
<Aaliya> I have tried created the .ctags config file in my home directory and my project as well, but seems like ctags doesn't pick that file up
<havenwood> Aaliya: What seems to be the problem with Vim + Ctags?
<havenwood> Aaliya: Welcome! I don't know much at all about ctags, but others here do and might chime in if you hang around for an answer. Ctags are referenced a fair amount in the channel logs: https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/search?q=ctag
<Aaliya> I have been trying to set up Vim with Ctags to work with Ruby/Rails project, but it is still not working. I am wondering if I can find some help in this channel. This is my first time here


<cjohnson> Last I used it, it was marginally better than just running ctags. Has that improved?


<skarlso> ferrrr RubyMine, vim, vscode with solargrapp for language server, sublime text with ctags


<mhlei> Exactly, the ctags is not very firendly while go to the definition of a tag.


<bijan_> Hi is anyone using Textmate2 for Rails with ctags? Wondering how to get gems also included...


<ule> Yeah, in my case there I'm creating ctags based on all installed gems. "bundle --list"
<ule> it updates all ctags
<ule> phaul: I use ctags


<za1b1tsu> dminuoso, regarding tags, I am using ripper-tags, with gutentags(auto generates tags) with deoplete autocomplete. Everything was great, but as usual I wanted more, I wanted tags from the gemfiles, so I got gem-ripper-tags which is basically tpopes' ctags but with ripper-tags, that generates tag files for the gems. To include those tag files, I use vim-bundler, but now deoplete does not use the tags in my main project folder. Did you ever try to setup


<jhass> how do you do that in the background? ctags db?


<za1b1tsu> Let me try again: So I browsing for an answer to the best setup regarding ctags for ruby in vim, to get method definition. I found this answer on stackoverflow: "So it turns out the better option (better than ctags) is either Robe for Emacs or a combination of vim + tmux + vmux + pry (to get show-source and edit)."
<za1b1tsu> So I browsing for an answer to the best setup regarding ctags for ruby in vim, to get method definition. I found
<za1b1tsu> So it turns out the better option (better than ctags) is either Robe for Emacs or a combination of vim + tmux + vmux + pry (to get show-source and edit)


<RickHull> in a reasonable codebase, you can probably cover 99% of the bases with grep and something like ctags. and testing covers the rest. but what about unreasonable codebases that land in your lap?
<teatime> ctags is one of those useful PITAs, heh
<RickHull> i think Ctags have been used to good effect in some Ruby codebases


<RickHull> dumb question, asked sincerely: what is a very good way to find all calls to Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname? git clone ruby and git grep? something with CTAGS?


<pavelz> ctags seems to work ok
<pavelz> should i use ctags ir rtags to get tags from my project


<quuxman> seems ruby syntax is just too complex for reasonable implementation with ctags
<quuxman> Does anyone have a reasonable implementation of ctags for Ruby? Simple class definitions like "module Foo \n class Bar" don't create a "Foo::Bar" tag with universal-ctags and even ruby gem ripper-tags


<dminuoso> Though. I think Im using universal-ctags
<dminuoso> yorickpeterse: Mmm, perhaps its just exuberant-ctags having issues?
<yorickpeterse> dminuoso: works fine with universal-ctags
<dminuoso> Ruby breaks the shit out of ctags.


<Alayde> mehwork: Indeed it is. Did a bit of google searching, use 'gd' instead. That takes you to the first occurance of the method in a file, which is typically the definition (I guess). It's that or a lot of folks recommend ctags


<adaedra> use ripper-tags to generate tags, as it handles ruby better than the default ctags for tag-based navigation.


<lxsameer> is there any ctag or gtags task for ruby around ?


<lxsameer> Ox0dea: but I'm looking for a solution to create ctags after each bundle install


<adaedra> shevy: you can use ctags for that.
<Ox0dea> ctags is fine ~90% the time for MRI.


<dwfait> though TIL that ctags matches cucumber step definitions fairly well, which is pretty nice
<dwfait> ctags sometimes fails in some places, for example idSize, which is generated at compile time from the makefiles
<Ox0dea> DEA7TH: ctags + a decent editor


<baweaver> and ctags


<warriorkitty> Well, I have ctags vim. :D
<Ox0dea> warriorkitty: You want ctags.


<blahwoop> shevy: vim ctags


<Ox0dea> shevy: Ctrl-P? ctags? Such problems are essentially solved for decent editors.


<dfockler> Hey! Ctags! It's pretty nice


<zenspider> emacs/vim + ctags + other organization / navigation tools


<simpleuser> Hi there. I'm trying to use guard-ctags-composer (https://github.com/everzet/guard-ctags-composer). Usually it works great but on my new machine when I try guard init ctags-composer, it says: https://gist.github.com/Einenlum/1ec950ac75ab306d7dfe


<terrellt> ...I mean, vim's vim. It has rails.vim, ctags, ctrl+p, vim-rspec, tslime, etc etc.


<workmad3> baash05: all the more convoluted methods that involve generating ctags or similar... I've never found them worth the effort of integrating properly, and they slow down the autocomplete lookup to the point of uselessness for me :)


<epitron> ooo.. sublime ctags works decently with ruby now


<wald0> centrx: hum... there's not something like "ctrl + ]" that simply jumps to the .rb code that contains the definition of an external-to-my-code class ? just like i do it with ctags in c
<wald0> for C with ctags i use ctrl + ] to go to the header declarations file, and ctrl + t to come back to my code


<simpleuser> I can do a "guard init ctags-composer" in one dir, but not in another one.
<simpleuser> Hi. I’m a complete noob in ruby/gem and I’d like to use guard. I installed guard and ctags-composer with "sudo gem install guard" and "sudo gem install guard-ctags-composer".


<raldu> what are the best code exploration plugins for ruby besides ctags?
<raldu> what are the best code exploration plugins for ruby besides ctags?


<workmad3> _bart: and the other 20% hasn't yet been worth the effort of getting ctags or something similar sorted out :)
<jhass> oO Hanmac doesn't know ctags?
<Hanmac> hm is ctags a rails app?
<_bart> I'm using Exuberant Ctags 5.8 on a big project, and I get this after some time: [1] 10700 segmentation fault ctags -R .


<wallerdev> vim has ctags


<pipework> vim + ctags :D


<tos9> Hi. Is there a thing that will make ctags generate tags for rake tasks?


<frankS2> Hi, does anyone have a ctag config for embedded ruby? :)


<Jamo> and with ctags


<ddd> antelopesalad i might have mine misconfigured. idk. but ctags is supposed to give that to you on vim projects but it A) is definitely NOT intellisense-like, and B) seems to only do the current file


<nfk> i think i'll go with that plan rather than ctags
<pipecloud> ctags is all you need to be happy


<workmad3> wald0: tools exist to generate and keep them up to date though (guard-ctags, bundler.vim, etc have various things for extending ctag support)
<workmad3> wald0: you need to generate the ctags for whatever language you're using
<wald0> mmh, but i need to generate myself the ctags or something like this? from where i can get a ctags file for ruby ?
<workmad3> wald0: ctags can give you tags from ruby code
<wald0> maybe some ctags feature for vim for ruby ?


<eph3meral> jalcine, sudo apt-get install exuberrant-ctags


<lessless> folks anyone use ripper-ctags? I have an [#<Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory - .>, "."] running in the gems folder


<xybre> I'm pretty sure ctags and ack are going to get me what I want as fast or faster than an IDE tool.


<ericwood> hanmac: with ctags I believe so


* wald0 loves ctags when editing C code


<hackingoff> i think ctags and some other things offer similar functionality in vim & co


<MrZYX> ctags has rudimentary ruby support


<banisterfiend> you guys dont know what ctags is?
<epitron> sam113101: did you ever get ctags to work?
<epitron> it sounds like there aren't many people here who use ctags
<epitron> oposomme: this is really something that you'd have to discuss with the ctags or vim people :)
<oposomme> epitron: Yes but the problem is ctags parse a function called foo= and zhen I am on foo it don't know it
<epitron> Hanmac: hmm... that's true.. ctags wouldn't be that smart
<shevy> what is ctags
<oposomme> Hi, I have method definition like this def foo=; # do something; end and I want to go to the definition with ctags when I am on MyClass.foo = '' Is it possible with ctags?


<justme1> Hanmac: I'm want to be able to go to definition in vim to ruby framework methods, such as .class.instance_methods. I ran 'ctags -R * ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p327/lib/ruby


<ddd> you need to add gem-ctags
<gozes> If I generate ctags for ruby will it also ganerated the tags for the gemsets or will I have to append that to my tag file
<gozes> I just start it to use ctags with vim today and I was wandering.


<rking> shevy: ctags


<Morkel> darthdeus: bundle show --paths | xargs ctags -R
<darthdeus> i'm looking for a solution to generate ctags for all of my gems


<workmad3> arietis: vim (or anything with ctags support), rubymine, aptana


<eph3meral> ctags is pretty nice


<workmad3> ctags... I really need to get the hang of that at some point
<dcope> st has pretty good autocomplete too, which was always hit or miss for me in vim. ctags for obj c was pretty much always borken.


<diegoviola> bambanx: or ctags


<banisterfiend> rking: not bad, but not everyone wants to use vim. But yeah our solution would use CTAGS 4 sure
<rking> (assumes you have the Ruby source tree unpacked into ~/pkg/ruby/, and that you've run 'ctags -R' from the top level)
<rking> (^ Oh yeah, this assumes you have the Ruby source tree unpacked into ~/pkg/ruby/, and that you've run 'ctags -R' from the top level)


<rking> shevy: Well, that is part of the philosophical difference, yes. The Unix way is small tools that do their job well. So yes, to use vim you need to also use ctags, grep, etc.


<rking> Hrm. Well, the idea behind tags is you run like "ctags -R ."...yes.
<shevy> you actually mean tags as in ctags?
<rking> Actually -- haha.. you could instrument /every/ method, run the test suite, then build the index from that. It would be like ctags but for invocations instead of definitions.


<shevy> I forgot how they use the ruby colouring... I think via ctags


<Tasser> any-key, have you ever used ctags?