
I had actually been told it takes arguments, but I have no idea what they are used for
Right, and you'd have to then follow that chain of through to the fact that the && then in this case also can't produce a value
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chrisseaton: right, so all the other node_return knows, is that it was followed by a NODE_AND
But Ruby doesn't do optimisations based on that sort of thing, so building all of that just to give you a nice error when you write code that's strange in the first place might not be worth it.
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dminuoso: I have disassembled your code, the result is at
Something like Rubocop might be the best place to catch this kind of error
chrisseaton: I got a question that you are likely to answer. What's up with all these trace calls in ruby bytecode?
Are they related to Kernel.set_trace_func ?
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Yes, that and TracePoint
So you need at least one trace bytecode for each line of Ruby code
will it be a correct claim then, that `12 && (break)` is a rather different type of void expression (compard to a plian `break`)? I'm asking this because `(break) && (return)` gives me an error, while `(12 && (break)) && (return)` won't, but `v = (12) && (break)` and `v = (12 &&(break)) && (return)` give me a void-value-expression error
FailorTwist: 12 && break is not a void value expression.
break && 12 is
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break && <anything> is
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>> v = 1; while v != 0; v -= 1; l = 12 && (break); end
that is now making perfect sense there!
chrisseaton: There's a slightly amusing part about one of your presentations by the way. Every time I think about the JVM, I immediately have an Alice picture in my mind.
I think that presentation also talked about traces
Well you did. :-)
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does ruby[bot] have a github page?
zukin: Not a public one currently.
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thanks all for helping!
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hi guys, is there a nice way of parsing a json string ruby that is surrounded by other strings? i have an application that outputs something like: “Execution complete! Here is the config used: {“key”:”value”…} Results:…” I’d like a nice way of extracting and parsing only the json from this string - is this possible?
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apeiros: so i ended up doing this: startp = output.index(‘{‘); endp = output.rindex(‘}’); sub = output[startp..endp]; <- could this be more “rubified"?
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fergal_: so the part before { is not static?
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apeiros: nope
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I have an error where I want the message to have a common prefix, but a custom message each time it's raised. I've seen others raise an instance of an exception instead of the exception class itself, but I didn't know if that was intentional on their part or not, or whether it was an accepted practice.
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LyndsySimon: yeah, that's fine
at least I do that too :)
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Cool, thanks.
LyndsySimon, doesn't StandardError have its own 'message' property
apeiros: I trust your judgement so far. You've not yet led me astray :)
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LyndsySimon: `raise Foo` will raise an instance of Foo too btw.
canton7: I thought so too, but it didn't work without the attr_accessor call.
apeiros once gave me a drink and told me it was coffee but it was really orange juice. The trust is shattered.
and you can `raise MyAPINotAvailable, "custom part"` with your code. it'll do the same.
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Nilium: trust in your perception, I presume?
apeiros: Yeah, I knew that, and that's what I've been doing. I've refactored out where others have used `raise` without arguments, but this time I need it :)
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apeiros: That I didn't know. Awesome :)
LyndsySimon: I use raise when the initialize takes more/different things than the message
Nilium: That's kinda your fault for not checking your assumptions. Orange juice neither looks nor quacks like coffee.
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One cannot tell the difference if there's a lid on the cup.
canton7: d'oh! I didn't include the super call, that was the problem :)
I was truly betrayed.
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canton7, LyndsySimon: ah, yes, sure. you don't have to replicate the message part. I assumed the focus was on custom exceptions, calling .new on them
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if Orange juice does quacks like coffee then something is VERY wrong ;P
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any good Wysiwig that you recommend guys ?
rails 5
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oh sry , this is ruby
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zenspider: Yeah, RubyGems is broken to hell and none of the SSL fixes work
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even if you upgrade to 2.6.7 on the latest ruby with the latest globalsign certs after imploding rvm and starting the entire thing from scratch
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Hello rubyist, I'm playing with Rails now and am wondering why my sessions control won't authenticate a user with API calls but seems to work fine in web UI
Hi dnkyhotei. We in #ruby would really appreciate it if you did not use pastebin during your time with us.
Pastebin is not good because it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use Gist ( or Pastie ( instead. Thanks!
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is there an easy way (say via the environment) to run a little bit of ruby to, say, instrument atexit?
I want to run a whole slew of random ruby scripts and log their resident memory at exit
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eam: install your at_exit handler and then eval() into the file, modifying ARGV and $0 so the called program assumes it was called directly?
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I could do that. now that I think more about it, I want to collect every process including potentially non-ruby things shelled out
maybe I should go with LD_PRELOAD of exit(2)?
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eam: ptrace()?
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yeah perhaps. If so I
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I'd like to do it with gdb and not write it all from scratch
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