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[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+9/-0/±0]
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg 51a4c0a - Initial commit with project skeleton
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg created branch master -
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[scopehal-pico-bridge] mfkiwl forked the repository -
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[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±2]
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg 87960ec - ps6000d can connect to the first available instrument and query information. Exposes a SCPI control-plane socket which accepts *IDN? and EXIT but no other commands yet.
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So i might have a look at the Molex SFF8087 cable pico uses for their LA probes at some point
it looks like it might be higher grade than the one i've been testing with MAXWELL
<theorbtwo> Hm. I wonder if there's any advantage in making them cross-compatable, or contrarywise, danger in not doing so (the same way you are avoiding using usb-c for grossly incompatable things).
That's something to look into
Although it's tricky because i dont have any kind of ID capability on the current prototypes
the assumption was there's no way you'd plug a LA probe into a hard drive backplane
it's unlikely enough that cross-mating was not something i worried about
But i wasn't aware Pico was using the same connector
I fully expect it's power/control plus LVDS
so the big question is if they have power on the same sideband pins i do
if not, cross-mating is almost certainly going to be dangerous
Unless my hotplug detection prevents that
I may have a chat with my contacts at pico and inquire about the pinout
But before i do any of that, I want to get at least basic analog waveform capture for the picoscope working
it should only be a day or two of work. Their API is quite straightforward