Title: xc7: Use the common_slice definition when LUTRAM used as a LUT. by mithro · Pull Request #779 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
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<mkurc> Morning !
Is anyone awaiting reviews from me?
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<acomodi> mithro: not yet in detail, was traveling today. I will get to it first thing tomorrow so that the PR can be merged ASAP
Title: Create a test design using LiteX, LiteEth and LiteDRAM and figure out what bits are still needed · Issue #867 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
<mkurc> @mithro @litghost. Some time ago I did looking what bits we are missing in the 7-series. These are tiles that have pips and we do not have segbits for them: HCLK_IOI3, CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B, CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_T, CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_B, CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T, CMT_FIFO_R, CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B, CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_T, CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_B, CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T, CMT_FIFO_L
mkurc: Maybe file an issue with details?
mkurc: how did you do that?
<mkurc> I manually looked up `ppips_*.db` files to see which tiles that I am not familiar with have non-pseudo pips. Then I looked into corresponding `segbits_*.db`files and checked whether there are bits for those pips.
<mkurc> I focused mainly on the clock tree.
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<mkurc> Now when I think of that, I can write a script which does the same to double check my findings.
mkurc: But how did you figure out which bits are *needed* ?
<mkurc> @mithro Well, each non-pseudo pip should have at least some (I guess)
<mkurc> I identified which pips do not have bits
mkurc: But if a design never uses these pips, then we don't care all that much?
<mkurc> Oh, I didn't check which bits would be required for a particular design
litghost: I sketched an idea about compressing and sampling the cost matrix for lookahead:
Let me know if that makes sense, or you'd like me to write up something more detailed.
From my work on simulated annealing, most connections will be near the diagonal, but I didn't use a space filling curve, because I didn't care about compression.
So this should focus the diagonal better.
Title: Notes122.pdf - Google Drive (at drive.google.com)
Ya, 1-10 GB for 1 million nodes is still a loser
1 million nodes is a small FPGA
Really? Why?
Because we need to scale to 10 - 100 million nodes
The current a7 graph is 1/5 of a 50k part
even in artix 7-series, there is s 300k part
Oh. The width of the diagonal is likely much less than sqrt(N), but I don't know.
once you get to uS+, you have 1 M parts
So we are still working on toy sized graphs
We have +1-2 order of magnitude to go to reach the big parts
So this is the number of pins? Can pins be grouped together?
Nodes, which can be either pin or interconnect
I would guess the lower bound to be O(N log^2 N), which could scale to 100 million. But that's probably too optimistic.
Maybe this coupled with some symmetry tricks could do it. At least it's a start.
To be clear, N in this case is number of nodes?
We could keep improving the compression without affecting the results, since its just a way to store the true data, although sampling all of that data would take forever, hence random sampling.
There's probably good ways to accelerate that, though, since you shouldn't have to route every src -> dst individually.
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