nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<raed> hello
<raed> im a newbie
<raed> please forgive me for dumb things that i might ask
<raed> i have a samsung tablet 10.2 model 5110
<raed> and i want to change my model type so i can view my tablet on my tv through hdml cables
<raed> can anyone suggest ways for this to be done
<raed> or if it can be done at all \
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<raed> sorry its a model type 5100
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> I know that tablet pretty well but I'm not sure what you want
<frankdrey> Why doesn't HDMI work right now?
<frankdrey> raed ^
<frankdrey> Do you have the galaxy tab HDMI adapter?
<raed> i do have the adpater
<raed> but no option to change in settings that the later model has
<raed> the 5113 has the option in settings to allow to view on TV or plasm using adapter and hdmi cables
<frankdrey> i doubt that...
<frankdrey> the only difference 5113 has is IR
<raed> whats IR
<frankdrey> 5110/5113 = 5110 without data
<frankdrey> InfraRed
<raed> ok
<frankdrey> TV remote control -type thing
<frankdrey> are you running CM?
<raed> well now you know of 2 differences
<raed> CM ???
<frankdrey> wait wait wait
<frankdrey> damn, samsung
<frankdrey> why would you do that?
<frankdrey> nope, no hdmi on that one
<raed> im running kernel version
<raed> :(
<raed> ok so reverting back to my original question
<raed> can i change the model type
<raed> or update operating system to allow hdmi cables
<frankdrey> I think it's a hardware thing
<frankdrey> I'm reading about it, hold up
<raed> okies
<raed> thank you
<frankdrey> yup, it's hardware
<frankdrey> those lying samsung bastards
<raed> so it cant be changed or reconfigured
<frankdrey> nope
<raed> thats shit
<frankdrey> yup
<raed> why do they do that for
<frankdrey> samsung sucks, don't ever buy samsung again
<raed> now you tell me :)
<frankdrey> Nexus, LG, Sony :P
<raed> oh well
<frankdrey> heh
<raed> im thinking nexus
<raed> thank you for your time
<frankdrey> dunno if it has hdmi out but at least they'll be HONEST
<frankdrey> mhm :p
<raed> true
<frankdrey> yes
<frankdrey> microHDMI
<frankdrey> Nexus 10
<raed> nexus does support hdmi cables
<raed> :)
<frankdrey> 2012 n7 no, but 2013 n7 has mhl out
<raed> does it allow sim card
<frankdrey> i think only n7
<raed> cool
<raed> well thanks again for your time
<frankdrey> but google doesn't sell that model :(
<frankdrey> only tmobile/at&t do
<raed> of course not
<raed> im in australia
<frankdrey> wait wait
<frankdrey> nvm
<frankdrey> they do...
<raed> so im sure my options are even less
<raed> ahhh
<frankdrey> does that work in australia?
<raed> it does
<raed> wow that looks Ok
<frankdrey> cool, but remember n7 is smaller
<raed> i was just going to say
<raed> 10 inch would be nicer
<raed> now im sounding like my wife
<frankdrey> xDDDDDD
<hyperair> is it safe to get a replacement galaxy s3 board on ebay?
<hyperair> i'm not going to end up with some weird cloned galaxy s3 board, am i?
<frankdrey> hyperair, it depends :p
<frankdrey> as does everything on ebay
<hyperair> =\
<hyperair> depends on what?
<frankdrey> hyperair, seller
<frankdrey> you do know that's not a full board...
<hyperair> hmmm
<raed> no
<hyperair> that's all i need, i think
<frankdrey> it's almost bare
<frankdrey> can you solder?
<hyperair> i can, as long as it's nothing SMD.
<hyperair> what's missing?
<frankdrey> everything
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> look at the pics
<hyperair> no i mean i've plucked out the board from my galaxy s3 already, and it looks more or less like that.
<hyperair> without desoldering anything
<frankdrey> hmm
<hyperair> i fried my microUSB port recently
<hyperair> electrically, not physically
<hyperair> so the bunch of stuff controlling charging is garbled
<frankdrey> To me it looks like this doesn't even have CPU
<hyperair> uh crap
<hyperair> now that you mention it..
<hyperair> (also the data side of things is also screwed)
<hyperair> i sent it to some shop where the guy replaced the microUSB port and it still didn't work.
* hyperair sighs
<frankdrey> probably doesn't even have the fried charge control chips
<hyperair> wat
<frankdrey> this replacement board
<hyperair> shit.
<frankdrey> they expect you to resolder your old chips
<hyperair> bleh
<hyperair> in that case it's probably not what i'm looking for i guess.
<frankdrey> nope :p
<frankdrey> mainboards are usually at least $90 from my experience
<hyperair> ugh
<frankdrey> but i dunno about s3
<hyperair> the guy was gonna charge me S$160 to replace the board.
* hyperair shall live with an external battery charger and a spare battery
<hyperair> and wait the next few months until it's time for recontracting my mobile plan
<frankdrey> orrrr get a nexus 5 :D
<hyperair> true that, but it's not available here.
<hyperair> need to jump through some hoops to get it
<hyperair> and i think it amounts to S$500 in the end.
<hyperair> :
<hyperair> :/
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<hyperair> i wonder if there's anything i can do to reset the charging controller..
<hyperair> what's /sys/class/power_supply/battery/factory_mode?
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<mic87xp1> hi
<mic87xp1> Can i do a question about Cyanogenmod 10.2 for Samsung p5100?
<mic87xp1> !changelog p5100
<bbqbot> mic87xp1: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1:
<mic87xp1> !device p5100
<bbqbot> mic87xp1: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1:
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<zhujrai> hi
<zhujrai> how to avoid the problem with EFS or IMEI 00000?
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<Sushi> Hi there, is the i9100g model handled here ? ^^
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<frankdrey> Sushi
<frankdrey> !device i9100g
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<Sushi> I've encountered an issue with the flash app crashing with a SIGEV
<Sushi> with nightly:
<Sushi> 10.2
<Sushi> Am I missing something (firmware update maybe?) or is something else broken ? ^^
<Sushi> I made a sample torch app a while ago that still works fine
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<waratte> !device n3310
<bbqbot> waratte: Unknown device n3310
<waratte> :(
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<zhujrai> hi
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<matze_> hello all
<matze_> I am trying to install CM 11 on my Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE from, but when I choose to install it I get an error that my device is a "m0". Can anybody help me?
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<drumdude9403_> can anybody see this?
<drumdude9403_> I've actually never used IRC before
<chadouming> nope
<drumdude9403_> haha thanks
<drumdude9403_> so anyways, I'm trying to install CM onto my s4 (AT&T) and no matter what I do, I can't seem to get it to work and I can't find any resource online to help me do it. Is there a guide somewhere?
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<drumdude9403_> does anybody know?
<RossWell98> frankdrey ?
<drumdude9403_> what?
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> what means "Pres" ? D:
chadouming is now known as wifi
<RossWell98> wifi: dude, this name is reserved
<wifi> yup, by me.
<frankdrey> Pres?
<frankdrey> Context?
<drumdude9403_> what is going on
<drumdude9403_> lol who are you talking to?
<frankdrey> RossWell98
<RossWell98> blbl
<frankdrey> And you sir...
<RossWell98> frankdrey: In a music
<frankdrey> What model drum dude?
<RossWell98> "BLABLA pres. MASHINTRUC"
<frankdrey> Ross, no idea
<RossWell98> fuck :/
<drumdude9403_> haha ok sorry. I'm using jflteatt
<drumdude9403_> on version JDQ39.I337UCUAMF3
<frankdrey> !device jflteatt
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Unknown device jflteatt
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<RossWell98> blbl
<RossWell98> what's this device?
<drumdude9403_> RossWell98 it's the galaxy s4 for at&t
<RossWell98> oh
<drumdude9403_> i didn't think it would be this hard to install CM
<drumdude9403_> is it just the s4 that is this hard or what?
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<RossWell98> drumdude9403_: this device have not already a tree ?
<frankdrey> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<RossWell98> ah but he's already oin CM
<frankdrey> probably unofficial
<drumdude9403_> what do you mean?
<RossWell98> nope
<frankdrey> o.o
<frankdrey> bbqbot sucks
<RossWell98> YA frankdrey !
<RossWell98> :D
<RossWell98> yeah, a bot made by nebkat
<frankdrey> !device p5110
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1(Wifi):
<RossWell98> you see ...
<frankdrey> :D
<RossWell98> good
<RossWell98> drumdude9403_: so what's your problem?
<frankdrey> drumdude9403_: "how to install" link on that page
<RossWell98> :)
<drumdude9403_> RossWell98: if you click on that, you'll notice that there is a line that says if you're running JDQ39.I337UCUAMF3, then go to some other link
<drumdude9403_> well that other link only roots it for you
<drumdude9403_> but that's it
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> i don't think you can get cm on your version then
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<RossWell98> HEYYY
<RossWell98> I don't understand
<RossWell98> what is this version story ?
<RossWell98> YOu flash the recovery
<RossWell98> and go
<RossWell98> no?
<drumdude9403_> at&t/samsung messed with the bootloader so booting to recovery mode is really difficult
<drumdude9403_> RossWell98: but I was finally able to do it because of Safestrap
<drumdude9403_> but now that i'm in the TRWP recovery, I can install the CM zip
<drumdude9403_> and I can't create a new rom_slot because TRWP says I only have 12mb of space, but when I boot the stock rom, it says I have 8.97GB of space on my device. and I also have an external SD card, where the .zips are located
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> so you have recovery
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> RossWell98: basically samsung is asshole
<drumdude9403_> yes, I just got it about 5min ago lol
<frankdrey> drumdude9403_: I dunno anything about this new weird shit
<frankdrey> next phone, don't buy samsung, problem solved
<drumdude9403_> frankdrey: yep! i really don't like samsung right now
<frankdrey> lol
<drumdude9403_> frankdrey: i have probably spent 14 out of the past 24 hours working on this thing
<frankdrey> :(
<frankdrey> if it makes you feel better, I have been doing calculus for a few hours :D
<frankdrey> and my best device is a garminfone :p
<RossWell98> OH PLEASE
<RossWell98> You can't update to 4.0 ! D:
<frankdrey> RossWell98: I can't update past 2.1 :(
<RossWell98> normally you can go to 4.4
<frankdrey> :o
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> "apparently" the 4.4 is light
<frankdrey> still 512mb minimum
<frankdrey> and only on ram, not cpu
<frankdrey> this has 600mhz cpu and 256mb ram
<RossWell98> 600mhz is ok ! :O
<RossWell98> try ^^
<frankdrey> my g1 ran at 610mhz :p
<frankdrey> single core, remember
<RossWell98> ah but you have a kernel who support more than 2.1? :D
<drumdude9403_> lulz
<RossWell98> ..
<frankdrey> no?
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<RossWell98> Signe core :/
<frankdrey> did you expect more than 1 core? xD
<RossWell98> I remember my first CPU was a sigle core with 700MHz
<RossWell98> so
<RossWell98> are you fuckin kiddin me ?
<RossWell98> I ran windows XP ! :O
<RossWell98> with a signel core + 700MHz
<RossWell98> And you can't run android ?
<RossWell98> Nah I know the CPU type, model etc should be specified :P
<RossWell98> but you have what phone for now ?
<RossWell98> always your "garminfone" ?
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> i have a g1 laying around too
<RossWell98> G1 ?
<frankdrey> htc dream
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