<tpb> Title: Test 32-bit distributed RAM with larger designs · Issue #822 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
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<mithro> FYI - I pushed a the latest database builds
<mithro> duck2: How are things going?
<mithro> duck2: Why is structure in structure not possible?
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<mithro> tmichalak2: Could you go through all the issues on https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray and make sure that they are still accurate?
<tpb> Title: GitHub - SymbiFlow/prjxray: Documenting the Xilinx 7-series bit-stream format. (at github.com)
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @mithro: sure, it will be good to have everything up to date
<mithro> tmichalak: I try to do it every now and then, but never frequently enough
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @mithro: that's natural, currently there is much to follow
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<duck2> mithro: i'm just starting today's work. struct in struct is not possible for recursive types- for instance pb_type which can have more pb_types as children
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<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> @litghost: kokoro looks full or broken. Could you have a look and cancel all pending jobs?
<litghost> tmichalak2: I see that is looks messed up, but @mithro will need to take a look
<plaes> heya.. I've been trying to follow the prjxray Quickstart guide but there's something missing between 3rd and 4th step
<plaes> step3: Install cmake
<plaes> step4: Build the C++ tools: `make build`
<plaes> this fails
<plaes> make: *** No rule to make target 'build'. Stop.
<plaes> and on another note.. it seems that most of the stuff seems to work with Vivado 2019.1 :)
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> plaes: seems you are not calling make build from prjxay directory. Did you change the current working directory to prjxray?
<plaes> ah... I had ran 'cmake .' which overwrote Makefile :(
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> plaes: for now 2017.2 is used, mostly because of problems with newer version of the following type: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/issues/14
<tpb> Title: MUXF8 vivado compatibility · Issue #14 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
<plaes> yeah.. I read that issue
<plaes> ...after installation, so I thought that I should actually try it.. :)
<mithro> tmichalak2: Do you still need me to look at something before I go to bed?
<sf-slack2> <tmichalak> mithro: it would be great if you could have a look at the status of all current kokoro jobs and clean up the queue
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