Bertl is now known as Bertl_zZ
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<tpb> Title: prjxray/fuzzers/018-clb-ram at master · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at
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Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl
<tpb> Title: GitHub - Wren6991/asciiwave: Turn WaveDrom timing diagrams into ASCII art (at
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<mithro> duck2: ping?
<duck2> mithro: hello
<mithro> duck2: Just reminding you about our GSoC Mentor+Student meeting tonight?
<mithro> duck2: Wondering how your weekly report is going?
<duck2> mithro: i'm writing the report currently, shouldn't take long
<mithro> duck2: Great!
<tpb> Title: Support MDIO with LiteEth · Issue #37 · renode/renode · GitHub (at
<mithro> duck2: When you have written it, please share it with me so I can take a look
<duck2> mithro: ok
<sf-slack2> <mgielda> @me1 thanks
acomodi has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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<tpb> Title: vtr-verilog-to-routing/physical_types.h at master · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at
<duck2> mithro: I answered in . (It sucks that google docs doesn't support code.)
<tpb> Title: - Google Docs (at
Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO
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<litghost> @hackerfoo/@elms: I've found another case where multiple FASM features need to be emitted on a mux, thinking about implementing:
<tpb> Title: gist:e67519928c3f15a3b7258c448589bfea · GitHub (at
<litghost> Thoughts?
<hackerfoo> That works.
<hackerfoo> Another more verbose option is to just use multiple lines: SLICE_FF.Q[0] : AFF.ZRST\n SLICE_FF.Q[0] : AFF.ZINI\n SLICE_FF.Q[0] : LATCH\n
<hackerfoo> It might be easier to parse.
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<elms> litghost: I'm fine with that. other option is `|` to represent ORing the features, but perhaps a list is best
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<hackerfoo> `&` would be more logical, but either could cause confusion.