nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
<Leslie_> so i see that a lot of phones are getting 10.2 stable builds. this means that the s2 and s3 will get stables builds soon, too, right?
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> I have no idea
<Leslie_> oh okay.
<Leslie_> so are there similarities in all 10.2 releases?
<Leslie_> like do all 10.2 run android 4.3?
<Leslie_> okay, my dad just came home. his phone is rooted, since it has superuse on it
<Leslie_> what should i do from here
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<frankdrey> Leslie_, yes, they all are 4.3
<frankdrey> Leslie_, check what it's running
<frankdrey> in settings > about
<Leslie_> okay
<Leslie_> build number: i9300zsalg3
<Leslie_> unknown baseband
<Leslie_> kernal version: 3.0.8-611599-user se.infra@sep-103 #1 smp preempt tue may 22 22:58:12 KST 2012
<frankdrey> that's stock 4.0.4
<frankdrey> ok, find out if it has a custom recovery
<Leslie_> hm. give me a second
<Leslie_> powering the phone off turned it back on immediately for some reason
<frankdrey> o.o
<Leslie_> hm. how do i check if i have a custom recovery
<Leslie_> i just tried to get into it by holding power, volume and home
<Leslie_> but it did not work
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> try the other volume
<Leslie_> do i hold all 3 buttons until recovery comes up
<Leslie_> or do i hold it until it vibrates
<Leslie_> okay i got it
<Leslie_> hold all 3 until it vibrates, then release power button
<Leslie_> cwm-based recovery
<frankdrey> nice
<frankdrey> custom recovery
<Leslie_> should i install another custom recovery?
<frankdrey> hold up, lemme check if that's good one
<Leslie_> i've never really liked the cwm-based stuff
<frankdrey> !device i9300
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<Leslie_> k
<frankdrey> cwm is recommended for cm
<frankdrey> and that's kinda old
<frankdrey> guide has
<frankdrey> if you want, you can flash twrp or whatever recovery you like :P
<frankdrey> just make sure it doesn't suck xD
<rhcp> is acre on irc any place?
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<Leslie_> aren't touch recoveries like paid or something?
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<rhcp> they are all paid
<rhcp> unless you know where to get it from
<rhcp> or use twrp
<rhcp> which is free
<DuperMan> compile it
<rhcp> you cant compile touch
<rhcp> closed source
<DuperMan> rly?
<frankdrey> what?
<rhcp> Yep really
<frankdrey> touch recoveries paid?
<frankdrey> wtf?
<rhcp> yea
<rhcp> koush has it paid
<frankdrey> that's bullsh...
<rhcp> duh
<rhcp> how you think he gets his yachts
<rhcp> magic?
<frankdrey> oh >.>
<frankdrey> that's for the installer app
<rhcp> no
<DuperMan> blowing schmidt
<rhcp> the recovery itself as well
<Leslie_> oh, is twrp a differnt version of touch recovery?
<rhcp> unless you know where to look
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> team win
<frankdrey> but either way, cwm touch is uggggglllly
<frankdrey> TWRP
<frankdrey> ftw
<rhcp> just go here
<DuperMan> sorry rhcp. had to vent :)
<frankdrey> yeah ^
<rhcp> its cool DuperMan
<Leslie_> oh
<rhcp> just install twrp
<Leslie_> touch recoveries are ugly
<Leslie_> LOL
<rhcp> make a new backup
<rhcp> since twrp doesnt support cwm
<rhcp> and back and forth
<Leslie_> hm
<DuperMan> they're counterproductive. make me afraid when it's backing up all the things in me pocket
<Leslie_> what's the best reocvery?
<Leslie_> generally speaking
<DuperMan> *don't judge me)
<Leslie_> i thought cwm was the best
<Leslie_> or cwm just works. something like that
<frankdrey> TWRP is beautiful
<Leslie_> haha
<Leslie_> i like the simplicity of non touch recoveries
<frankdrey> i don't know of any non touch recoveries other than cwm...
<DuperMan> touchwiz recovery platform:D
<frankdrey> unless we're back in 2008
<frankdrey> amon_ra
<frankdrey> :D
<Leslie_> should i upgrade my recovery by downloading rom manager and using whatever that app recommends?
<rhcp> Just get the app
<rhcp> from playstore
<frankdrey> Leslie_, nonono just flash from download mode :P
<rhcp> and click install open recovery
<rhcp> done
<frankdrey> do it the l33t way
<Leslie_> hahahaa
<DuperMan> I want ART but what'sapp's a bitch
<DuperMan> :(
<Leslie_> so using .img files requires download mode?
<DuperMan> for you? yeah
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<Leslie_> okay, ima do it the noob way and use rom manager
<Leslie_> hahahaha
<Leslie_> :P
<DuperMan> oh no! you're doing things as instructed! -_-
<Leslie_> hahaha
<Leslie_> well, i9300 is not even supported by rom manager
<Leslie_> wellll
<Leslie_> this is awk
<DuperMan> it isn't? meh. n7100 is:D
<Leslie_> hmmmm
<Leslie_> using rom manager, i rebooted into recovery and now i cant turn my phone on
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<frankdrey> hold power for at least 10 seconds
<Leslie_> i've tried
<Leslie_> might have bricked it
<Leslie_> :/
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<frankdrey> O.o
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> Leslie_, nonono just flash from download mode :P <- I am not responsible :p
<Leslie_> i know
<Leslie_> but do you know what i can do now?
<frankdrey> I don't sure the battery isn't dead?
<frankdrey> plug it in
<Leslie_> i have it plugged in
<Leslie_> when i have the battery out, holding the power button for 10 seconds makes the red notification light turn on
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<frankdrey> O.o
<frankdrey> can you get it in download mode?
<Leslie_> nope
<Leslie_> black screen
<Leslie_> no vibrations or anything that a phone would normally do when power button is clicked
<frankdrey> that's no good
<invalid_> !device d710
<bbqbot> invalid_: Unknown device d710
<invalid_> !supported
<bbqbot> invalid_: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<invalid_> Got a d710 and the latest nightly; after encryption mobile service doesn't work
<invalid_> tried like 10 baseband zips through cwm
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<invalid_> any steps I should try before wiping and reinstalling?
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<frankdrey> Leslie_, did you get the phone to boot?
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<DuperMan> lol frankdrey. epic sentence!
* DuperMan thinks "Leslie... did you get the phone, to boot?" as the last utterance of the hero's in a james bond/jason bourne type flick
<Leslie_> nah
<Leslie_> the phone's still dead
<Leslie_> i contacted samsung support and its still under warranty so ima ship it in
<frankdrey> :9
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<invalid2> definitely repeatable behavior
<invalid2> start with a rooted d710 and install the latest nightly, then encrypt
<invalid2> radio stops working
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<invalid2> any ideas?
<rhcp> dont encrypt?
<invalid2> :(
<rhcp> worth a try
<invalid2> Oh it definitely works without encryption
<invalid2> everything except encryption
<rhcp> see i solved your issue and i dont even know the device
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> next
<invalid2> :|
<invalid2> is there a list I can get it onto? it's the samsung galaxy s2 sprint model
<invalid2> I don't have permission to post to the CM forums
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<Leslie_> alright frank. i appreciate your help
<Leslie_> i'm getting off now
<Leslie_> ty ;)
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<ljzyal> hello, anyone know the cpboot-daemon?
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<dtr_> why there are no stable rom cm10.2 for I9100G?
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<klo11> anyone here ?
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<mitja> hi
<mitja> i just instaled the last cm 11 (unoficial) and the sim card is not recognized
<n-iCe> unnoficial
<n-iCe> not supported
<mitja> is there any way to fix thaT
<n-iCe> awa
<n-iCe> anyway, remove battery, remove sim, for 40 seconds, put them back, turn on device
<mitja> thanx =) gonna try that now
<mitja> nothing but thanx anaway =)
<n-iCe> theen
<n-iCe> check APN's
<n-iCe> and network carriers
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<JTHolyfield> Hi, i am trying to install cm on my samsung g2 sgh i777, but dont know where to start!
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<Ravenheart> PATIENCE
<Ravenheart> is a virtue they say
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<SlowMoe> Hi, noob here trying to learn to build cm11 for the i9300. I did the . build/, and when i want to brunch , i get 'make: *** No rule to make target `bacon'. Stop.' What am i missing ?
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<app32> !supported
<bbqbot> app32: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<app32> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> app32: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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