nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<chiefsfootball> hi, im currently having an issue after updating to 10.2.0-d2tmo
<chiefsfootball> i no longer have wireless signal or data connectivity
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<hackhalo2> !supported
<bbqbot> hackhalo2: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<hackhalo2> well that was less informative then I thought it would be
<hackhalo2> is the Epic 4G still supported?
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<hackhalo2> better yet, is it possible to flash CM 10.2 to it, or is it being worked on?
<hackhalo2> because I ordered two of them to replace the pos Huawei Activa 4G my girlfried and I got
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<testosticore> hello
<testosticore> teamhacksung
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<testosticore> Does anyone know how to get the SIM Toolkit app on the app drawer for cm10.1-i9300?
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<testosticore> oes anyone know how to get the SIM Toolkit app on the app drawer for cm10.1-i9300?
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<floid66> Hello Supporters, got a Problem after using the Last CM Nighly Build from Yesterday, i´m using an S3 as Device, System hangs on Samsung Boot Screen, Recovery is no more possible (gone away)
<floid66> may somebody help me ?
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<srg> !supported
<bbqbot> srg: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<srg> !device galaxy s2
<bbqbot> srg: Unknown device galaxy
<srg> !device s2
<bbqbot> srg: Unknown device s2
<srg> !device samsung
<bbqbot> srg: Unknown device samsung
<srg> Hey guys. I'm looking to get a Samsung Galaxy S II. I'll be using the T-Mobile network in the US.
<srg> I know T-Mobile has their own version that differs from the "international" version. They use a 'snapdragon' processer, not exynos, because the exynos isn't compatable with t-mobiles HSPA network.
<srg> I'm just wondering if I get the t-mobile version, will CM11 work with it? The T-mobile version is labeled SGH-T989.
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<jomp16> !device hercules
<bbqbot> jomp16: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (TMO):
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<jomp16> nebkat, am I correct?
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<DuperMan> hola
<DuperMan> nebkat? sup u ol dawg?
<nebkat> DuperMan: hey ma favorite jew
<nebkat> DuperMan: i was on a hillwalk today
<DuperMan> hehe careful, imma reading how they caughtured eichmann
* DuperMan jew-glares, to no great effect. a depressingly perfection execution of the jew-glare
<DuperMan> fu**. why? how was? I was just discussing how doing same for free mescalin won't be worth it this night:)
* jomp16 commits suicide
<nebkat> DuperMan: did I tell you about that holocaust memorial 2 weeks ago?
<nebkat> the israeli embassy organized it as part of some israeli film festival here
<nebkat> my school was there
<DuperMan> perfect execution. I had some slav in my foreigner english
<DuperMan> nopes. hmmm... was it at all effective on those of feeble sense?
<DuperMan> that is to say, was anybody daft enough to not care in the first place affected?
<nebkat> there was an auschwitz survivor talking to us
<nebkat> then we watched some weird-ass movie
<DuperMan> brb, need coffee. Israel had a mild european downpour and it probably made the news worldwide xD
<DuperMan> best thing about the holocaust, very little faith left in the vast majority of it's survivors. can't imagine a sane movie about it :) bbia-jiffy
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<DuperMan> I switched to art again. is good
<srg> jomp16: Yeah, that. So the answer is no, CM11 wont work with t-mobile's version of the Galaxy 2, only the international version, correct?
<jomp16> srg, well, S2 T-Mobile is hercules, and this device has a CM11 build...
<srg> Oh! Ok, I see. Sorry.
<srg> So the STABLE version is only 10.2. But there is a nightly CM11 build in progress for the t-mobile version
<jomp16> Yep
<srg> It's just not stable yet
<srg> awesome!
<srg> My first smartphone, surprisingly.
<jomp16> Read the CM wiki, about how to flash CM, check info (what is working and what not), etc
<srg> Yep, I will
<srg> I've been doing a lot
* srg excited now
<srg> thanks
<jomp16> My first Android device is GT-I5500, my second and current Android phone is my Nexus 4
<DuperMan> srg, the smart thing would be to ask jomp16 to slap you
<srg> lol, why's that?
<DuperMan> no offense, just pointing out he neglected to mention all cm11 targets are not stable atm
<DuperMan> and at nightly status at best
<srg> Ah. A couple are? On the 'Devices' page?
<DuperMan> they are?
<jomp16> DuperMan, he only asked CM11
<DuperMan> link xD
<jomp16> not about stable or what
<srg> seems to be at least. That's what I was going by, the 'devices' page, then select only CM11 phones
<srg> 10 phones show up
<DuperMan> srg, I think you were on different wavelengths - not noticably so, but I love nitpicking
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> ** shouldv'e been jomp16:
<DuperMan> lol. good catch srg
<DuperMan> the wiki is misleading - probably someone was overzealous to go FIRST about some phones RUNNING CM11
<DuperMan> but it's stable for none afaik and as far as I can see
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<RossWell98> HELLO !
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