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<az0re> cool, thanks
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<jjjaaaccckkk> why reverse the 7 series and not ultrascale(+)?
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<az0re> obviously $$$
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<daveshah> Having looked at it myself, there's nothing intrinsically more complicated about UltraScale+
<daveshah> But 7-series was obviously a simpler and cheaper place to start, and much of the infrastructure would be applicable to both
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<jjjaaaccckkk> thanks. should i be good to use Vivado 2018.2? quickstart says 2017.2
<hackerfoo> jjjaaaccckkk I think fuzzing requires 2017.2
<tpb> Title: #symbiflow on 2019-09-27 — irc logs at whitequark.org (at freenode.irclog.whitequark.org)
<hackerfoo> It might be worth filing issues so we know what breaks on later versions of Vivado.
<litghost> There is already an issue
<tpb> Title: MUXF8 vivado compatibility · Issue #14 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> litghost: Do you mind if I add a link to the README?
<litghost> Sure
<litghost> It is worth noting that some of the reasons MUXF7/8 were being used can be converted to use the "BEL" attribute
<litghost> However it is likely a decent amount of work to fix this in every fuzzer
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<hackerfoo> Does anyone have an example where VPR fans out a clock before it should? I'm not sure why VPR would fan out too early after a clock buffer.
<hackerfoo> For example, I made this simple design to see where VPR might go wrong. The clock specific wires are highlighted from the BUFG to the clock sinks.
<hackerfoo> I don't see how the router could get confused and use general routing fabric after leaving a clock buffer.
<hackerfoo> Two stage routing seems to put a virtual clock source at a clock buffer, but those have to be instantiated and placed anyway, so it seems like the placer should already do what two stage clock routing would do.
<hackerfoo> I guess I could try looking at picosoc or something complicated like that with fasm2v.
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<litghost> > I don't see how the router could get confused and use general routing fabric after leaving a clock buffer.
<tpb> Title: Clock signals routed through INT tiles · Issue #1153 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
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<hackerfoo> litghost: Thanks
<litghost> hackerfoo: One thing that we want from 2 phase routing is routing of clocks connections without any other connections, and then looking the
<litghost> m
<litghost> hackerfoo: It is worth noting that the issue shown above is not going to be fixed via 2 phase routing, but instead correcting a bug in the graph import
<litghost> But it is an example of the type of failure you were seeking
<hackerfoo> If clocks just need to be routed first, it seems that assigning clock networks the maximum criticality would work.
<hackerfoo> Two stage routing seems to be a solution for a lack of explicit clock buffers.
<litghost> hackerfoo: Yes and no
<litghost> hackerfoo: Even if clocks are routed first (via sorting), they will still be eligable for ripup if they are not frozen
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<hackerfoo> I see. I don't think two stage routing is suitable, since it will only freeze up to the virtual clock network root.
<litghost> Ya
<litghost> We may need/want to implement an extension on what was commited
<hackerfoo> This seems like an easier problem to solve, since there's no need to insert a virtual root, which is what I'm stuck on.
<hackerfoo> Just route clocks, lock the routes, then route everything else.
<litghost> Ya
<litghost> There is the additional, sutabler issue of making sure the router doesn't non-dedicated networks
<litghost> But I don't think the existing VPR code has any concept of clock specific networks
<hackerfoo> I thought that's what `--clock_modeling dedicated_network` was.
<hackerfoo> VPR identifies global nets, at least.
<litghost> I'm not totally confident, but I believe that modifies the rr graph generator
<litghost> We don't use that
<litghost> We supply the rr graph
<hackerfoo> I think nets that are connected to global pins (including clocks) are marked global (read_xml_arch_file.cpp:678): PhysicalTileType->is_pin_global[pin_count] = port.is_clock || port.is_non_clock_global;
<hackerfoo> I'll have to check.
<litghost> But we never use global pins in VPR
<litghost> global pins are magic
<litghost> For example, VPR can just assume that all IPINs can be tied to 0/1
<litghost> Which obviously won't work for us
<hackerfoo> I see. So this is from VPR ignoring clocks and pretending that every clock pin is connected directly to the clock network (clock_modeling == IDEAL)?
<hackerfoo> At any rate, it shouldn't be hard to identify nets that connect to clock buffers, so I could do that first, and then later try to force them on clock specific nodes if needed.
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