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<_sfiguser> is there something which beautifies my ruby code ? such as perltidy ?
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<matthewd> _sfiguser: rubocop --auto-correct
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<_sfiguser> thanks
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<wpostma> Anyone ever tried to use charlock_holmes on suse? I get a library (icuc?) load error: LoadError: /home/wpostma/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/charlock_holmes-0.7.3/lib/charlock_holmes/charlock_holmes.so: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6icu_538ByteSinkE - /hom
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<armin> hi. any hint how to get such a beautiful nice coloured irb prompt? i was able to customize it a bit and have hirb and wirble installed, but i'm a ruby noob so i don't know further.
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<toretore> armin: you could just use pry
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<dminuoso> armin: What colors are you looking for?
<dminuoso> armin: Perhaps something with Pry + awesome_print ?
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<davix> total noob question. why does this doesn't act like I expect (nor do I get ambiguouty error) if (x != "view") || (x != "deposit") || (x != "withdraw"). but when leaving just view it works correctly (like || acts like &&)
<dminuoso> davix: How do you expect it to act?
<davix> if not or not or not
<dminuoso> davix: it works like you expect it, and you can even leave the parens.
<davix> trying to raise an exception if someone is using a command out of my command possibilities
<dminuoso> >> a = 1; puts "foo" if a == 2 || a == 1
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => foo ...check link for more (https://eval.in/656791)
<dminuoso> >> a = 1; puts "foo" if a == 2 || a == 3
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => nil (https://eval.in/656792)
<dminuoso> davix: use an array instead, and use Enumerable#any? - it's just cleaner.
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<dminuoso> or all? or none?
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<davix> trying to raise an exception if someone is using a command out of my command possibilities, so I guess I just want to rule the possibility none of these commands are used. I will examine array option for this. thank you dminuoso
<dminuoso> davix: The problem with your initial question is just a confusion in your mind.
<dminuoso> davix: Let's say someone passes "deposit" - then the first expression would be true. So Ruby ends up evaluating: if true || false || false - which is true.
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<davix> correct I just found my brain bug, it should have been not && not && not
<davix> now it works
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<dminuoso> davix: I found bug spray to be effective against these brain bugs. Through the nose.
<davix> dminuoso: I am using weed smoke to kill all of my brain bugs :)
<dminuoso> I think I found your problem..
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<davix> or... my solution
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<davix> my problems are many, of which weed is not even one
<harfangk> wee
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<davix> so how far am I from the getting this to work: until age.%(7).zero? age = (age += 1)
<davix> end
<davix> trying to zero in on age divisible by 7
<elomatreb> Uh, that is a very weird way to write that conditional
<elomatreb> Why not use `age % 7 == 0`?
<apeiros> age = (age += 1) is verbose for age += 1
<apeiros> or rather: age = (age += 1) is verbose for age = age + 1 which is verbose for age += 1
<davix> counter is not my issue, even when using until age % 7 == 0
<davix> age += 1
<davix> end
<elomatreb> Also, if you want to find the next largest age divisble by 7, can't you just use `age += age % 7` or am I too dumb for math in the morning?
<davix> i get `<main>': undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass (NoMeth
<apeiros> means age is nil
<apeiros> and that doesn't happen in the code you showed
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<apeiros> i.e. happens before
<apeiros> (or you didn't show all code)
<elomatreb> The more code you show us (preferrably in a gist), the more we can help you
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* apeiros would love a patched ruby which shows the expression on which the method was called
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<davix> i'll pastebin my assignment altough i would like to solve it myself :) no straight answers please just hints as to what may be my issue. I'll check if i'm passing the var correctly and then paste
<apeiros> age = nil; age % 7 # !> undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass ("age % 7")
<elomatreb> apeiros: I thought about that too, traceable (remembering where they were created) nils could be nice for debugging
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<apeiros> (foo ? bar : nil) % 7 # !> undefined method `%' for nil:NilClass ((foo ? bar : nil) % 7)
<apeiros> elomatreb: yes, traceable nils would be nice. the above is different though.
<davix> oh i found a function which was probably not passing a var correctly to continue, thanks investigating. thinking i need a better python parser/debugger than mri syntactic on vim
<elomatreb> What does Python have to do with this? Oo
<davix> obviously ruby :) it works great for python
<davix> but using pycharms for python
<davix> it works now btw, thank you for that hint on age being nil i wish I could understand it from the error earlier on
<elomatreb> Yeah, undefined method ... for nil:NilClass is probably the most infamous Ruby error
<elementaru> is it college assignment?
<tobiasvl> "null pointer exceptions" are pretty common in all languages :)
<elomatreb> "undefined is not a function"
<davix> nope, never done college. just broadening my horizons. it's a course for operations engineers to transfer to devops
<apeiros> elomatreb: I also like the idea of non-nullable variables
<apeiros> no experience with languages which have that, though. so I don't know whether that just leads to abuses.
<elomatreb> apeiros: What irks me is that with all the metaprogramming stuff Ruby can do, we're really close to being able to implement such debugging tools ourselves
<elomatreb> But certain behaviours (for example that there is only one nil object) stop us from doing that :(
<davix> can anyone suggest better debugging method to use with vim? (currently using syntactic with mri which only does some style and syntax)
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<elomatreb> davix: "pry" and "byebug" are two debugging tools very commonly used with Ruby, but idk if they're integrated with your text editor
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<davix> any free linux IDEs that have good integration to them? I like vim but can do the switch for ruby development
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<elomatreb> Since Ruby is a very dynamic language, tooling is limited compared to languages like Java. A regular text editor is usually enough for Ruby development
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<elomatreb> If you want an IDE, there is RedMine (And I've heard lots of good things about it), but it's far from free
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<hanmac> as Ruby Ide i like Eclipse (free) it can use Ruby as plugin, but might not support recent language features
<hanmac> but for small edits i like gedit
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<davix> cool thanks guys
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<ruby-lang192> Hi
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<ruby-lang192> I am trying to rename a file using File.rename but I am always getting Permission denied @ sys_fail2
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<ruby-lang192> I am using ruby on windows 7
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<elementaru> maybe the file is open?
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<ruby-lang192> I am trying this
<ruby-lang192> File.open('public/test.txt','w') do |file| File.rename(file,'test1.txt') end
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<hanmac> ruby-lang192: File.rename wants TWO filenames, not a file object
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<ruby-lang192> Okay thanks brother
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<ruby-lang192> problem has been solved
<ruby-lang192> thanks a lot
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<dminuoso> hanmac: Actually this should be a thing.
<dminuoso> I mean File#rename at least.
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<hanmac> hm yeah that might be more possible
<hanmac> i prefer FileUtils.mv
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<dminuoso> hanmac: Well the thing is, it mimics too much how the underlying system works. "Invoke an mv command and pass it two parameters"
<dminuoso> hanmac: Most of File just doesn't feel very Rubyish in the way of "use instance methods to interact with objects"
<dminuoso> I dont know, maybe there are good reasons to separate them.
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<hanmac> dminuoso: i think the class ones work better with file names than with file objects
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<dminuoso> hanmac: Is it a different file when you rename it?
<dminuoso> hanmac: I mean on files that use inodes it's not the case.
<dminuoso> *filesystems
<hanmac> hm i cant answer that but you can not rename an open file
<dminuoso> A File object does not have to represent an open file, it could be an abstraction of a file descriptor.
<dminuoso> mmm
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<jokke> hey
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<jokke> a quick question about yard. I have a module which implements included. In it i extend the including class with some class methods. basic stuff. How can i tell yard to automagically extend all classes including this module with the class methods?
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<FailorTwist> hello!
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<FailorTwist> I just found a hidden feature in ruby!
<dminuoso> No such thing.
<dminuoso> But share
<FailorTwist> thanks!
<FailorTwist> it is called a "void expression"
<FailorTwist> I've not been able to figure how it works though :\
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<FailorTwist> is there any "evaluator" bot on this channel?
<apeiros> >> "yes"
<ruby[bot]> apeiros: # => "yes" (https://eval.in/657036)
<FailorTwist> thanks!
<apeiros> you have to be registered (to freenode) to use it
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<FailorTwist> yesI'm actually registered; can I use the bot on this channel? I promise I won't be spammy
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<apeiros> yes you can. and if you're spammy, we stop you :-p
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<FailorTwist> thanks a lot!
<FailorTwist> >> while true do true && break end # this is a void expression!
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => nil (https://eval.in/657039)
<FailorTwist> but I have a problem
<FailorTwist> I can not do `(break) && 12`
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: ^- that would be a void expression
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<FailorTwist> I have no idea why
<FailorTwist> thanks!
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: The initial code you showed is not.
<apeiros> FailorTwist: break && 12 makes no sense as `&& 12` is never executed
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<FailorTwist> dminuoso, thanks a lot; so (12 && break) is not a void expression?
<apeiros> that's not what they said FailorTwist
<FailorTwist> (I'm asking this because I keep getting errors it is :\)
<apeiros> they said the initial code was not.
<FailorTwist> thank you
<FailorTwist> my apologies
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: The problem has to do with incomplete values.
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Lets consider the following code
* FailorTwist heeds
<apeiros> FailorTwist: `12 && break` != `break && 12`
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: https://eval.in/657042
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: What is the value of the expression?
<dminuoso> It's incomplete.
<apeiros> && short-circuits. and since left side is evaluated first, && 12 after break makes no sense
<apeiros> just like return && 12 doesn't make sense.
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Using an explicit return makes it a bit more obvious.
<FailorTwist> thanks, so things like `true && (break) && (return)` will also be invalid?
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<apeiros> FailorTwist: pay attention. details matter.
<apeiros> FailorTwist: `12 && break` is NOT the same as `break && 12`
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<FailorTwist> got it!
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<apeiros> so if we say something about one of those two expressions, it has *nothing* to say about the other one. as they're not the same.
<apeiros> but `break &&` never makes sense
<apeiros> neither does `return &&`
<FailorTwist> I'm such a stupid person :\
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: It is not a runtime error, but a parser error. This is the important bit
<FailorTwist> parse?
<apeiros> and I'll explain a third time why: break and return *stop* the code execution when hit.
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Yes. Rubys parser cannot deduce the value of the expression, because it's incomplete.
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<FailorTwist> I though only compiled languages can have parsers :\
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<FailorTwist> *thought
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Don't think of languages as "compiled" or "interpreted" - it's a bad and wrong way of looking at them. :)
<FailorTwist> I have a lot to learn!
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<FailorTwist> brb
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Parsing is just the step of transforming some input into some internal representation according to a syntax. :-)
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<FailorTwist> hello again and apologies for my impertinence
<dminuoso> 13:12 < dminuoso> FailorTwist: Parsing is just the step of transforming some input into some internal representation according to a syntax. :-)
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: Humans do this too. It's when you hear or read a word, and decide "it is a verb" :-)
<FailorTwist> I had no idea that was the case -- I actually thought parsing means converting the source code into some intermediate machine code
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<FailorTwist> thanks for clarifying!
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<hanmac> hm newer ruby, or some ruby Interpretations (jruby & rubinius) does create byte code
<FailorTwist> >> def voidexpr() while true do (true) && break end end # have I now done it correctly?
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => :voidexpr (https://eval.in/657046)
<chrisseaton> Even interpreters create internal representations of programs after parsing - sometimes more complex than bytecode even
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: actually bad example, what I mentioned is actually "lexing"
<FailorTwist> hanmac, thanks a lot -- didn't know that either!
<FailorTwist> >> def voidexpr() while true do ((true) && break) && (return) end end # have I now done it correctly?
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => :voidexpr (https://eval.in/657047)
<dminuoso> no.
<dminuoso> >> -> {}.
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-865a54cf1179/source-865a54cf1179:2:in `<main>': undefined method `rescue' for #<Proc:0x ...check link for more (https://eval.in/657048)
<dminuoso> >> -> { break && true }
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-c8900bdcb887/source-c8900bdcb887:2: void value expression (https://eval.in/657049)
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<FailorTwist> dminuoso, could I ask why `((true) && break) && return` was not an error? I know it is a newbieish question, but I'm very confused :\
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: I think its difficult to explain this if you do not know about formal grammars and abstract syntax trees.
<dminuoso> ast>> break;
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I have parsed your code, the result is at https://eval.in/657053
<dminuoso> ast>> break && return;
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I have parsed your code, the result is at https://eval.in/657054
<dminuoso> ast>> return && break;
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I have parsed your code, the result is at https://eval.in/657055
<chrisseaton> dminuoso: it's not an error because return and break are both expressions, so can be combined by the && operator
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: I know
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: I was just using this to quickly sketch up a diagram. :)
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<FailorTwist> chrisseaton, sir, so why can't `12` and `break` be combined with &&?
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<chrisseaton> FailorTwist: interesting question - let me take a look at the parser...
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: Well actually it produces an error if Ruby tries to generate bytecode from it.
<dminuoso> >> return && break
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-db99fb431d17/source-db99fb431d17:2: void value expression (https://eval.in/657060)
<dminuoso> Its the same reason
<chrisseaton> Oh wait - are you breaking from something that you can't break from?
<FailorTwist> chrisseaton, thanks, I hope I've not gone off-topic though
<chrisseaton> Yeah you can't break from the top level
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: no its not that.
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: its a parser error.
<chrisseaton> ast>> loop { 12 && break }
<ruby[bot]> chrisseaton: I have parsed your code, the result is at https://eval.in/657061
<chrisseaton> Doesn't look like it
<FailorTwist> >> def voidexpr() while true; (return) && (break) end end
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => /tmp/execpad-ce67852c1cd0/source-ce67852c1cd0:2: void value expression ...check link for more (https://eval.in/657062)
<FailorTwist> yes sir, thanks!
<dminuoso> >> { break && 12 }
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => /tmp/execpad-32756f4eb6ae/source-32756f4eb6ae:2: void value expression ...check link for more (https://eval.in/657063)
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: http://i.imgur.com/TqHmJ7j.png Ruby builds up a syntax tree like this.
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<FailorTwist> that site is inaccessible in my country :\
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: In a nutshell, when Ruby encounters a "return", "break", "next", "redo", "retry" there cannot be another expression along with it.
<FailorTwist> thanks a lot! but what is the point with it?
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<chrisseaton> dminuoso: I don't understand - loop { 12 && break && return } is fine
<chrisseaton> Obviously the break and return won't run, but it compiles fine
<FailorTwist> that is actually what has confused me -- I'm so new to ruby :\
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: Im wondering whether thats a bug actually
<chrisseaton> dminuoso: I don't see why - it's valid code I think
<ciawal> the break would run, no?
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: Oh no its not yeah.
<chrisseaton> Sorry, yes I was thinking of ||
<dminuoso> (12 && break) evaluates to a non-cond expression.
<dminuoso> thats the key
<dminuoso> err a cond expression I think its called actually
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: It could be a parser bug right there. This should emit a void expression error.
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<FailorTwist> def voidexpr() while true; (12) && (break) && (return 'v') end end; voidexpr # should it actually return 'v'?
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: no
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<dminuoso> FailorTwist: And I really think that Ruby should give you a VVE error for this.
<FailorTwist> thanks! irb2.0 shows me no such error -- it quits :\
<chrisseaton> The reason it is a little tricky is that Ruby would have to propagate the information about break not producing a value up outside the call of #&& - Ruby currently isn't engineering to make that kind of program reasoning easy.
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: Its not about break not producing a value
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: its about control flow
<FailorTwist> does break ever produce a value?
<FailorTwist> I mean
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: ohhh nevermind I understand what you mean.
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: the "break" node itself does not produce a value in the ast
<dminuoso> (hence void value)
<FailorTwist> I had actually been told it takes arguments, but I have no idea what they are used for
<chrisseaton> Right, and you'd have to then follow that chain of through to the fact that the && then in this case also can't produce a value
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: right, so all the other node_return knows, is that it was followed by a NODE_AND
<chrisseaton> But Ruby doesn't do optimisations based on that sort of thing, so building all of that just to give you a nice error when you write code that's strange in the first place might not be worth it.
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<dminuoso> chrisseaton: It's not accidental, it's intentional even.
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: https://eval.in/657069 here it propagates correctly.
<chrisseaton> There you're using an if though, which isn't a method call so it's simpler to reason about
<FailorTwist> I hope I'm not sounding impolite (I have no intention to), but could it be a slight bug?
<chrisseaton> Although I suppose you always execute all arguments before making a call, so monkey patching etc isn't a problem.
<chrisseaton> FailorTwist: a warning or error is useful but I'd say it's a feature request rather than a bug
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: But NODE_AND is not a method either
<chrisseaton> Nothing 'goes wrong' here
<Burgestrand> >> loop { break 5 }
<ruby[bot]> Burgestrand: # => 5 (https://eval.in/657070)
<FailorTwist> thanks!
<Burgestrand> FailorTwist ^
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<FailorTwist> Burgestrand, thanks a lot!
<dminuoso> asm>> a && 1
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: I have disassembled your code, the result is at https://eval.in/657071
<chrisseaton> Something like Rubocop might be the best place to catch this kind of error
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: I got a question that you are likely to answer. What's up with all these trace calls in ruby bytecode?
<dminuoso> Are they related to Kernel.set_trace_func ?
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<chrisseaton> Yes, that and TracePoint
<chrisseaton> So you need at least one trace bytecode for each line of Ruby code
<FailorTwist> will it be a correct claim then, that `12 && (break)` is a rather different type of void expression (compard to a plian `break`)? I'm asking this because `(break) && (return)` gives me an error, while `(12 && (break)) && (return)` won't, but `v = (12) && (break)` and `v = (12 &&(break)) && (return)` give me a void-value-expression error
<FailorTwist> *plain
<dminuoso> FailorTwist: 12 && break is not a void value expression.
<dminuoso> break && 12 is
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<dminuoso> break && <anything> is
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<FailorTwist> >> v = 1; while v != 0; v -= 1; l = 12 && (break); end
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => nil (https://eval.in/657074)
<FailorTwist> thanks!
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<FailorTwist> >> v = 1; while v != 0; v -= 1; (12 && (break)) * 12; end
<ruby[bot]> FailorTwist: # => nil (https://eval.in/657075)
<FailorTwist> that is now making perfect sense there!
<dminuoso> chrisseaton: There's a slightly amusing part about one of your presentations by the way. Every time I think about the JVM, I immediately have an Alice picture in my mind.
<dminuoso> I think that presentation also talked about traces
<dminuoso> Well you did. :-)
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<zukin> does ruby[bot] have a github page?
<dminuoso> zukin: Not a public one currently.
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<FailorTwist> thanks all for helping!
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<fergal> hi guys, is there a nice way of parsing a json string ruby that is surrounded by other strings? i have an application that outputs something like: “Execution complete! Here is the config used: {“key”:”value”…} Results:…” I’d like a nice way of extracting and parsing only the json from this string - is this possible?
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<bizolos> Hi there. I have a very strange issue in ROR with a module : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/94ec42e2eec37a1a86f81a2da4e78eeb
<apeiros> fergal: if the prefix is static, just use String#[] with offsets
<bizolos> It says "wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 0)"
<apeiros> ?rails bizolos
<ruby[bot]> bizolos: Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<bizolos> I don't think it's a rails problem but a ruby issue
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<apeiros> bizolos: then phrase it as a ruby question.
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<apeiros> but there's plenty of "ruby" questions which are not ruby questions due to the patching rails performs.
<bizolos> Oh, ok, good to know
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<harfangk> bizolos i don't think i've seen someone use semicolon after include Model statement before. what purpose does that serve?
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<apeiros> harfangk: none. they probably used another language before and have stray semicolons in their code.
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<harfangk> apeiros thank you. i was wondering if it was one of obscure stuff
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<apeiros> harfangk: in ruby, you can use ; instead of a newline in code. you'll see it often used in irc to pack multiple lines into one
<apeiros> >> x = 1; y = x * 2; puts y
<ruby[bot]> apeiros: # => 2 ...check link for more (https://eval.in/657155)
<apeiros> ^ like that
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<harfangk> apeiros yeah i've seen such use quite often. especially in this channel
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<fergal_> apeiros: so i ended up doing this: startp = output.index(‘{‘); endp = output.rindex(‘}’); sub = output[startp..endp]; <- could this be more “rubified"?
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<apeiros> fergal_: so the part before { is not static?
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<fergal_> apeiros: nope
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<apeiros> output[/\{.*\}/]
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<LyndsySimon> I have an error where I want the message to have a common prefix, but a custom message each time it's raised. I've seen others raise an instance of an exception instead of the exception class itself, but I didn't know if that was intentional on their part or not, or whether it was an accepted practice.
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<apeiros> LyndsySimon: yeah, that's fine
<apeiros> at least I do that too :)
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<LyndsySimon> Cool, thanks.
<canton7> LyndsySimon, doesn't StandardError have its own 'message' property
<LyndsySimon> apeiros: I trust your judgement so far. You've not yet led me astray :)
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<apeiros> LyndsySimon: `raise Foo` will raise an instance of Foo too btw.
<canton7> LyndsySimon, http://blog.honeybadger.io/ruby-custom-exceptions/ implies that it does - in which case no need to have your own message attribute
<LyndsySimon> canton7: I thought so too, but it didn't work without the attr_accessor call.
<Nilium> apeiros once gave me a drink and told me it was coffee but it was really orange juice. The trust is shattered.
<apeiros> and you can `raise MyAPINotAvailable, "custom part"` with your code. it'll do the same.
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<apeiros> Nilium: trust in your perception, I presume?
<LyndsySimon> apeiros: Yeah, I knew that, and that's what I've been doing. I've refactored out where others have used `raise Foo.new` without arguments, but this time I need it :)
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<LyndsySimon> apeiros: That I didn't know. Awesome :)
<apeiros> LyndsySimon: I use raise Ex.new when the initialize takes more/different things than the message
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<LyndsySimon> confirmed, too.
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<LyndsySimon> Nilium: That's kinda your fault for not checking your assumptions. Orange juice neither looks nor quacks like coffee.
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<Nilium> One cannot tell the difference if there's a lid on the cup.
<LyndsySimon> canton7: d'oh! I didn't include the super call, that was the problem :)
<Nilium> I was truly betrayed.
<canton7> ;)
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<apeiros> canton7, LyndsySimon: ah, yes, sure. you don't have to replicate the message part. I assumed the focus was on custom exceptions, calling .new on them
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<hanmac> if Orange juice does quacks like coffee then something is VERY wrong ;P
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<imightbestupid12> i tried finding out more information, on google, as to why we override the spaceship
<imightbestupid12> i couldn't find anything, so why do we override the spaceship?
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<benjwadams> how can i load ruby with rubygems already loaded by default
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<benjwadams> i know i can do `ruby -rubygems`, but I'd like to just invoke `ruby` and have rubygems also loaded
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<benjwadams> Is there a config file I could do this in?
<apeiros> imightbestupid12 <=> is the base of all comparison operations. define <=>, include Comparable, and you're set.
<apeiros> >> Comparable.instance_methods(false) # that's what you get
<ruby[bot]> apeiros: # => [:<, :>, :<=, :>=, :==, :between?] (https://eval.in/657214)
<imightbestupid12> i get that, but why override it
<apeiros> if you don't know the answer to this question, then you probably shouldn't :-p
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<apeiros> it defines how your object compares to other objects in relative terms (bigger/smaller)
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<imightbestupid12> is there something in depth?
<imightbestupid12> like an eli5 explanation or something?
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<matthewd> benjwadams: That's been the default since 1.9
<matthewd> imightbestupid12: Are you asking why we'd want to influence how two objects are compared? Or why <=> in particular?
<apeiros> no idea what eli5 is
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<imightbestupid12> matthewd: both
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<apeiros> imightbestupid12: do you want "12" <=> "2" to have the same result as 12 <=> 2?
<benjwadams> matthewd: legacy project, need to use 1.8.7
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<benjwadams> not my choice
<apeiros> benjwadams: RUBYOPT
<apeiros> benjwadams: though IMO bad to do it that way. have the require "rubygems" in your executable and be done.
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<ljarvis> apeiros: eli5 = explain like im 5
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<benjwadams> apeiros: thanks, it turns out the config on the other machine also uses it
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<apeiros> it = RUBYOPT?
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<apeiros> so you had something run on one machine but not on the other?
<benjwadams> RUBYOPT = -rubygems
<benjwadams> in the envvars
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<zotherstupidguy> how to generate minitest/spec based gems via bundler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39922236/how-to-generate-minitest-spec-based-gems-via-bundler
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<noob_on_rails> any good Wysiwig that you recommend guys ?
<noob_on_rails> rails 5
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<baweaver> zenspider: Yeah, RubyGems is broken to hell and none of the SSL fixes work
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<baweaver> even if you upgrade to 2.6.7 on the latest ruby with the latest globalsign certs after imploding rvm and starting the entire thing from scratch
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<dnkyhotei> Hello rubyist, I'm playing with Rails now and am wondering why my sessions control won't authenticate a user with API calls but seems to work fine in web UI
<helpa> Hi dnkyhotei. We in #ruby would really appreciate it if you did not use pastebin during your time with us.
<helpa> Pastebin is not good because it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use Gist (http://gist.github.com) or Pastie (http://pastie.org) instead. Thanks!
<ruby[bot]> dnkyhotei: we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/c760758773d840395f4ffe8f5e331b06
<dnkyhotei> Oh ok
<ruby[bot]> dnkyhotei: pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
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<dnkyhotei> Ah, nevermind - figured it out!
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<sandelius> what's the difference between ruby+puma+GIL and node.js+event-loop?
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<eam> is there an easy way (say via the environment) to run a little bit of ruby to, say, instrument atexit?
<eam> I want to run a whole slew of random ruby scripts and log their resident memory at exit
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<Papierkorb> eam: install your at_exit handler and then eval() into the file, modifying ARGV and $0 so the called program assumes it was called directly?
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<eam> I could do that. now that I think more about it, I want to collect every process including potentially non-ruby things shelled out
<eam> maybe I should go with LD_PRELOAD of exit(2)?
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<Papierkorb> eam: ptrace()?
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<eam> yeah perhaps. If so I
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<eam> I'd like to do it with gdb and not write it all from scratch
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<soud> hi all, saw `@profile&.auth_uri || new_auth_uri || @auth_uri` in some code, what does that `&` do?
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<matthewd> soud: &. is the lonely operator, or safe navigation operator
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