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<mithro> Just FYI - I'm at the RISC-V Workshop in Zurich today
<mithro> acomodi / litghost - btw duck2 is going to reach out to you about some stuff he has been doing with VtR
Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl
<sf-slack2> <acomodi> mithro: sure, I'll provide all the possible support
<tpb> Title: Added support for metadata · leon575777642/vprgen@ba3d8f9 · GitHub (at
<mithro> duck2: If you haven't looked at - you should take a look
<tpb> Title: GitHub - leon575777642/vprgen: VPRs architecture description and routing resource graph XML generation API (at
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<tpb> Title: LiteX Ecosystem Diagram - Google Drawings (at
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<litghost> tmichalak2: I've killed some of the prjxray jobs to let run ahead. I've run it locally, and the runtime is back to "normal", e.g. 1 hr instead of 4-5
<tpb> Title: Avoid building full speed_model dict. by litghost · Pull Request #879 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at
Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @litghost: you were actually able to generate a whole database in 1 hour? But even so it seems that is not the case with kokoro - the CI for 879 has been running for 2 so far
<litghost> tmichalak2: I was only referring to 074
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @litghost: makes sense then, let's see what will its runtime in PR 879
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @litghost: 2:26h for Zynq, looking good...
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