Title: GitHub - HackerFoo/hackerfoo-go-functions: HackerFoos go functions (at github.com)
<acomodi> Yeah, I think that is the best way, and those scripts are very handy actually
I hope others create their own script repos that can be linked in to .go.sh, then the answer to "how do I do this?" can be "run `go something`" instead of sending scripts around.
`go sf_build something`, and then if it fails you can use `go error_command` to show the failed command, or `go retry_error_command` to run just that command again.
hackerfoo: Thanks I will have a look. Nice to see that there is a 'good first issue' label.
hackerfoo: So the title of https://github.com/SymbiFlow/yosys/issues/32 looks quite interesting but there isn't much description of what currently works and what does not.
Title: Add 8/16/32 bit widths for block RAM inference · Issue #32 · SymbiFlow/yosys · GitHub (at github.com)
<tmichalak> @mithro: no, there is no reason for CLK_HROW_TOP_R.CLK_HROW_CK_IN_R0_ACTIVE going missing for kintex. Actually there are more bits missing, this is why I opened a ticket today (https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/issues/914) to investigate the root cause
Title: Investigate missing CLK_HROW PIPs bits for Kintex and Zynq · Issue #914 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
<tmichalak> @mithro: there is no other fuzzer calculating those bits that is currently disabled, so I am kind of surprised that everything is there for Artix, but gone for Kintex or Zynq. I am pretty sure there is a small bug in the maketodo script
Title: GitHub - HackerFoo/hackerfoo-go-functions: HackerFoos go functions (at github.com)
hackerfoo: If you summarize a bit in the ticket I could give it a try. Right now I am not at all familiar with the code base but hopefully that would change.
sf-slack2: Thanks I will browse that list too!
so, `--allow_dangling_combinational_nodes on` and `--disable_errors check_unbuffered_edges:check_route` tames xc7 warnings. nice new options!