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diegoviola has joined #teamhacksung-support
<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> so
<diegoviola> i installed cm 10.2 on my nexus 4
<diegoviola> some people in #Cyanogenmod are saying that formatting /system is wrong
<diegoviola> but i did that anyway, before flashing the rom
<diegoviola> do i have to go back to aosp and then reflash cm again without formatting /system?
<diegoviola> what about cache, is that fine to wipe too?
<diegoviola> i wiped cache and data
<diegoviola> factory reset
<diegoviola> did i do anything wrong?
<diegoviola> please advice
<diegoviola> thanks
<pero> formatting means you've deleted everything
<pero> _everything_
<diegoviola> i formatted /system
<diegoviola> wiped data and cache
<diegoviola> and then flashed cm 10.2 and gapps
<diegoviola> is that fine?
<pero> is it?
<diegoviola> i don;t know
<diegoviola> i don't know*
<pero> didn't you do it?
<diegoviola> did what?
<diegoviola> i did what i said above
<pero> and you don't know?
<chieftex> how do we get into #cyanogenmod anyway
<diegoviola> pero: i did that, and i know what i did, i just don't know why some people in #Cyanogenmod act like it's wrong to format /system
<pero> it might be unnecessary
<pero> maybe
<diegoviola> what about wiping data
<diegoviola> is that safe?
<diegoviola> data and cache
<diegoviola> pero: unnecessary because the ROM already does that?
<pero> they answered you already
<pero> i'm in #cyanogen
<diegoviola> yes
<diegoviola> but what about data and cache
<pero> so why are you asking again
<diegoviola> sorry
<diegoviola> but is it safe to wipe data/cache
<diegoviola> cache partition
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<pero> why don't you figure out what each of that stuff does
<diegoviola> ok
<pero> and/or the answer to your question
<MUSSE_> hi
<pero> because it should be really easy-to-attain information
<pero> and self explanatory
<MUSSE_> i need help
<diegoviola> ok so it's safe apparently
<diegoviola> Jesus, so many trolls in many channels these days
<MUSSE_> i need help whit mi s2
<MUSSE_> please
<MUSSE_> i want to install cm
<MUSSE_> and my hp pavilion doesnt detec mi s2
<chieftex> i didnt know there was an lte s2
<chieftex> interesting
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<MUSSE_> there isnt a solution for my problem
<MUSSE_> when i connect the S2 via usb the phone charge but
<pero> there is a solution to your problem
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<pero> and it's in that thread
<pero> i see it
* chieftex sees it too
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> so cm 10.2 is flashed on my nexus 4 now, but wi-fi is not connecting, i add my password but it won't even try to connect
<diegoviola> any ideas what could be wrong?
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<Finno> Hey guys, im running the i9305 unoffical, and cant get any carrier connection - im in Australia which might explain it. seaching network finds nothing.
<Curly-Brace> helloi
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> cm 10.2 doesn't work with wi-fi in my nexus 4
<diegoviola> but aosp stock 4.3 works
<diegoviola> wtf could be wrong?
<diegoviola> :(
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<AeadyBoy> How to downgrade 4.2.2 to 4.1.2 on samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0?
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<pero> so, i'm flashing the stock rom via heimdall on my gn3 - can i omit the recovery partition from the flash?
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<pero> what
<pero> what's sdi.mbn in samsung stock firmware? and where do i flash it?
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<starfly> Hi All, since I flash the latest CM10.2 nightly, I can not use "Profile" to control Mobile Data
<starfly> Is this a known issue ?
<starfly> It's only Mobile data can not control by Profile changed, the others such WiFi still can control by Profile changed.
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<Fissurez> nebkat yes
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<nes> Has anyone else had the issue of root not working neither with ART or dalvik?
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<saykyo> hello everyone, I was hoping someone could explain to me why is going over 75% vibration intesity not recommended on a samsung i9300 ? #cyanogenmod suggests that this is only due to the general un-necessity and battery considerations
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<Devourz> saykyo
<Devourz> becasue of batter drain
<Devourz> what else there would be to it
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> dont think you can like set it on fire or vibrate it to another dimension
<Devourz> lol
<bisby> does anyone know of a kernel that doesnt have WiFi issues on the S4 (tmobile, specifically)
<saykyo> Devourz: thanks, I was just worried about somehow damaging the internals with a high setting
<Devourz> yeah that would suck balls
<Devourz> if it was the case
<Devourz> selfdestruct feature
<Devourz> set vibrate intesity to 100%
<Devourz> xD
<Devourz> lower price and then sell it to minorities
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<saykyo> indeed
<saykyo> all right, bye and thanks for all the fish :-)
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<nebkat> Fissurez:
<Fissurez> hai
<nebkat> Hello nebkat,
<nebkat> Thank you.
<nebkat> Your file smokeweedeveryday.swf was approved and is now availabe at
<nebkat> Fissurez:
<nebkat> I AM SO HAPPY
<Fissurez> ....
<nebkat> Fissurez: no comment eh?
<nebkat> :P
<Fissurez> >.>
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<RossWell98> Olala nebkat is so happy
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<n-iCe> hi
<RossWell98> HI n-iCe
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<jrr_> kitkat ne good on s3 lte
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<fishxz> a dev here i can show some logs? :)
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<nebkat> fishxz: just post the logs
<fishxz> its a bundle
<fishxz> of few logs. but i think its only needed to see one if them
<fishxz> *of
<fishxz> and the log is about ril crashes. crashes i need to restart the phone to get it back
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<arash> anyone there?
<arash> I just installed CM using cm installer
<arash> on sgs3
<arash> and wifi is connected, ip address is aquired but wifi bars are gray and no data
<fishxz> u tried restart ur phone?
<arash> yes
<arash> even installed CM again
<pero> how can i change which CSC from a multi-csc package is being used without booting into the OS?
<arash> wifi is wpa2 psk
<arash> is this a known issue?
<arash> i could not find any solution by googling yet
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<arash> any sgs3 user here?
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