[yosys-symbiflow-plugins] tmichalak opened issue #6: Travis: Add travis utility functions to for adding sections instead of echos - https://git.io/JvOuE
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<acomodi> litghost/mithro: By looking at the dcp, placement is kinda spread across many clock regions, while the minitest occupies only one + a little portion of the adjacent clock regions
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<acomodi> I wonder whether it would be worth adding a way to constrain the placer to use a specific area. I have looked through the code and it should be fairly straightforward
acomodi: The placer has a tuning parameter that changes wirelength vs timing strength
acomodi: You could try switch the placer to a heavier wirelength focus, and see what happens
<acomodi> mithro: Yeah, I am trying to get more info there, but it seems to output one path only. The `report_timing_summary` option outputs something that does not include one single timing information (there are a bunch of N/As) and blank tables
<acomodi> @mithro: Yep, the design checkpoint includes that
acomodi: Great, just checking...
<acomodi> mithro: I think that we need to include reports extraction during fasm2bels
<acomodi> I mean, when we generate the bitstream from Vivado through fasm2bels, we need also to output all the possible reports, not only the .dcp, .bit.fasm, and .bit
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I believe we might be missing "create_clocks" on some of the interior clocks
When I wrote the initial fasm2bels tcl, there was only 1 clock, no PLL, etc
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acomodi: So - you need to put the sdc file somewhere